Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
I can't tell the type of the guy in the video because he's too much of a creepy dickhead.

Cuivienen is nothing like that guy. Cuivienen may sometimes overshare what's on his mind to a point beyond parody, but as soon as he masters that, he's going to be a very adept, desirable guy.

My personal opinion is that he's just one very good LSI away from that. I've dated two LSI's, and I know what they can do for a guy.

The guy in the vid, on the other hand, will die a dickhead.
Ironically he's the most feminine man I've seen all day, yet he's trying to be masculine. Still there are girls who're fooled by it anyway. That whole douche little boy thing seems to somehow work, it's like watching a version of Justin Bieber.