Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
I guess if left unhealthy. I think a healthy person of any type would be rather pleasant to deal with or be around. Or at least one that takes time to try and be healthy.

You can blame someone that acts like that. Just because they have Fi Polr doesn't excuse them to treat people like shit and with double standards. A healthy individual with Fi polr will try to work on these faults.
Healthy for different people with different ways of thinking looks and is different. Fi PoLR 7w8 likes to play very rough, it's not unhealthy for them to do so, it's just not everybody is like that, calibration is required to know how rough you can play with someone, but when left to their natural state they find it refreshing when they meet someone they can play rough with, so I don't think it's unhealthy. The double standard thing is not conscious, they play rough but they consider it still playing so they don't expect ppl to take it seriously and actually stop liking them. It's not always the Fi PoLR person that has the double standard either, it could be anybody that see's you behaving different that you normally do, "The nice person is being mean? what?". Either way, since the PoLR is a blindspot it can't be expected that the person will actively work on the "fault". It's not doomed of course, it's just gonna take alot of you banging your head against a wall until you realize it's even there.