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Thread: 16TA Official Class List Thread

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Default 16TA Official Class List Thread

    NOTE: This power list is mainly for the Novel/Books only. (currently updated for Volume 2 powers , that I unlocked in the 5th chapter.) Video game powers will be somewhat different. So please do not let that confuse you!

    If you're not included on this list, please tell me what class you want to be, and we will work on your powers together. I will 'streamline' whatever you choose, making the power level accurate and more balanced with the greater whole.

    Sam: Shaman [Levitation, Empathy (absorb other people's powers), Healing]

    Krae: Shaman [Conjure Portal, Water Magic, Anti-American Rant (weakens other's powers)]

    Dolphin: Water Mage [Water Magic, Fire Magic, Empathetic Reflection (bounce back other magic)]

    ScarletLuv: Fire Mage [Fire Magic, ?, ?]

    Maritsa: Berserker [Berserk, ?, ?]

    Aiss: Ice Mage [Ice Magic, Tomb of Ice (crowd controls by encasing an enemy in a block of ice), Snow Blanket (a shield that cushions people from attacks)]

    Vero: Electric Mage [Lightning Magic, Telekinesis, Teleportation]

    GuavaDrunk: Electric Mage [Lightning Magic, Dark Magic, Wind Magic]

    Steve: Bard [Pussy Melt (debuffs/crowd controls one enemy by turning them into a weak, insecure middle-class pussy, Disney Romance (charms foes), Jazz Up (buffs allies)]

    Woofwoofl: Bard [Surf (surfs upward over enemies, avoiding attacks and debuffing whoever you ride over), Woof Song (buffs up everybody's powers), Earth Magic]

    Akra: Bard [???]

    Nick/strrrng: Rogue [Stealth, Super Strength, Self-Teleport]

    Gilly: Jester [Drop Anvil, Fire Magic, Juggle Shield]

    Discojoe: Warlock [Fire Magic, Dark Magic, Debuffing]

    Ashton: Death Knight [Super Strength, Debuffing (includes negative status effects like darkness/poison and the like), Super Speed]

    Nanashi: Enchantress (aka magic rogue)[Super Strength, Enchanting, ?]

    Director Abbie: Paladin [Super Defense, Healing, Mud Magic]

    Poli: Ninja Priest [Super Evade, ??]

    Tereg: Paladin [Super Defense, Healing, ?]

    Sean: Warrior [Super Strength, Super Defense, Dodge Roll]

    BG: Alchemist (formerly shaman) [Super Potions, Healing, Enchanting]

    Heath: Thief (formerly alchemist)

    Implied/Maria: Witch [Fire Magic, Ice Magic, Lightning Magic]

    Allie: Battle Mage

    Gulanzon: Druid [Viney Entanglement, Shapeshifting, Group Regeneration]

    Joy: Battle Priest

    Starfall: Cosmic Mage

    Glam: Gypsy

    Thepirate: The Pirate [Pirate Magic (Light elemental damage of the following types Fire/Ice/Lightning/Water, ?, ?]

    Galen: Time Mage [Time Manipulation, Wind Magic, Victimhood (re-directs aggro back on a tank)]

    Uniden: Spellscribe [Cloning, Victimhood, Poet Power (turns a power into its opposite form. Ie; Stealth becomes Taunt.)]

    Riddy: Hunter [Stealth, Asshole Shot (a very powerful ranged shot), Super Sight]

    Jadae: Emerald Hunter

    HaveLucidDreamz: Monk

    MegaDoomer: Engineer
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 11-18-2011 at 06:39 PM.

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