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Thread: great paragraphs from what you're reading

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  1. #11


    That first brush with Hollywood was instructive in good ways and bad. A studio executive on the film insisted that the characters played by Cruise and Demi Moore sleep together. Sorkin strongly disagreed, arguing that these two young lawyers are in way over their heads on the murder case and would be doing nothing but working. "The note I got from the studio executive was, 'If Tom and Demi aren't going to sleep together, why's Demi a woman?' " he reveals now. "I think about that note when I read about some one wondering why we never see Molly with a boyfriend. No one ever asked why Brad Pitt didn't have a girlfriend in Moneyball.
    Last edited by Kalinoche buenanoche; 05-10-2020 at 08:37 AM.

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