It depends.

When my daughter was younger, and in school, I'd deliver a balloon bouquet, some cupcakes/cookies, and some little gifts that she got to hand out to her classmates. Money was tight, but this was worth it because a) she felt important to me, and b) she got to share her joy with her classmates. I wouldn't do it now, though, because she's grown, changed, and has a different way of sharing/feeling special than when she was young.

When I was younger and working at a desk, I always felt special when someone I was dating would deliver a single flower to my workplace. He didn't do it in a grand way, just kind of snuck it in with a vase so that I'd find it after lunch. It let me know he was thinking of me.

I've never been upset/concerned about PDAs like kissing, hugging, holding hands, arms around waist/shoulder, etc. I am touchy-feely, and I don't really care what others think of it.

I like reading the local sign where people put up congrats and love yous, and welcome homes, and happy anniversary/birthdays. Their fun to read, and make me smile.

But when Richard and I are together in a public space, we're usually close together, in our own little space, it's rare to see us apart. However, he does wear an anklet type thing...that reminds him that I'm committed to him, and want him...similar to a wedding band on someone's finger. However, because it's unusual (not a wedding band), some people view it as a loud declaration.

I liked what leckysupport said above, "Act from the soul, not for the effect."
And I do.