You actually gave me alot of insight into why my husband does many of the things he does, and you did it without putting on a facade like he would have when trying to explain the same thing. He has to maintain that he has no weaknesses

Another extension of this, is that I'll do things that are completely inapropriate for the situation. Like I'll do things like laugh at a funeral (figuratively, not literally), wear gym shorts and a track jacket to a semi-formal event, or talk to someone in a manner that is not appropriate when taking account into their age and social class or status. Whenever I do these types of things and realize it afterwards, I do the same sort of mental self bitch-slapping.
I've noticed the same kind of actions in my husband but he never seemed too concerned with other's reactions, in fact I usually got the impression that he did it to provoke people. He often has a "Fuck You" attitude and maybe that's why I assumed this.

When this happens and I decide that it's not going well, I take the easiest route for me to do: distance myself dramatically
How do you distance yourself? Do you have a large social circle? I know that's an assumption, but my question would be if you do is that out of those people do you purposely keep a large majority of them at a distance and only let a select few really get to know you, while letting the others believe that they know the real you?