Do you see signs of yourself in the following?

The Genius individual survives by assuming states of readiness for action.
The Genius avoids making decisions of their own, instead allowing their
functions to freely interact with the world irregardless of any specific
aim or ambition. The Genius follows a path of least social resistance,
observing the trends of their environment and setting themselves
in place to interact with them. The Genius carefully positions themselves
in position to exploit opportunities afforded to them as they become
available, allowing their functions to postpone action until the moment
of greatest potential is realized. When this moment arrives the Genius
springs into action fully prepared. To bystanders the execution of this
action for which the Genius had prepared themselves unawares to others may
seem unusually skillful and extraordinary. If they had just looked a bit
closer at their own relations with the Genius, however, they would have
perceived that the Genius had long been preparing for just this moment
through every interaction between themselves and the Genius. Indeed, an
investigation of all interactions between the Genius and his peers would
reveal that the Genius had paid careful attention to their judgements and
patterns of action, and had worked hard to find a middle ground for himself
that would be acceptable to all parties. Peering into the observed readiness
patterns of his peers, the Genius perceived the points of dissonance between
them and prepared a solution that, although difficult for his peers to
understand, was exactly what the situation called for systematically: the
genius introduces a new state of readiness compatible with all previous
readiness states.

Often appearing poised to do something, the Genius is easily discernable
from non-Geniuses from their relentless emphasis on readying themselves
for opportunities and the remarkably mechanical, systematic nature by
which they will exploit these opportunities. When executing an action that
they are adept at performing, they may perform it too well, often out of
sync with the expectations of their peers. These actions may seem oddly
synthetic and of artificial or contrived origin. Although empathic Geniuses
exist, they are governed by their relationships with people and things and
may act profoundly unemotively when enacting an oft-rehersed state of]