"Consciousness is not dependent upon form, as I have said, and yet it always seeks to
create form. We do not exist in any time framework as you know it. Minutes, hours, or
years have lost both their meaning and their fascination. We are quite aware of the time
situations within other systems, however, and we must take them into account in our
communications. Otherwise what we say would not be understood.

There are no real barriers to separate the systems of which I speak. The only
separation is brought about by the varying abilities of personalities to perceive and
manipulate. You exist in the midst of many other systems of reality, for example, but
you do not perceive them. And even when some event intrudes from these systems into
your own three dimensional existence, you are not able to interpret it, for it is distorted
by the very fact of entry.

I told you that we do not experience your time sequence. We travel through various
intensities. Our work, development, and experience
all takes place within what I term the "moment point." Here, within the moment
point, the smallest thought is brought to fruition, the slightest possibility explored, the
probabilities thoroughly examined, the least or the most forceful feeling entertained. It
is difficult to explain this clearly, and yet the moment point is the framework within
which we have our psychological experience. Within it, simultaneous actions follow
"freely" through associative patterns. For example, pretend that I think of you, Joseph.
In so doing I immediately experience - and fully - your past, present, and future (in your
terms) , and all of those strong or determining emotions and motivations that have ruled
you. I can travel through those experiences with you, if I choose. We can follow a
consciousness through all of its forms, for example, and in your terms, within the
flicker of an eye. "