This topic discusses how frequently used the Si/Ne suggestive function is and its potential strength. If you wish to discuss other suggestive functions that is fine as well.

//Well, I accidentally stated that ISTps have a PoLR due to model confusion, but I will leave it here in order to understand the suggestive function more.//

I wrote: I'm going to talk about my experience with one of them. I have a very good ISTp friend, which is probably the only pen pal that I still talk to. He has a tendency to envision the worst possibility if a situation arises that appears hidden and filled with deception. I tend to view the same situation and regard the possibility that fills in all the gaps and I am usually right. Anyways, I have no problem having a theoretical discussion with him on any level and we are able to discuss future possibilities and mystic occuranceswith understanding and appreciation. This made me believe that he was intuitive, but now I'm 95% sure he's an ISTp and he believes he is as well. The belief that all sensors can't learn theoretical information or won't enjoy it is pure hogwash.

Anndelise wrote: I have found that Si in 1st position tend to use Ne a heck of a lot. Perhaps not quite to the extent that I use it, but I love their Ne-ish jokes.

I wrote: Yeah that's true and that is why I have no problem discussing anything with an ISTp no matter how strange or weird it appears. Yeah me and my ISTp pen pal randomly use Ne jokes in a contininous manner and have a laugh fest.

Nicky wrote: What are "Ne" jokes?

An "Ne" joke tends to be discussing a regular situation and throwing out of proportion. Mostly exaggerating something that is slightly strange and creating a situation based on that mild peculiarity into something that is completely bizzarre and hilarious.