My best friend is ESFJ, right? She completely freaks out if she's late for something or something's not going her way or the way she planned. Awful, awful temper. Around her, I'm like laid-back, what's the rush, I'm always late for her even though with others, I'm almost always early, isn't that funny, like I want to purposely piss her off, haha, anyway, when she freaks out about schedule, I just give her an odd look like huh? calm down, it's not important.

But with my ENFP friend (I think she is ENFP, def P though) I'll be like, hurry up, move it, we're gonna be late, check the time, where are we going...


My relationship with ESTPs are kinda weird, I luvvvv them but they drive me insane, their whole sex sex sex thing which leads me to believe that I'm their conflict which makes a lot of sense. I have a sort of maternal feeling toward them.

With them, I'll probably become more J.
With ESTJs, I'll probably become more P. I'll totally resent it if they tell me to get more organized, clean up, etc, whatever they do.

I'm def N. I'm def I. I'm def F.

I didn't think I'm INFJ because INFJs are describled as orderly and systematic and etc and I was like, eeeww, noo. I pride myself in thinking outside of the traditional system.

I don't have a bad temper especially with people who don't know me well. When I'm in a bad mood, I am very very quiet and if you push me when I'm in that mood, I may say something mean and grumpy. My best friend knows whenever I'm in a grumpy mood.

Oh, I checked out the relations between INFJ and people in my life and it's more accurate than those if I'm INFP.
