Quote Originally Posted by Divided View Post
Sources Please or you're just making stuff up, lol.
I wouldn't be making stuff up, I'd be perpetuating. What I say is already available if you make the effort to read about your government's economic dealings and policies.

Politicians push policies only when they profit from parties that are funding the purpose.

Substance prohibition and regulation means high demand, low supply. You've got yourself a market for pharmaceutical imports, this is the case of the U.S. This one goes even for fully legal products, trade restrictions are common.

It's no secret the U.S. government has been involved in the illegal drug trafficking of cocaine(and legal Heroin) from Colombia and other South American countries(Noriega's Panama), and it's pretty obvious its military invaded the Middle East to secure opium and oil resources. The U.S. also funds and send guns, and other military weapons to the same damn countries that produce the illegal drugs in the first place...use your head.