Quote Originally Posted by pesto
Expat, your observations are very accurate, but when you try and describe how feelers experience something, you paint a much too harsh and rigid picture. That is harmful to us and I wish you'd stop interpet our intentions.
I give my interpretation. I make no claim to be infallible. If anyone disagrees, please say so.

Quote Originally Posted by pesto
You descriptions are often belittling. As INFj I'm often seen as both inconfident and gutless, which is far from the truth. I just don't have the need to prove myself.
In the context of the thread, when I said something about ISFjs being more confident about their principles, I did not think that that was belittling. I don't think that being "confident" about something is necessarily a good thing. One may be confident about something and still be wrong, and reluctant to being corrected. Perhaps I should have said "rigid" and "flexible".

Quote Originally Posted by pesto
It would be refreshing, to say the least, if a site dedicated to the understanding of different viewpoints would indeed provide that, and not just common misconceptions made into rules.
Anyone is free to post any viewpoint they wish.