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Thread: Female LIIs, INTj women

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    My sister is an LII I think. . . . either that or an INFj or ISTj, [haven't quite decided.] But she's a terrible cook. Seriously, she says that she cleans a lot. . . but every time I come it's, can you clean this and that and this for me? And oh I'm hungry btw, can I borrow your cheese? Or, can I eat some of your lasanga or mac and cheese?

    It's gotten to the point where when she goes off to work I take care of the dog, and when she comes home I have food made for her, and the house is cleaned as best as I possibly can, [there are days that I can't do that, but I try to. When I can't she goes into a tizzy. . . ]

    The only way to make her happy is to clean things the way she likes things cleaned, and to cook things, but to cook things in a kind of way "that doesn't hurt her equipment". And she's very particular as to how that's done. She also has some really weird pet peeves, like, don't put the dishes in the sink when they're dirty. And don't use any chemicals to clean. . . etc.

    And that's not mentioning all of her numerous allergies. Seriously, she is allergic to almost EVERYTHING. It gets to the point that even my ESE brain can't keep up with all of the rules and allergies, and I tend to break a rule, or use something that she is allergic to at least once a week. . . . and it's not like I do it on purpose. It's just that difficult to remember everything that she needs, on top of my needs. . .

    She's very demanding though at times. . . but then she'll be really nice to me other times. She is good for me though because she's constantly reminding me that "I've forgotten to do x, y, z that I needed to do that day," etc. But we can definitely get on each other's nerves because she's really goal-oriented and I'm very flighty.

    But don't get me wrong, I do love her.

    I have another two INTj girl-friends, and one of them is very laid-back and lets people kind of tell her what to do. . . which I get upset about, because no one should take advantage of someone who's as capable as she is. And then I have another INTj friend that is very much in your face, [she's in the military] and very demanding of everyone around her. . . her kick-ass attitude cracks me up all the time because I'm one of the very few that she doesn't treat that way.

    But yeah, even though I think they're all LII, there are definite differences in subtypes and that does make a difference in the overall relationship. I think the one thing that they all have in common is that education is foremost in their goals in life and that they can tend to be study-aholics. For example, my sister is taking two classes and she studies at least twenty hours a week.


    Also, all of the LII girl cooks that I know tend to be very precise in everything that they do. They will carefully measure out the ingredients just so, according to the recipe, and then have a thermometer to be able to keep tabs on the temperature, and it has to be "just perfect".

    I even knew one once that kept the same exact pan and always used the same exact pan for that recipe.

    Tbh, I kind of laughed.

    'Cause I'm like Paula Dean, oh it says four tablespoons of butter? Who cares. Let's put in almost a half a cup.

    It reminds me of this one time I had with my sister and she was cooking for guests, [almost always a disaster in the making that I tend to end up fixing.]

    She was trying to make spaghetti sauce for the spaghetti, and she was like, "this tastes nothing like yours, it's just bad. Can you fix it?" So I taste it, and of course it tastes awful, [why I never trust recipes.] And I'm like, ok, and I just start plopping things in and she's like, what are you doing? Haha. And of course, I'm like, "fixing your sauce. " And so I end up fixing it, and she's like, "how much of every ingredient did you use so that I can fix the recipe?" And I'm like, "I have no idea. "

    So yeah, the way that LII's cook is very unique. I often feel sorry for them and up telling them to get out of the kitchen while I make something for them.

    It's kind of sad because my sister will try and bake for me sometimes, and I don't want to hurt her feelings, so I'll end up eating it and thinking to myself, "this is really gross". But I'll make sure that I drink some strong coffee with it or something to get rid of the horrified expression on my face so that I can eat it with a smile.

    I've often ended up cooking for her when we've had guests over.

    Tbh, I've never understood how she can eat her own food. But hey, I'm a food snob.

    So in a nutshell:

    INTj: And now you take one teaspoon, very carefully level, you can't have a rounded teaspoon it must be level, and then you put it in with your flour. And for your milk, don't forgot to use a liquid measuring glass to measure it.

    ESFj: And now you take a pinch of salt and a few handfuls of flour with about a half of a mug full of milk and mix it together to make your dough.

    Last edited by yellow82; 02-02-2012 at 02:10 AM.

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