Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
I am not supporting nor proposing any claim implied by MBTT or its developers. I do not agree with their assertion of Je = J, Pe = P.
Please take the time to read carefully as a misunderstanding is so easy to make. If you are not willing to do so, I ask of you to refrain from responding or posting at all.

There are two kinds of Rationality, and two kinds of Irrationality, these are Je, Ji & Pe, Pi respectively.

The Extraverted Rationality of Je is the program for Ej types.
The Introverted Rationality of Ji is the program for Ij types.
The Extraverted Irrationality of Pe is the program for Ep types.
The Introverted Irrationality of Pi is the program for Ip types.

All types retain the program of their Base function. However, types are generally identified by a two-fuction Ego. XeYi or XiYe.

The manifestation of the Extraverted function in Ips is Je.
The manifestation of the Extraverted function in Ijs is Pe.

These manifestations do not change the Base program of the types, however, they do manifest and therefore are noticeable.

So, if the following groups are made:
Ej-Te and Ip-Te - Similar by Te Profiteor Rationality
Ej-Fe and Ip-Fe - Similar by Fe Emoveo Rationality
Ep-Se and Ij-Se - Similar by Se Factor Irrationality
Ep-Ne and Ij-Ne - Similar by Ne Intueor Irrationality.

Each group would be orientated similarly in Ratonality/Irrationality but with a switched emphasis(the axle of emphasis which determines Extravert and Introvert types).
I understood what you meant the first time, it seems.

It doesn't change the fact that in Introverts, base function rationality is *more* noticeable than creative function rationality.