Best example of Fi polr, from a quote of a Kraus post on another forum:

"Anyways, I know some ESTps, and I usually get along well with most of them. For example, there's this one kid in my gym class, an ESTp. All of my friends think that he's a total jerk / asshole, but I somhow understand it all, and see right through him. When we were running the mile, he was with this other kid (who's not an estp), but they were walking it because they didn't care. So they were purposely blocking off everyone, trying to increase [the runners'] times."

Instead of letting other people do their duty and finish their task, they prefer to selfishly do nothing and proceed blocking others in order to not to be scolded. Ridicolous!

(By the way, I do exactly the same with the "fake politness" to strangers. I personally think that nobody can GENUINELY like somebody without knowing him/her)