I think my title pretty much summed everything up, maybe? Anyway, I was recruited from perN, so I'm sure I know a few of you that venture over there every once and a while? Maybe? Maybe not. This will probably be short because I'm about to go out* for the first time in a few weeks. I guess a little about myself?

I'm ENTP in mbti/jcf/kfc and a 7 in Enneagram (probably the system I'm most familiar with.) I'm from the southeast USA, but currently am residing in NE England. I'm 22, yes, said that. I'm a grad student! Working on a masters that involves archaeology and human bones, so yeah. Let's seee.....Oh, and I'm sort-of dating an SEI (ISFJ/4w3) which I hear is pretty cool because of duality?

Buuut yeah. If anyone wants to ask anything go ahead. If not, I'm sure I'll start posting once I get back this evening.

*“He had noticed that events were cowards: they didn't occur singly, but instead they would run in packs and leap out at him all at once.”-Neil Gaiman, Neverwhere