Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
The informal "you" in English is "dude".
hahahah I actually do say the word 'dude' sometimes, too, but it's something I blurt out if something shocking or surprising happens (trying to think of an example here) - 'Dude! that stuff went everywhere!' (something made a mess, etc (*I'm talking about the workplace. I just realized this seemed to have a double meaning.*)). So with me it's more of an exclamation of surprise. I have on rare occasions actually called someone 'dude,' though - it's been known to happen.

The two McDonald's women who I have typed as ESE, one at my store and one I know from another store, both use terms of endearment very liberally. They will say dear, sweetie, honey, hun, darling, and love, to large numbers of random people going through the drive-thru. This is the exact opposite of what I do, like, so far from me it's in an alternate universe. They even call ME 'dear,' and I always get a little bit surprised when this happens, like, who on earth would call me dear, and, do I have to call YOU 'dear' in return??? And these two women are people who I don't actually feel very close to, either. So they feel very confident about calling people loving nicknames even if they don't know them very well, even people who are total strangers buying food at McDonald's. So I associate this with Fe and it's something that I myself am very uncomfortable doing. I've done it under conditions of extreme stress - I told a story elsewhere in the forum where I mentioned that my ex-boyfriend's daughter got sick and I was temporarily calling her 'sweetie' while I was helping her, but any other time, I don't.

I talk to dogs and cats much more confidently than I do to people.