So I recently met my same sex dual LSI (yes I think I'm an EIE, always have) and whoa... it's so true, after the first time we met I felt an intense need to meet and talk with her again. We spent 5 hours together just talking and it was like the most... open conversation I have ever had with someone so quickly.

I don't know what the hell happened but we emptied our souls to each-other so easily and naturally. I felt like telling her everything about me. I must sound in love or something, but maybe I am infatuated now! I'm straight, but I seriously started questioning myself for a little while afterwards. It's made me accept that you can fall in love with anyone regardless of sexual orientation even moreso than I accepted before - because I actually see myself being able to now.

I feel like I've known her for a long time and we had all these crazy parallels. I mean, I've met LSIs before and we usually always get along amazingly but there was something else that clicked... everything matched, subtypes, values, ...

I just wanted to let everyone know

It's honestly made me question my own relationship with my boyfriend. I know this sounds extreme but I guess this really pushed it over the edge almost... I feel like I don't know about anything anymore... aksdfjlksdfjs