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    Default type this description.

    friend of mine. this is going to be terribly disjointed/unorganized, but bear with me. these are things i notice!

    he's into lots of interesting music, can keep music going all day long while he's at home/go to sleep with music playing. he used to be into deejaying/producing when we were in highschool.

    sort of a partier, but he doesn't really go out to clubs (by this i mean, he smokes a lot of pot. at home. generally, he has little get-togethers at his house and people drop in whenever.)

    he's kind of quiet in public, generally. in small groups he can get pretty talkative. i think he's got a pretty good sense of humor.

    his room is pretty darned neat, really. everything seems to have a pretty well-defined place and i've rarely seen it that messy (cluttered, maybe.) he tends to like to move things around a bit (computer will be here one week, there another week.) lots of movie posters, stuff he's had since i've known him. generally it seems like everything he owns stays new in a sort of way. like his car looks pretty much exactly like it did when he was in highschool.

    he's really into studying things like philosophy, eastern religions, mysticism, etc. for a while he got kind of obsessed with learning about the freemasons. he thinks numerology/astrology/etc = crap, though, so i suppose you could say he's got some limits. he's studying to be a psychologist. he's got a rather large bookshelf.

    he can get pissy if you just flat-out say, "no, i don't feel like doing whatever it is you want to do." usually on occasions like this he just slams the door in a fake-mad kind of way. it's semi-dramatic, but not anything that freaks me out.

    he'll also do things like warn/drop hints two weeks in advance of his birthday.

    i've noticed that he's wary about stopping in the parts of town that he deems "cracky." like i'll say, "let's stop at this gas station." and he'll respond with something like, "no way! that looks like crack central!" like he thinks we're going to get mugged. places that look safe/neutral to me definitely are not safe/neutral for him.

    he doesn't get people like howard stern and how girls can go for that sort of guy (what with the "show me your boobs!" spiel.) he'll quote people like chris rock ("chivalry is dead! women killed it!") kind of conservative, in that sense.

    any ideas?
    6w5 sx
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    He sounds like a narcissistic/borderline type asshole [or maybe it is just the way you wrote about him], besides the fact that I agree with him about Howard Stern. I am still not sure of the guys type.

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    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  4. #4
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    ISFj is a possibility.

    i didn't mean to make him come off as a borderline/narcissistic asshole. i think he's a real sweetheart albeit conservative as hell. much easier for me to deal with than an ISTj, for sure.
    6w5 sx
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  5. #5
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    actually, he sounds a lot like the INTj I was with

    I didn't think the description made him sound bad, btw

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    neither did i, joy. /: i'd feel horrible if i did that because he's a pretty nice guy. INTj could work (if only because i think these types can have a lot in common.) i probably wouldn't want to see him pissed off, regardless of his type (probably something true of both INTjs and ISFjs.)

    what else.

    he's had neck problems lately since a long time ago in the past he got mad about something (? can't remember what it was) and punched one of those chairs with the leather cushion backings (n.b. i could never imagine/dream of him actually getting into a fistfight or anything like that.) he pinched a nerve in the process. anyhow, apparently, the pain from this is pretty bad.

    so he tells me a bit about how they're doing these tests, which, to me, aren't anything to get flipped out about. maybe this is because i grew up in a very medical family. regardless, they're routine, precautionary tests, like nothing to get upset about/worried about. to me, this is like worrying after a test that you may have done poorly, you won't know until you get the results back whether or not you got an A or an F, so forget about it until then or you're just causing yourself unnecessary stress.

    i could also see him as being one of those types that does the / balancing act i've read about (e.g. after lots of work/exams/etc, you go party/relax/go to a nice restaurant.)

    he takes more care of his roommate's dog than his roommate does. totally TOTALLY adores the dog and gives the dog these cute nicknames that change quite often, which is cute + hilarious to me. not sure about his roommate's type, but one of the ways he has friction with his roommate is because he'll tell some long story to his roommate and his roommate will go, "what?" (the guy interprets this as his roommate not listening to him.)

    ah, and i got upset (for absolutely no reason at all) earlier in the week, and he brought over movies/alcohol/popcorn/granola bars/water/various goodies in a backpack. <3 probably one of the nicest things anyone has done for me all year.
    6w5 sx
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    aggressive , paranoid

    I dunno

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    He has a strong . That's all I could read out. Specially those mystical interests made me to think so. I will take a chanche and say he is ENFj. If you will become to feel like you will have to talk all sort of things about what are important for you, but he listens, but tries to get way from you, then he is your Benefactor. And if he will start to avoid your company, you being constantly exited, you have even more reasons to believe, he is ENFj. But watch out not to interpet my words into you subjective belief, what you wish him to be. We are all humans, we all want others to be who we wish them to be, not who they really are.
    Semiotical process

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    Quote Originally Posted by jsb'07
    He has a strong . That's all I could read out. Specially those mystical interests made me to think so. I will take a chanche and say he is ENFj. If you will become to feel like you will have to talk all sort of things about what are important for you, but he listens, but tries to get way from you, then he is your Benefactor. And if he will start to avoid your company, you being constantly exited, you have even more reasons to believe, he is ENFj.
    neither of these match my experiences with him, but based on that description i could be ENFj. i'm not that fond of being around people who are overly excitable/anxious either. i can deal with it, but it's not my preference.

    But watch out not to interpet my words into you subjective belief, what you wish him to be. We are all humans, we all want others to be who we wish them to be, not who they really are.
    i agree.

    i think he has somewhere, but i don't believe it's his intellectual function. i don't see ENFj as very probable for many reasons.

    but i like the suggestion and i like how you explain things! (if this person isn't ISFj nor INTj, perhaps he's neither.)
    6w5 sx
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  10. #10
    Kristiina's Avatar
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    I give my vote to INTp. I agree that it sounds rather Ni.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
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    then i'm confused about what as an intellectual function really is. if it's actively studying/reading about religion/mysticism/etc, then i don't have it (although i admire people who do study this sort of stuff and take it seriously, i wish more people did.) i agree that i see the there, too. i know INFps, however, who really don't seem to give a shit about religion. except one who is into UFOs and coast-to-coast A.M. i'd call him "spiritual" or pretty much the type who believes in unexplained phenomena before i'd call him "religious." like i can't imagine him reading eastern texts/meditative stuff and taking it seriously. people pushing their belief systems onto him seems to piss him off worse than anything.
    6w5 sx
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    INFp definitely sounds reasonable.

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    next thing i've noticed:

    tonight he wanted to hook up his mp3 player to his laptop or something and he was explaining how all that worked and i said, "oh, cool! then you could network that to your desktop [i.e. where the big speakers are]?" to me this seemed very obvious and i figured he was going to do this anyway. this was horribly pleasing to him (enough to warrant a hug + "you're so great!")

    what kind of functional usage is that?

    an enneagram 6, i have found out. although he tests out as an INTP in myers-briggs.

    he also doesn't mind calling me (this is nice.)

    anyhow, i can't see this guy as an INFp. i don't think he does the sort of emotion-creating stuff that often. i would be more likely to call him some sort of NT or even SF than an NF (let alone an NF from beta.)


    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    i know INFps, however, who really don't seem to give a shit about religion. except one who is into UFOs and coast-to-coast A.M. i'd call him "spiritual" or pretty much the type who believes in unexplained phenomena before i'd call him "religious." like i can't imagine him reading eastern texts/meditative stuff and taking it seriously. people pushing their belief systems onto him seems to piss him off worse than anything.
    what i wrote here was referring to the actual INFp guy i know, not the guy in question.

    he does remind me of my other brother who i have suspected is ISFj (he accuses people of stealing things quite often.)

    i'm going to consult with expat!
    6w5 sx
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    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    next thing i've noticed:

    tonight he wanted to hook up his mp3 player to his laptop or something and he was explaining how all that worked and i said, "oh, cool! then you could network that to your desktop [i.e. where the big speakers are]?" to me this seemed very obvious and i figured he was going to do this anyway. this was horribly pleasing to him (enough to warrant a hug + "you're so great!")

    what kind of functional usage is that?
    Could be dual-seeking.

    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    an enneagram 6, i have found out. although he tests out as an INTP in myers-briggs.

    he also doesn't mind calling me (this is nice.)
    E6 is consistent with being ISFj, as is his calling you -- but not really strong evidence.

    Two things struck me as being odd for ISFjs -- one, the mystical thingy, and second, that "people just drop anytime" -- that would be upsetting for an ISFj, but perhaps you meant only during the get-togethers? In that case it's a non-issue.

    I saw the ISFj more obviously here:

    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    he can get pissy if you just flat-out say, "no, i don't feel like doing whatever it is you want to do."
    ISFjs are like that because they unconsciously expect the ENTj, who's willing to do what the ISFj wants on a short-time, daily basis.

    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    i'm going to consult with expat!

    I could see the ISFj in him, although a couple of things made me think of INTj, too -- also, the mysticism thing is a bit odd for ISFj, but it's not a killer IMO.

    EDIT: perhaps not. I think the evidence is strong that Nicky's brother is ISFj, and if he's into that stuff too, why not? Perhaps ethical subtypes would be more inclined to such stuff.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    I think when someone is really into music, it's a thing. At least when those people can suck all of this emotion what there is in music, into themselfs when listening. people can psychologically identificate with the feelings of another person. They can feel all the variations of sadness, when someone sings something blue.

    Implied, you sure are some SF. And the way you describe that guy, shows how your 5th function is touched.
    Semiotical process

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsb'07
    I think when someone is really into music, it's a thing. At least when those people can suck all of this emotion what there is in music, into themselfs when listening. people can psychologically identificate with the feelings of another person. They can feel all the variations of sadness, when someone sings something blue.
    Music is not only emotion! I listen to a lot of music but it's mainly either raw rock/metal, or electro.
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsb'07
    I think when someone is really into music, it's a thing. At least when those people can suck all of this emotion what there is in music, into themselfs when listening. people can psychologically identificate with the feelings of another person. They can feel all the variations of sadness, when someone sings something blue.

    Implied, you sure are some SF. And the way you describe that guy, shows how your 5th function is touched.
    The strong sensation from music would be thing, right?

    All types can listen to music all the time, but some types get a strong sensation.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
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    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    I've read that ENFps have strong sensations from music, and I believe that's true. Our suggestive function is
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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  19. #19
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    Hmm. Its funny i dont actually listen to much music, but when i do if its quite epic music i can feel my emotions being changed by the music on the spot. For instance i stopped listening to music on the train because if a crap song came on before i got off it would kinda put me in a weird mood

    The ESFP i knew loved music heaps, listened to it heaps
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    I rather think that geting a mood out of music is . What kind of a mood they get from it, depends, where is located in them. You can see it from model A. If is very strong, that person likes to empathize every nuance of a song. If is 8th, people get emotional from music, but they don't show it to others. But I should stop in here, because I don't know how right I am.
    Semiotical process

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by soggy-flakes
    Quote Originally Posted by Nicky
    I've read that ENFps have strong sensations from music, and I believe that's true. Our suggestive function is
    I know I get strong sensations from music but I don't think I'm an ENFp. There are certain pieces of music I feel compelled to tap my feet to and other pieces that provoke strong association- this song reminds me of this or that. Some songs have a real nostalgic feel from me, as if they transport me to a certain place and time. Certain pieces of music will also stimulate my imaginative side.
    I actually think it's in your case. It's the same with me and a few certain songs. I mentally go into another place and it gives me a certain mood and I feel very strongly about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by jsb'07
    I rather think that geting a mood out of music is . What kind of a mood they get from it, depends, where is located in them. You can see it from model A. If is very strong, that person likes to empathize every nuance of a song. If is 8th, people get emotional from music, but they don't show it to others. But I should stop in here, because I don't know how right I am.
    I think everyone can enjoy music, but they do it differently. Ni will like songs that remind us of some situation or mood.
    people are just most likely to show that they like the tune. I saw a non-Fe type really enjoying music one time... He had closed his eyes and he was barely moving. He did enjoy the music, but people who didn't know him would have thought he was just drunk.

    The guy who is being typed here isn't a Fe-type.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
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