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Thread: Fi PoLR - Misunderstood

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    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    I agree Introverted Feeling is not about being socially handicapped. Being socially handicapped is lack of Extraverted Feeling. There was a suggestion about lack of Extraverted Sensing having something to do with social problems. I think it is just Alpha NT:s who are handicapped in this sense Very Happy INTjs obviously but ENTps too in their own way.
    I disagree.
    This time my opinion on ENTps is inducted from a single person which can't be proven to be ENTp. I agree you can disagree and be right Anyways this ENTp is very talkative and in a sort of managerial position in an organization but still so out of touch with "real world" that I see it as being socially handicapped in some sense. In the same sense Einstein was socially handicapped. Saying and doing some weird stuff in weird moments. Being unnecessary argumentative when it doesn't support achieving a defined goal. Things like that. Vague definition but can't come up with a better one.
    Yeah, because we all know ENTPs are argumentive and say weird stuff at weird times. This is exaclty why Einstien wasn't ENTP. If you type all INTPs as ENTPs, and ENTPs as ESTPs, then of course you'll think that ENTPs are socially handicapped or something.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  2. #2
    Imagine Timeless's Avatar
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    I realized no ENTp, while shares PoLR with ESTp, gave no input.

    I'll share what I can that's related to this subject:

    (Never mind these scattered thoughts, I wrote different parts on different areas)

    I can talk to lots of different people, I can share stories, even embarrassing ones, I've done that with total strangers, but I have a very hard time trusting people.

    Once trust has been broken I don't see any point, or reason trying to repair it. That's like buying a car with leaky pipes, you can repair it, but it was faulty from the beginning, and yes you can buy a whole new suspension, electrical, engine system or replace the whole body, but remember it let you down: that car. You can't erase what has been done, and you don't really know what can happen in the future. Personally, I've never fucked anyone over, I just don't work that way. I don't expect anyone to think like me, but I know there are people like that in this world who think otherwise for their own sound reasons and judgements. Knowing this fact pretty much puts me up on guarded with people, in regards with trust that is. I don't fuck around with others. For example, when someone opens up to me or shares something personal I take that very seriously. I take that as a sign that this person trusts me, and that I can trust that person. I know people love to belittle others or have that power to use other's weaknesses against them, but I just can't work that way. I don't see any point of doing "good with bad." That doesn't mean I don't like to have fun, I actually do, it's just I want to know I'm in a safe place before doing so. I felt like a kid writing that last sentence. In a world filled with judgmental, self-righteous, malicious, mysterious, game-playing people, it's very hard to let go and let your guard down.

    It sounds like I may demand perfection, not at all. Imperfection is more better, let's me know you're human just like me. It's just I really pay attention to a person's integrity and principles. It takes a very long time for me to trust anybody. In regards to love, it's very hard for me to fall in love and feel something for somebody, but it's very easy to fall out of it. This can make me come across as cold, but the way I see it, it's more like "Oh, this is the way it really was/I didn't know this car had a problem." not "Time to disconnect. Goodbye." as others may perceive it.

    In regards with other things, I just don't know. I admit, I am a social geek. I do all sorts of geeky stuff with the people I'm close to or good friends with. In the company of new people, I'm usually observant and distant. Not cold, just less involved for the sake of understanding where each person is coming from. I don't see no reason to hate or dislike anyone. The way I see it is me and another person will have different feelings, varying opinions or distinctive belief systems; why go against or hate on that? That's like drawing a circle and splitting that in half and calling the other side "bad" and calling the other side "good." This keeps my mind neutral and open to all. And even though I don't like it at all, sometimes I can be polite and courteous though. I'm not a fan of small talk and see right through the bullshit almost always, but the way I can explain myself:

    I'm very much an open book, but I don't force anyone to read.

    Then again, there are some days where I just don't want to talk to anybody, there have been days where I left parties, clubs, bars, events walking straight home. For instance, two New Year's ago, I stepped out of my family's house and walked to the city limits of San Carlos. I didn't plan on it. I guess others will call that "moody" but I call it, "relaxing" to reflect, to get away, or what I enjoy most: silence. If I can enjoy doing absolutely nothing being completely silent with someone, that's pretty much a friend for life. All my close friends know this. They understand that some days I'm distant and some days I'm here. I will actually feel more comfortable with someone who can enjoy silence as opposed to someone yapping away all the time. So yeah, I can be cold as rock, but the people who know me very well know this: I can never hold back a laugh or a reaction.

    My best friend (ESFj) knew how to cheer me up when I was in a down mood one time:

    We were driving and I was looking outside the window ignoring everything he was saying not responsive. He sped up the car, and starting yelling (in a joking way) "You want me to crash this car into a brick wall? Huh?! Huh!? We're gonna die today if you don't tell me what the fuck is wrong!"

    My other best friend (INFp) did something so simple and stupid it made me crack up when I was trying to remain silent when I was in my distant mood; he just waved his hands up in the air and said "Look, Fe!" I laughed hard.

    However, when I'm angry, stressed, or pissed, I usually remain quiet and step away from everybody. Again, the way I see it, there is no reason to lash out with insults, wrongdoing, or violence on people, that's pointless. I don't believe in the "boiling pot" thing. I just think things through, I consider myself like a computer; defragmentation and optimization. I like to do that then communicate things through, not in the heat of a moment because I know situational emotions and instances can cloud what's going on and what can happen.

    Oh yeah, I found this kinda ironic: Whenever someone throws a compliment, while kinda nice to hear, I usually ignore it. I don't see any point in it. I hardly give them myself. Whenever someone throws an insult, while kinda funny to hear, I usually ignore it. I don't see any point in it. I hardly give them myself. I almost never say things like "You are so cool," "My best friend," etc. The weird thing is it makes me secure to hear that from people. I can tell when someone is speaking "from the heart" vs. their mouth. Like the above, I take that seriously and meaningfully, not to be messed with. Don't get me wrong, I want to do it myself with others, but I just don't know the right times to do it. Like a piano, it will sound good when the note is right, not off.

    ...And I don't mind waiting to hear the perfect notes before I know I can play too.

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