Quote Originally Posted by gugu_ baba
On topic

I was wondering has anyone else noticed that specific manner of INTps and ESFjs, that they have in common? I'm not sure how to express this, but i've noticed some kind of shrewdness (?) , i mean by this a sort of quickness in observing the environment, and responding to it in an impatient or (quick) manner.

(again I am reffering to the ethical subtype here, i find the sensory subtype to be quite different)
yeah, i've realized why is that^^

i think it is related to Dynamic types (EJ/IP). It's a combination of Extraverted Judgment (reactionary, maybe even emotional, or tense), and Introverted Perception (strong personalized beliefs and convictions)

Now that i'm thinking about it, i am not a reactionary person.

implied has a very good point. I would definetely be totally indifferent to that sort of comments ESFjs make all the time.