Extraversion is the state of out-flowing information, Introversion is the state of in-flowing information.

The point of this thread is to apply this understanding to types and how it manifests in their dichotomous orientations.

1.) Dynamic/Static
The Myers-Briggs system has the types orientated through Je=J and Pe=P. For Socionics, that would inccorectly flip the Introverts' functions, but what if Myers-Briggs would have found Dynamic/Static instead? Dynamics have Je, or an outward flow of Rationality; Statics have Pe, or an outward flow of Irrationality. The outward flow of energy is something that can be said to be an objective source of information about a person and if focus is turned to that, in a way, couldn't it be said that: Dynamic types are society's Rationals and Static types are society's Irrationals?

2.) Serious/Merry, Objectivist/Subjectivist
I'm not sure about Serious/Merry, though it seems Serious stands for Te(implied Fi), while Merry stands for Fe(implied Ti). Objectivist seems to stand for Te as well, with Subjectivist at Ti.

3.) Central/Peripheral, Resolute/Reasonable, Decisive/Judicious
Central, Resolute, and Decisive unambiguously seem to refer to Se, while the same goes for Peripheral, Reasonable and Judicious for Ne.

4.) Quadra Energy/Atmosphere
Alpha Quadra has an outward flow of Intuition and Ethics(NeFe). Beta Quadra has an outward flow of Sensing and Ethics(SeFe). Gamma Quadra has an outward flow of Sensing and Logic(SeTe). Delta Quadra has an outward flow of Logic and Intuition(NeTe).

Part of this is evident in how Gamma Quadra is stereotyped as money hungry power seekers, and Beta Quadra as loud and rambunctious.

5.) Contact, Inert ; Evaluatory, Situational
As Aiss explained in this thread, only the Contact and Evaluatory functions are recognized, while Inert and Situational are passed over for sake of observable traits, which is in the vein of this thread on Extraversion and Introversion.

I'm not exactly sure in the direction this thread should go, but at least these are up for discussion.