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Thread: Fi PoLR - Misunderstood

  1. #41
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    I agree is not about being socially handicapped. Being socially handicapped is lack of . There was a suggestion about lack of having something to do with social problems. I think it is just Alpha NT:s who are handicapped in this sense INTjs obviously but ENTps too in their own way.

    There was a claim of ExTjs being phony and fake. I can't back that up. ExTps
    are the phony ones ExTjs are certainly not empathic and usually quite judging but they are very real. You don't have to guess what they really think. They spit it in your face with their mighty Maybe I just haven't met the phony ones.

    Comparing ESTps and ENTps...ESTps are way more socially skilled in my experience. ENTps are usually "intellectually aggressive" in a way that can't be said to be socially skilled. They very often challenge people for what they said and create conflict more likely than an impression of socially fluent person. I have only spent time with one "confirmed" ENTp and it was weird how she made stuff up and actually thought that would fool someone. Her claims were sometimes so absurd I didn't know whether she herself believed them or not And after one week the claim was different but even more absurd. ENTp would be the best person to have a debate with him/herself. For example in a forum like this an ENTp could easily fill a thread by countering his/her own arguments over and over again. And it would even be entertaining. I can't say it is socially skilled though.

    As far as ESTps go. It is relatively easy to see through their "phony Fe" too They can sometimes surprise you in a way that momentarily you think they CARE but then you remember they are ESTps, heh If I understood what Herzy said they actually do CARE but only temporarily. So it is not about being evil and phony it is more about having a warm heart and the emotional memory of a gold fish. I like this version better. It means they probably did like me for the moments they seemed to like me.

    Actually it is fun to point it out to them when they are being phony. It usually somehow amuses them. They go silent and make a weird stoic but at the same time astonished face like a child who has just got caught doing something forbidden I can usually "play" with ESTps insecurities pretty well without them getting too annoyed about it. Especially I like to create gloomy future scenarios in their mind which they almost believe for a second before they laugh and punch me for trying to mess with their head.

    ESTps want to feel STRONG but on the other hand are very insecure. It is an interesting combination. Then again they admit they have insecurities. They are very concerned about their weakenesses which is natural for an aggressor. Where ENTj is often very judging towards other people's weaknesses (Victim behavior) ESTp can be very judging towards their own weaknesses. Like one probable ESTp child who was afraid of thunder and just couldn't accept it. With a really sad face said things like "I'm afraid of thunder. I'm such a coward!". All the other kids were afraid of thunder too but the ESTp didn't judge them for that. Only herself. An ENTj would probably have noted the weaknesses of other kids but ignored his/her own weaknesses.

    With the ENTp I know I don't have this kind of dynamics. We have arguments easily and it can get heated pretty fast if I'm not very careful of what I say. ENTp is helluva beast in intellectual argumentation and very hard to beat so I usually prefer to say the bare minimum in order to avoid conflict or heated argument. Just try to be nice (phony me ) I don't know if this would happen with other ENTps Has not happened in the forum so far so I'm positive I can have a good relations with an ENTp IRL Just that I'm not sure what force would pull and keep me and ENTps together. There is not much to give or to gain there it seems. Maybe that will change. I need to meet more of them

    So despite all the good and funny things, in the end interactions between people having and PoLR is problematic for many reasons. The person with PoLR can't project enough enthusiasm and such e.g. for an ESTp to be sure about themselves and the state of the relations. Then again the knowledge of the fact that no matter how good time we have at this very moment or how well we connect this very moment will have pretty much no meaning to the ESTp tomorrow doesn't really encourage the PoLR person to push that PoLR. I can't live "in the moment" enough to not care about that. With ESTps I somehow feel I'm just a toy being used to have some fun and will be tossed away as soon as something more fun comes along. With the ENTp I feel I'm a resource whose brain is attached to some kind of "brain milking machine" until nothing is left. Then I'm tossed away.

    That's my unofficial and unorganized late night take on this matter.

  2. #42

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    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    I agree is not about being socially handicapped. Being socially handicapped is lack of . There was a suggestion about lack of having something to do with social problems. I think it is just Alpha NT:s who are handicapped in this sense INTjs obviously but ENTps too in their own way.
    I disagree.

    Where ENTj is often very judging towards other people's weaknesses (Victim behavior) ESTp can be very judging towards their own weaknesses. Like one probable ESTp child who was afraid of thunder and just couldn't accept it. With a really sad face said things like "I'm afraid of thunder. I'm such a coward!". All the other kids were afraid of thunder too but the ESTp didn't judge them for that. Only herself. An ENTj would probably have noted the weaknesses of other kids but ignored his/her own weaknesses.
    According to this definition, I'm , not .

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  3. #43
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    ESTps want to feel STRONG but on the other hand are very insecure. It is an interesting combination. Then again they admit they have insecurities. They are very concerned about their weakenesses which is natural for an aggressor. Where ENTj is often very judging towards other people's weaknesses (Victim behavior) ESTp can be very judging towards their own weaknesses. Like one probable ESTp child who was afraid of thunder and just couldn't accept it. With a really sad face said things like "I'm afraid of thunder. I'm such a coward!". All the other kids were afraid of thunder too but the ESTp didn't judge them for that. Only herself. An ENTj would probably have noted the weaknesses of other kids but ignored his/her own weaknesses.
    Every ENTj's going to feel ESTp if we were to suppose the truthfulness of this observation of yours.
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  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    ESTps want to feel STRONG but on the other hand are very insecure. It is an interesting combination. Then again they admit they have insecurities. They are very concerned about their weakenesses which is natural for an aggressor. Where ENTj is often very judging towards other people's weaknesses (Victim behavior) ESTp can be very judging towards their own weaknesses. Like one probable ESTp child who was afraid of thunder and just couldn't accept it. With a really sad face said things like "I'm afraid of thunder. I'm such a coward!". All the other kids were afraid of thunder too but the ESTp didn't judge them for that. Only herself. An ENTj would probably have noted the weaknesses of other kids but ignored his/her own weaknesses.
    Every ENTj's going to feel ESTp if we were to suppose the truthfulness of this observation of yours.
    Well I can't even reliably tell what type the kids are so take it with a grain of salt

    Anyways I tend to think aggressor and victim types have a slightly different attitude towards their own and others weaknesses. Aggressors are not as judging towards other people's weaknesses. After all it is exactly those weaknesses that make them strong and help them fulfill their role. Victims tend to see others weaknesses as a serious flaw in the person. Aggressors use other's weaknesses. Victims judge other's weaknesses. This is overgeneralization and probably depends on the type.
    The observation was an attempt to prove this point. The point itself was not inducted from the observation. So the claim can very well be discussed further even if the observation is unreliable.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    I agree Introverted Feeling is not about being socially handicapped. Being socially handicapped is lack of Extraverted Feeling. There was a suggestion about lack of Extraverted Sensing having something to do with social problems. I think it is just Alpha NT:s who are handicapped in this sense Very Happy INTjs obviously but ENTps too in their own way.
    I disagree.
    This time my opinion on ENTps is inducted from a single person which can't be proven to be ENTp. I agree you can disagree and be right Anyways this ENTp is very talkative and in a sort of managerial position in an organization but still so out of touch with "real world" that I see it as being socially handicapped in some sense. In the same sense Einstein was socially handicapped. Saying and doing some weird stuff in weird moments. Being unnecessary argumentative when it doesn't support achieving a defined goal. Things like that. Vague definition but can't come up with a better one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Where ENTj is often very judging towards other people's weaknesses (Victim behavior) ESTp can be very judging towards their own weaknesses. Like one probable ESTp child who was afraid of thunder and just couldn't accept it. With a really sad face said things like "I'm afraid of thunder. I'm such a coward!". All the other kids were afraid of thunder too but the ESTp didn't judge them for that. Only herself. An ENTj would probably have noted the weaknesses of other kids but ignored his/her own weaknesses.
    According to this definition, I'm Introverted Thinking , not Extraverted Thinking
    This was more about Victim vs. Aggressor not so much about vs Of course you can claim erotic attitudes can't be used this way. This issue was however discussed in another thread and I got the impression they can be used (to some extent).

  5. #45

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    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    I agree Introverted Feeling is not about being socially handicapped. Being socially handicapped is lack of Extraverted Feeling. There was a suggestion about lack of Extraverted Sensing having something to do with social problems. I think it is just Alpha NT:s who are handicapped in this sense Very Happy INTjs obviously but ENTps too in their own way.
    I disagree.
    This time my opinion on ENTps is inducted from a single person which can't be proven to be ENTp. I agree you can disagree and be right Anyways this ENTp is very talkative and in a sort of managerial position in an organization but still so out of touch with "real world" that I see it as being socially handicapped in some sense. In the same sense Einstein was socially handicapped. Saying and doing some weird stuff in weird moments. Being unnecessary argumentative when it doesn't support achieving a defined goal. Things like that. Vague definition but can't come up with a better one.
    Yeah, because we all know ENTPs are argumentive and say weird stuff at weird times. This is exaclty why Einstien wasn't ENTP. If you type all INTPs as ENTPs, and ENTPs as ESTPs, then of course you'll think that ENTPs are socially handicapped or something.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    I agree Introverted Feeling is not about being socially handicapped. Being socially handicapped is lack of Extraverted Feeling. There was a suggestion about lack of Extraverted Sensing having something to do with social problems. I think it is just Alpha NT:s who are handicapped in this sense Very Happy INTjs obviously but ENTps too in their own way.
    I disagree.
    This time my opinion on ENTps is inducted from a single person which can't be proven to be ENTp. I agree you can disagree and be right Anyways this ENTp is very talkative and in a sort of managerial position in an organization but still so out of touch with "real world" that I see it as being socially handicapped in some sense. In the same sense Einstein was socially handicapped. Saying and doing some weird stuff in weird moments. Being unnecessary argumentative when it doesn't support achieving a defined goal. Things like that. Vague definition but can't come up with a better one.
    Yeah, because we all know ENTPs are argumentive and say weird stuff at weird times. This is exaclty why Einstien wasn't ENTP. If you type all INTPs as ENTPs, and ENTPs as ESTPs, then of course you'll think that ENTPs are socially handicapped or something.
    I'm pretty sure "my" ENTp is not INTp. About Einstein I can't be sure In his case I rely on the most commonly stated type for him. Anyways I disagree that I type all INTps as ENTps and ENTps as ESTps and that is why I'm supposedly in error

  7. #47
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    I am bumping this because Gilly and I are discussing Fi PoLR. How does Fi PoLR manifest in social situations where you don't know people. Say you are invited to a party where you don't know anyone?
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  8. #48
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim
    I am bumping this because Gilly and I are discussing Fi PoLR. How does Fi PoLR manifest in social situations where you don't know people. Say you are invited to a party where you don't know anyone?
    Not particularly problematic. If I spot anybody that interests me for some reason or another, I usually have a varied range of interest and I can start conversation easily. What is problematic is when I get past after the first stage of conversation, when it is my first turn to speak, when I should-should not interrupt the other, so on. Also, problematic when say, I met on the road somebody I have interacted with only a little, I never know if I should say hello to them or not...

    XoX: I don't think argumentation should only support a goal. Argumentation is sometimes necessary even without any goal
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  9. #49
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    Thank you Fabie. Now let's say your new girlfriend has a party and you meet her friends for the first time (so it's not like you never have to see them again). Would that be different? Would it be a more stressful situation?
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  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim
    Thank you Fabie. Now let's say your new girlfriend has a party and you meet her friends for the first time (so it's not like you never have to see them again). Would that be different? Would it be a more stressful situation?
    Yes, definitely different. I would feel the expectation even if there are actually none. I'd act more composed and formal, I think, trying to steer clear from topics that could cause conflicts; until, at least, I have "tested the waters" and seen if I can allow familiarty to happen, or not.
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  11. #51
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    That is key, I think: weak Fi types (all ExTx) tend to "wait for familiarity," or for others to establish it, rather than taking an active role in its development. They will be polite, make conversation, etc, but they never make that extra "push" to really connect with someone.
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  12. #52
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    Default Fi PoLR

    Is being paranoid that people are working against you (or that a group has some secret agenda against you, etc.) a Fi PoLR trait?

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  13. #53
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    Or some sort of intuitive polr...

    I get paranoid like that, but more in matters of social hierarchy. I feel as though people more inclined to form groups around themselves are working to get me excluded from their groups. Mainly because it's happened a lot. Which is why I get annoyed with a lot of ExFx's. Bitches.

    It may feel awesome when you are in their group though, don't be fooled. You think you're accepted, then you do one thing that goes agaisnt their idea of "cool" and you have a knife protruding from your back-side.
    SEE Unknown Subtype
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    [21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
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  14. #54



  15. #55
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    Well, a Fi type would be perceptive of this. A Fi PoLR type may think such is the case when it is not (that's the theory I'm asking about at least).

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  16. #56

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    Err, I don't think only Fi PoLR people feel that way?

    Quote Originally Posted by Clover
    Or some sort of intuitive polr...

    I get paranoid like that, but more in matters of social hierarchy. I feel as though people more inclined to form groups around themselves are working to get me excluded from their groups. Mainly because it's happened a lot. Which is why I get annoyed with a lot of ExFx's. Bitches.

    It may feel awesome when you are in their group though, don't be fooled. You think you're accepted, then you do one thing that goes agaisnt their idea of "cool" and you have a knife protruding from your back-side.
    I've seen that happen a lot with ESFjs

  17. #57
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    [21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
    [21:29] hitta: and not dying

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clover
    Or some sort of intuitive polr...

  19. #59
    from toronto with love ScarlettLux's Avatar
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    I would think what you described is greatly indicative of a PoLR and I say this because many ISTjs and ISFjs I know all have that paranoia about people talking behind their backs, making wrong assumptions about them.. etc. I'm not too sure why this is related to though, but it seems to be. Maybe it's because there are so many POSSIBILITIES for the reasons why people say/do things.. in connection with the strong need for that might screw them up if they don't recieve enough validation of others' emotions?

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  20. #60
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    Default Re: Fi PoLR

    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    Is being paranoid that people are working against you (or that a group has some secret agenda against you, etc.) a Fi PoLR trait?
    Its much easier for conspiracies to exist in the mind than in reality. If people seem to be working against you or refusing cooperation then the most likely explanation is that they have the same individual response to you rather than conspiring. Someone with weak or PoLR can induce resentment due to simple lack of consideration. Often they will just simply step into a room and expect that others will adopt their agenda regardless of what they were up to just a minute ago (i've seen this mainly with ENTP & ENTJ).

  21. #61
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    I guess the question is more so about being sensitive to people disliking you... Would a Fi PoLR person be likely to be overly concerned in worrying that people don't like him/her? (and actually make people dislike him/her as a result? )

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  22. #62
    ILE - ENTp 1981slater's Avatar
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    Answer to Joy: ..YES ...and being unable to know the right psychological distance between you and your acquitances
    ILE "Searcher"
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  23. #63
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    So an ExTp might be overly defensive in response to people that they worry dislike them?

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  24. #64
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    Perhaps it can go either way.

    My ENTp brother doesn't seem to be concerned about that at all. I never heard him say anything about people liking him or not. An ESFp girl who dated one of his friends - an ESTp - once told me that many people couldn't stand my brother, but he seemed oblivious to it. I really don't know what would be his reaction if someone told him, "you know, a lot of those people can't stand you". He's intellectually very self-confident, even arrogant, so I guess he'd just think that they're idiots.

    A former ESTp work colleague seemed to take for granted that everyone had to love a guy with his personality, he always assumed that everyone liked him more than me. But if it was pointed out to him that some people deeply disliked him, especially due to something specific, he'd go very quiet.

    As for being "overly concerned and therefore make others dislike him" - I could imagine that happening, FWIW.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  25. #65
    ILE - ENTp 1981slater's Avatar
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    So I guess your brother is an ENTp logical subtype
    ILE "Searcher"
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    MBTI: ENTJ "Field Marshall" or ENTP "Inventor"
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  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1981slater
    So I guess your brother is an ENTp logical subtype
    Yes that's what I think.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  27. #67
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    I am EXTREMELY concerned with people disliking me, ONLY if the reason does not make sense to me. Or is invalid.

    Give me a valid reason and I'll come to terms with it. I give everyone a chance and I expect the same from everyone else...
    SEE Unknown Subtype
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    [21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
    [21:29] hitta: and not dying

  28. #68
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    Makes you wonder if PoLR is the biggest handicap of all possible functions that can occupy that spot. If you are ENTP then really you just expect that people will be decent. You adopt that assumption as a given and seek to have have fun with the rest assuming that others share your sense of adventure. You expect others will understand that and not to take things too personally. Trouble is people are far more complex than that, not everyone is interested in the sort of "wacky" style of the ENTP. When you combine that with the genral nature of many people to seek advantage by such means as masking their motives, manipulating emotions or simply by being serious/conservative and and expect everyone to play by the book you begin to see how awkward PoLR can be. Suddenly lack of perception of the true status of a realationship can be seen in a very negative light, even to the extent of being "evil" .... and yet in reality there are few types that would stand by a friend in real need as much as an ENTP (or an ESTP i am given to understand)

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket
    Makes you wonder if PoLR is the biggest handicap of all possible functions that can occupy that spot. If you are ENTP then really you just expect that people will be decent. You adopt that assumption as a given and seek to have have fun with the rest assuming that others share your sense of adventure. You expect others will understand that and not to take things too personally. Trouble is people are far more complex than that, not everyone is interested in the sort of "wacky" style of the ENTP. When you combine that with the genral nature of many people to seek advantage by such means as masking their motives, manipulating emotions or simply by being serious/conservative and and expect everyone to play by the book you begin to see how awkward PoLR can be. Suddenly lack of perception of the true status of a realationship can be seen in a very negative light, even to the extent of being "evil" .... and yet in reality there are few types that would stand by a friend in real need as much as an ENTP (or an ESTP i am given to understand)
    Just hang out with people that don't care. There are a lot that don't care, and even more that even WELCOME that kind of stuff!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket
    When you combine that with the genral nature of many people to seek advantage by such means as masking their motives, manipulating emotions or simply by being serious/conservative and and expect everyone to play by the book you begin to see how awkward PoLR can be.
    i know an ENTp woman pursuing the same degree as i do. we've worked together in some courses and i often see a girl (whose type is unbeknownst to me) hanging around her, more like clinging to her actually (you'll know shortly). since i've also done group work together with this girl, i know that it's difficult to count on her to do her part or to be there when things go bad. others had to take on extra work because she would disappear when the deadline was near and when her input was urgently needed. if it weren't for the presence of others, i can see the ENTp ending up doing everything. and that was exactly what happened to her in other courses (where she continued teaming up with this girl). this woman had to run up and down taking care of everything and even got an assignment stolen by the girl once. i am aware of why this girl is always sticking to this ENTp woman, even enrolling in the same courses, but the woman isn't aware of it. the way i see it, she's continually being taken advantage of.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Just hang out with people that don't care. There are a lot that don't care, and even more that even WELCOME that kind of stuff!
    Sure there are :-) ... with weak sometimes its easy to overlook them for an ENTP. We kinda have a free for all type mentality where "who" counts for little. Knowing socionics helps enormously ... so things are a little esier than they used to be

  32. #72
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    Default Is this F polr? Or just immature behaviour?

    I have noticed this reaction both in me and an ISTp I know.

    When there is an uncertainity/blowup/big argument/small breakup in a relationship, we both immediatly get drunk the same night and go looking for other girls to "dampen" the emotional impact of the argument. Maybe some people could say it's normal male behaviour but IME it isn't, the reactions are sometimes different. In my and this guy's case seems to really be a compulsion, crave, to forget about the pain (sounds like an excuse! Maybe it is).

    We are also both enneagram 7w8, it might be connected to this.
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  33. #73
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    Everyone regroups via their leading functions somehow, from what I've seen, and especially In my own experience.

    That may be a case of one's leading function trying to compensate for polr/dual seeking 'failure', or even, your leading function trying to "power through" polr, or even trying to show that you are "above" your polr.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  34. #74
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    That's a good explanation, UDP, I agree with you it really might be the case.

    I also thank you for not morally condemning the actions, frankly when I saw your name as a replier, I thought that was the case.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  35. #75
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    I think it's funny that you should mention this sort of behavior FDG, because I just read an article about it earlier today. It was biased towards men claiming that only they participated in such acts after a break-up/something tramatic/etc. and that women didn't because they're "more in touch with their feelings".
    As for it only being a "man thing", that's bullshit. I try to drown my pain as quick as possible in whatever form happens to be nearby when the wound is still fresh. After awhile when it's only dull pain, I take it on.
    All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster

  36. #76
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    You're welcome FDG.

    Thankfully I am, at a very slow pace, learning that a lot of the 'apparent' conflicts and reactions (like many of my remarks -- the kind you expected) are only reactions to superficial things, surface level things. In very real sense, I do the same thing, the same format and's just my functions are different, to put it one way.

    Basically, through a slightly greater understanding of socionics, (for me) there is an undeniable compassion and empathy - when you see how similar everyone really is, the same processes, and so on. I know it would not help me to go about things in that specific way, but I can see how, and why, some people do.

    And finally, causing more angst, and being too condescending, as you warned about before -- I have seen how this, especially a few times recently, gets in the way of what is important.


    I think it's funny that you should mention this sort of behavior FDG, because I just read an article about it earlier today. It was biased towards men claiming that only they participated in such acts after a break-up/something tramatic/etc. and that women didn't because they're "more in touch with their feelings".
    To use common stereotypes, women may just internalize things more - eating icecream, watching sappy movies, etc. Guys, stereotypically, are prone to fighting, or having sex -- interacting with other things, to get angst out of their system (which I can attest to even though I am an LII -- the desire to hit, release, or physically command power over something or someone is a real thing). Obviously too much of both styles is bad, and even more so they are likely inversions of the same trigger or process. But of course, as you said, those are stereotypes and limited at any rate.

    While a female ESTp may not necessarily act in the exact same empirical way, I would not expect their actual real internal processes to be different.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  37. #77

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    Default Fi polr

    place for talking about Fi polr

    Did Khamelion have a thread on this already? because i didnt find it easily in the search.

  38. #78

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    i implore you to talk about fi polr

  39. #79

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    omg some peoplez have teh Fi polr. tehy dont like teh Fi. tehy prefrez teh Fe.


  40. #80
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    I actually have a really good case-study for this. One of my professors is an ENTp (*shock*), and the Fi polr shows up quite nicely in that a lot of his interaction with students in lecture lacks a certain social finesse. He loves audience participation (demands it, in fact), but a sincere question or formulation is often addressed with sarcasm or some kind of joke that tries to 'lower' the student. I don't think he really recognizes how he comes across, and having had him for a few different classes now, I've seen a couple of students almost reduced to tears. Let's call him Mike.

    Mike: "Any questions?"
    Student A: *clearly having difficulty with the topic, asks question*
    Mike: *mucking around with the overhead* "Huh? What did you say?" *to student B* "What did she say?"
    Student B: "Uhh, I wasn't really listening..."
    Mike: "Yeah, me neither. Guess we didn't miss much."
    Student A: "...harsh..."

    It's at that point he realizes what he just said, then checks his behaviour - apologizes, sits down, and asks her to repeat the question, but actually making a point of listening this time.

    Another time:

    Mike: "...I guess that's about it. Any questions? Okay, good." *turns to gather up stuff*
    Student: *from the back of the room* "I would just like to say that the geoclub is having a BBQ tonight at so-and-so's house, and if--"
    Mike: *interrupts with sarcastic grin* "Oh yeah, I guess NOW would be the time to ask if ANYONE has any ANNOUNCEMENTS to make!"
    Student: "-and if you have a membership to the geoclub, the beer is free, but if--"
    Student: "...oh, and everyone is invited EXCEPT MIKE."
    Mike: "F!"
    Student: "...just kidding, Mike, you can come too."

    He also likes to single out a particular student and literally spend about 5 minutes grilling them about their life. Juvenile, innocent questions that an 8 year old might ask, but become intentionally absurd as a function of how long he keeps asking them.

    He's actually a pretty good guy - popular with students - you just have to watch yourself and not let his antics get under your skin.
    SLI/ISTp -- Te subtype

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