Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
Whatever, it just seems like there's a lot of pride in being ignorant carnivore, especially in white heterosexual men.
I think it's cliche and overused, and yet I still laugh at those kinds of jokes. I don't have an undying loyalty to meat, but I did eat bacon this morning, so it came to mind.

I think vegetarianism has the potential to be attractive if you're informed about it or you make it interesting in some way. The other week this guy told me that he was vegetarian because of some vaguely hinted to episode where he got sick over meat. Apparently he couldn't talk about it clearly in the moment; he just alluded to a harrowing experience that I never actually got to hear about, then proceeded to talk about how he much he loved cheese pizza. I don't want to judge because I love cheese pizza too, but I always thought that somehow vegetarianism was a bit analogous to rejection of uniformed bestiality/animal nature, that to refuse meat you somehow became a bit above the ways of the food chain..and imo to unabashedly guzzle cheese pizza is as good of a show of uninhibited bestiality as anything.