I agree is not about being socially handicapped. Being socially handicapped is lack of . There was a suggestion about lack of having something to do with social problems. I think it is just Alpha NT:s who are handicapped in this sense INTjs obviously but ENTps too in their own way.

There was a claim of ExTjs being phony and fake. I can't back that up. ExTps
are the phony ones ExTjs are certainly not empathic and usually quite judging but they are very real. You don't have to guess what they really think. They spit it in your face with their mighty Maybe I just haven't met the phony ones.

Comparing ESTps and ENTps...ESTps are way more socially skilled in my experience. ENTps are usually "intellectually aggressive" in a way that can't be said to be socially skilled. They very often challenge people for what they said and create conflict more likely than an impression of socially fluent person. I have only spent time with one "confirmed" ENTp and it was weird how she made stuff up and actually thought that would fool someone. Her claims were sometimes so absurd I didn't know whether she herself believed them or not And after one week the claim was different but even more absurd. ENTp would be the best person to have a debate with him/herself. For example in a forum like this an ENTp could easily fill a thread by countering his/her own arguments over and over again. And it would even be entertaining. I can't say it is socially skilled though.

As far as ESTps go. It is relatively easy to see through their "phony Fe" too They can sometimes surprise you in a way that momentarily you think they CARE but then you remember they are ESTps, heh If I understood what Herzy said they actually do CARE but only temporarily. So it is not about being evil and phony it is more about having a warm heart and the emotional memory of a gold fish. I like this version better. It means they probably did like me for the moments they seemed to like me.

Actually it is fun to point it out to them when they are being phony. It usually somehow amuses them. They go silent and make a weird stoic but at the same time astonished face like a child who has just got caught doing something forbidden I can usually "play" with ESTps insecurities pretty well without them getting too annoyed about it. Especially I like to create gloomy future scenarios in their mind which they almost believe for a second before they laugh and punch me for trying to mess with their head.

ESTps want to feel STRONG but on the other hand are very insecure. It is an interesting combination. Then again they admit they have insecurities. They are very concerned about their weakenesses which is natural for an aggressor. Where ENTj is often very judging towards other people's weaknesses (Victim behavior) ESTp can be very judging towards their own weaknesses. Like one probable ESTp child who was afraid of thunder and just couldn't accept it. With a really sad face said things like "I'm afraid of thunder. I'm such a coward!". All the other kids were afraid of thunder too but the ESTp didn't judge them for that. Only herself. An ENTj would probably have noted the weaknesses of other kids but ignored his/her own weaknesses.

With the ENTp I know I don't have this kind of dynamics. We have arguments easily and it can get heated pretty fast if I'm not very careful of what I say. ENTp is helluva beast in intellectual argumentation and very hard to beat so I usually prefer to say the bare minimum in order to avoid conflict or heated argument. Just try to be nice (phony me ) I don't know if this would happen with other ENTps Has not happened in the forum so far so I'm positive I can have a good relations with an ENTp IRL Just that I'm not sure what force would pull and keep me and ENTps together. There is not much to give or to gain there it seems. Maybe that will change. I need to meet more of them

So despite all the good and funny things, in the end interactions between people having and PoLR is problematic for many reasons. The person with PoLR can't project enough enthusiasm and such e.g. for an ESTp to be sure about themselves and the state of the relations. Then again the knowledge of the fact that no matter how good time we have at this very moment or how well we connect this very moment will have pretty much no meaning to the ESTp tomorrow doesn't really encourage the PoLR person to push that PoLR. I can't live "in the moment" enough to not care about that. With ESTps I somehow feel I'm just a toy being used to have some fun and will be tossed away as soon as something more fun comes along. With the ENTp I feel I'm a resource whose brain is attached to some kind of "brain milking machine" until nothing is left. Then I'm tossed away.

That's my unofficial and unorganized late night take on this matter.