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Thread: Fi PoLR - Misunderstood

  1. #561

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    Quote Originally Posted by COVID 007 View Post
    Introverted PoLR: channel goes in but not out. Simply as that. Fi as I see is about sympathetic response in where it operates in this case it is feeling. Unfeeling personal predisposition. Hence it also steps over communal values. Sympathetic position assumes similarity without objectivity. In the end it is about reaching for objective feeling. Fi is like: I want to get rich -> others want it too or I want to get married-> others want it too etc. When this dominates you can pretty much kiss ass because the nuances. Whereas I just don't hold those believes and decide it logically case by case.
    In a way I do not deal with wants and it reflects back.

    Maybe the best example comes when people try to please me and hit a wall everytime.
    Yes, I am the same way. Can you elaborate on how you think this relates to Fi-POLR specifically? For me, I suppose, it relates to this innate part of me that hates ass-kissing. I know that Joan Rivers (SLE-Se; Fi-POLR most likely) also notoriously hated ass-kissing, and there are plenty of examples of her rolling her eyes are interviewers who try to do it. I think for me it relates to it seeming fake. I hate when people attempt to use emotion to get something out of me, especially because I will almost always give you what/do what you need me to without a second thought. Just ask me straight up. If I can give it to you, I will. If I can't, I won't. Whether or not I like you almost never comes into play. Perhaps with heavily Fi types it does come into play? I am not sure.

    ETA: And I wonder if Ti-Ego is the opposite? Being uncomfortable with people who building a social bond with/pleasing them won't improve your chances of getting 'X?' Ti-ego is so detached in this sense.

    Anyways, how do you think this relates to Fi-POLR.
    Last edited by mightylizard; 08-20-2020 at 08:29 PM.

  2. #562
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    One SLI I know would not admit it but once some Fi came by and told how good his thoughts were you could tell that it really sinked in pretty good . I would call it deep cleansing. Ti probably seeks opposition for debate. Fi valuers see it as attack against their ego.
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  3. #563
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    Neither you, silke or shotgun is a Fi-valuer. Shotgun is clearly alpha, silke beta, you - dunno. His behavior is within ILE variety.

    Also, don't fuck with him just for lolz so he can 'change' his type again.
    Shotgun is Fi, and your ILI supervisor.

    That's why you're scared he's going to yet change his type again.

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    There were times where I wished my ILE friends would cut me off. I literally had one of them say "Hey can we hang out today, I NEED to hang out with friends today." he was one of them that pissed off everyone around him because he acted like a damn child doing things to intentionally annoy you and once again didn't give a damn how much you told him to stop, that got his rocks off and made him wanna do it more. Same exact behavior with my recently semi cut off ILE friend ( had to cut him off because he can't take his own medicine) who at times I wished cut me off like a detached limb because once again, pissed me off weekly and other people too (thank God because I swore it was just me and that I was just over sensitive and crazy), but everytime I went silent on him he'd try to do some dumb thing to make me laugh like he was checking to see if I'm in a better mood, I'm like "Bruh don't you get it, leave me the hell alone." and after his attempt he'd realize "Oh damn he's mad mad, I better leave him alone.". AND, ILE co worker at work the first week I started working must have been uncomfortable with me being silent because he kept trying to get me to talk. Literally say anything, tried to peer pressure me by making some joke to somebody that I don't talk "Yea well buddy over there doesn't talk.", I'm like ok I get it. Another time after he made some office joke he says "Hey man you need to get in on these, you gotta interact." pretty much saying I gotta respond or interact or react or whatever to his jokes. Like bruh I don't even know you calm down. Is how I felt. Then later trying to pull me more out of my "shell" says "Hey man next time we go to happy hour, YOU'RE COMING!" and he had a serious no smile face when he said it. I will say I stereotyped him from the beginning because I knew he was ILE and that made me decide to avoid him without even really getting to know him which isn't right to do, but I honestly did not wanna go through the crap I went through with my previous friends, who knows maybe he was different. And lives to bully you stereotype didn't come out of thin air. It matures into lives to annoy you after highschool if it continues. Somebody even on this site admitted "It's hard not to be a bully when you're like that." referring to their SLE type.

    I don't have much experience with ESTp PoLR. I had one SLE friend in highschool, most likely 8w7. And his Fi PoLR to me always looked like he just did whatever he could get away with, didn't give a damn whether it was right or wrong. Didn't even stop and think if it was right or wrong, like it gave him some sense of power to see what he could get away with. He got in a fight the very first day of school I guess maybe he was trying to secure his place at the top of the food chain who knows. I remember some dumb game we played in highschool called "Open Chest." and it was literally you punching someone in the chest if you saw them and they weren't guarding their chest, of course he was the one that introduced it to me. And how? By punching me as hard as he freakin could in the chest. My Se PoLR ass was like "ok I'm not gonna fight this guy, he could whoop me." so I tried to laugh it off. But whatever, we are "friends" and he must have thought it was ok to do that to a friend right? I remember one time I introduced him to my cousin and what's the first thing this idiot does? "OPEN CHEST!" as hard as he could on my cousin he doesn't have a clue about, my cousin was from out of town and had no idea about this game and he is ESFj and can get super mad super fast. He was real confused why he just got punched in the chest and why my friend was laughing despite him not finding it funny(maybe becauyse SLE doesn't give a fck, or doesn't know how to give a fck, idk anymore), I calmed him down but later that day he was like " I was about to fight your friend for that." I had to explain away my idiot friends behavior as a game we play. This guy didn't stop and think "Hey maybe it's not cool to do this dumb thing with someone I don't know, someone I just met." That's how his Fi PoLR looked to me, didn't give a damn whether a complete stranger would be ok with this stupid game or how they would react and didn't care about the person because he punched as hard as he freakin could everytime, like he was trying to cave in your damn chest. Same "tough" kid cried when we got arrested for shop lifting, I was shocked when he did but I guess that's Fe for you. Fi PoLR alot of the times looks like to me like there is a line and Fi PoLR crosses the line either without a care or without knowing, I've also seen rare moments where they draw a hard line.
    Last edited by Lord Pixel; 08-21-2020 at 06:23 PM.

  5. #565
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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    Take this test and see if you're low in Agreeableness.

    Most of these things don't sound like being related to Fi PoLR. I've confronted people a plenty, objects went a flying and walls have been broken. And yet, I'm supported to be a nice fluffy IEI female who's also tiny in frame.
    I already did, its in that thread. I'm low in agreeableness, probably choleric or melancholic or a mix of those. Here:

    EDIT: My sloan type has always been RLxEI. I'm physicaly not very organized, but highly conscientious and as a 6 I do contingency planning as a basic thought-pattern reaction to situations involuntarily, so maybe RLOEI.
    Last edited by SGF; 08-21-2020 at 05:45 AM.

  6. #566
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    yeah, this literally never happens to me. I'm always internally hyper aware of these things. IF the way I act in these situations is disruptive, it means I'm consciously and intentionally doing it for whatever reason I have. Fully conscious of how it will or is affecting ppl. Usually its because I'm pushing ppl's buttons to test / get reactions out of them.
    I don't know why you might not consider strong . I suspect you are IEI still.

    creative prods for reactions like this. It doesn't operate in the dark doing it, and all your accounts suggest you don't either. IME HA is more clumsy with this stuff.

  7. #567
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    Yeah actually I am feeling the Fi HA for you too now TBH @shotgunfingers . I could even see IEI now tbh.

    You should really just figure it out yourself though with IRL people and your ITR with them.

  8. #568
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    SLI is probably the most quarrelsome type (lot of things boils down to their feelings). They like people who bridge the distance like IEE.
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  9. #569
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    Tbh there is some truth to the stereotype of ILEs ruining their relationships because they're jerks. A lot of them seem so convinced of their rightness about EVERYTHING along with their cleverness that they end up being like bulls in a china shop where the china is everyone but them. Then everyone gets pissed at them and they get chased off -- and they do have to be chased, because fuck it they're right and know more than everyone else so everyone else should just go along with them!!! Could be an ExTx thing in general, but I've noticed it mainly in ILEs. Seriously the most obnoxious people I've met many times. Even their voices just sound terrible, some of them.

    But there's also the ones that are too nice and approval seeking. In my experience, they tend to be the female ILEs. I often wonder to myself why I rejected one of those as a potential friend considering how nice she was and how it seemed really genuine, but anyway. She was kinda like the Hilda character in the new Sabrina series.

  10. #570
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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    I don't know why you might not consider strong . I suspect you are IEI still.

    creative prods for reactions like this. It doesn't operate in the dark doing it, and all your accounts suggest you don't either. IME HA is more clumsy with this stuff.
    Fe HA will prod for reactions too. They often do it too strongly or too much and that's part of what fucks up their relationships. People end up feeling objectified and that gets them pissed off. Yes, you succeeded in getting a reaction, it just wasn't the one you wanted. In severe cases, people will get violent with them. They got more than they bargained for in those situations.

  11. #571
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Tbh there is some truth to the stereotype of ILEs ruining their relationships because they're jerks. A lot of them seem so convinced of their rightness about EVERYTHING along with their cleverness that they end up being like bulls in a china shop where the china is everyone but them. Then everyone gets pissed at them and they get chased off -- and they do have to be chased, because fuck it they're right and know more than everyone else so everyone else should just go along with them!!! Could be an ExTx thing in general, but I've noticed it mainly in ILEs. Seriously the most obnoxious people I've met many times. Even their voices just sound terrible, some of them.

    But there's also the ones that are too nice and approval seeking. In my experience, they tend to be the female ILEs. I often wonder to myself why I rejected one of those as a potential friend considering how nice she was and how it seemed really genuine, but anyway. She was kinda like the Hilda character in the new Sabrina series.
    I disagree as a ILE for 2 reasons:

    1. I doubt almost everything I personally think or believe & the sad reality is that no matter how hard I try the tendency in me always is to try and find some external source of objective truth or authority that can lay my doubts to rest.. aka I'm never convinced that I'm right, I just think a lot, compulsively. This is stereotypical for a 6 tho.

    2. If I were that much of a jerk, then IRl ppl wouldn't say that I have a calming effect on them and that they feel they can say anything to me, because I won't judge them. (which is not true, but most ppl are decent folk). In relationships with other ppl I'm extremely selective tho and only rarely do I engage in something more than surface level interaction, which is why I have less than 5 friends IRL and like to keep it that way.. so there is never any real wide circle of people to "piss off" really as I'm more of a lone wolf / social recluse. I thought maybe once I had the social anxiety thing resolved I'd magically turn into an extrovert and other people's complaints about my reclusive nature would vaporize in thin air... but no e_e shit stayed the same, I just don't feel nervous in public anymore.

  12. #572
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    I disagree as a ILE for 2 reasons:

    1. I doubt almost everything I personally think or believe & the sad reality is that no matter how hard I try the tendency in me always is to try and find some external source of objective truth or authority that can lay my doubts to rest.. aka I'm never convinced that I'm right, I just think a lot, compulsively. This is stereotypical for a 6 tho.

    2. If I were that much of a jerk, then IRl ppl wouldn't say that I have a calming effect on them and that they feel they can say anything to me, because I won't judge them. (which is not true, but most ppl are decent folk). In relationships with other ppl I'm extremely selective tho and only rarely do I engage in something more than surface level interaction, which is why I have less than 5 friends IRL and like to keep it that way.. so there is never any real wide circle of people to "piss off" really as I'm more of a lone wolf / social recluse. I thought maybe once I had the social anxiety thing resolved I'd magically turn into an extrovert and other people's complaints about my reclusive nature would vaporize in thin air... but no e_e shit stayed the same, I just don't feel nervous in public anymore.
    Ok so this might sound odd but you might not sound like you're doubtful to others.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    There were times where I wished my ILE friends would cut me off. I literally had one of them say "Hey can we hang out today, I NEED to hang out with friends today."
    Literally everything you described in that post had to do with instinctual stackings(enneagram) and the fact that you are probably self-preservation first. You value your own needs and your boundaries above friendships or intensity, and that has nothing to do with socionics or Fi-Polr.
    (food for thought) But it's a good call. I sometimes also need to hang out with people, and had to learn to cut out the "friends" that don't understand that, because for me it means that they don't care about me. Does both sides a lot of good.
    Last edited by lkdhf qkb; 08-21-2020 at 08:04 PM.

  14. #574

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    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    the fact that you are probably self-preservation first.
    Uhhhh I'm sp blind.

    You value your own needs and your boundaries above friendships or intensity,
    Or maybe I get tried of friends who can't stop being assholes for whatever reason.
    Like sbbds said.

    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Fi polr / Fe HA reminds me of these lyrics from One Week by the Barenaked Ladies. This entire song (and entire band really) is very ILE but I can relate too.

    How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad?
    ^^My experience in a nutshell.

    Let me punch you in your whole chest and it's funnier if you get mad.

    Smack you in the face, it's funnier if you actually get mad.

    Throw garbage off the dirt floor directly at your face, it's even funnier if you get really mad.

    So much friendship to be valued there.

    ILE friend actually said those words to people who he was staying with, he pulled a prank on them and told them that it was funnier because they were actually mad, needless to say that didn't help the situation.

    Matter of fact all the lyrics she quoted made complete sense. I feel like my ILE friend is singing that track right now, he likes to ask me periodically "Is the gang all back together again?!" once again like he's trying to check if we are in good standing now. I'm sure he can't remember all the little things he did to cause me to not like him, but I can't just get over them in the blink of an eye especially if I don't feel like that sort of stuff is not gonna stop, I'm not eager to jump into a fire and I'm not dumb enough to believe I'm not gonna get burned. It's gotten to the point where I anticipate me getting angry around him, like I'm a grumpy old angry man around him before he's even given me a reason to be just because I'm expecting to get angry since he's so unpredictable with his trolliness and low blow comments I don't know what he's gonna say next that'll put me over the edge. Some of the things he's said to me should have gotten him hurt.

    and that has nothing to do with socionics or Fi-Polr.
    If you say so, but trust me I know better. Been there, done it, got the tee shirt.

    If I had to guess I think you're just jumping to defense because I was talking shit about this type, people have talked shit about my type and what did I do, I kept my mouth shut.
    Last edited by Lord Pixel; 08-21-2020 at 08:57 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mightylizard View Post
    Yes, I am the same way. Can you elaborate on how you think this relates to Fi-POLR specifically? For me, I suppose, it relates to this innate part of me that hates ass-kissing. I know that Joan Rivers (SLE-Se; Fi-POLR most likely) also notoriously hated ass-kissing, and there are plenty of examples of her rolling her eyes are interviewers who try to do it. I think for me it relates to it seeming fake. I hate when people attempt to use emotion to get something out of me, especially because I will almost always give you what/do what you need me to without a second thought. Just ask me straight up. If I can give it to you, I will. If I can't, I won't. Whether or not I like you almost never comes into play. Perhaps with heavily Fi types it does come into play? I am not sure.
    Anyways, how do you think this relates to Fi-POLR.
    That's in part connected to Fi Polr I believe. Most people don't kiss ass to get something out of you(at least not in Fi valuing quadras) but because they acknowledge the relationship you have. It's not just Fi types who acknowledge relations; it's all types except Fi-Polr(other Ti-valuers just do it to a lesser degree/it is not a focus in itself). You just seeing the "problem part" in every interaction(Te demonstrative), but not the relationship part is the purest form of Fi-Polr, let's call that "the blind spot". Explanation : people are nice when asking for something for various reasons, like they think they would want to be treated the same way(it's called manners), or they respect you, or they genuinely like you, whatever. To answer your question about Fi users, I would never ask somethng from someone I don't like. I wouldn't feel confortable asking and I dislike being indebted to someone I consider an asshole. So if a Fi ego asks something from you, it's probably because he trusts you(trust has to do with relationships, again).

    Fi only gives the reason for kissing ass. It's like an alternative to Ti explanations. Kissing ass in itself is a Fe-activity. XLE-Ti subtypes, being very weak in Fe often are afraid of being taken advantage of emotionally. They have little control over their own emotionality and project their fears onto any display of feelings; emotionality becomes easily interpreted as a malicious attempt at influence. Which can be justified, XEI-Fe have this weird way of making people want to do what they themselves want, for free. So this dislike is something you're gonna have to deal with when in contact with your own quadra....

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    If I had to guess I think you're just jumping to defense because I was talking shit about this type, people have talked shit about my type and what did I do, I kept my mouth shut.
    Lol you're allowed to your opinion man, I don't really care, I don't know the dudes you're talking about. It just seemed to me that the reasons you gave for saying ILE was a jerk were about self-preservation. The only part about Fi-Polr is when you say he didn't really know when to stop contacting you.

    My 2 cents, take it or leave it

  17. #577
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    In my experience with ILE, they're really nice people. Fi Polr seems to show up in that they don't really know who their friends are, don't know how to judge interpersonal distance.

    One of my favorite ILE men does this where he closely observes how people treat him, and returns the exact same level of respect. He holds some controversial political opinions and is very vocal about it. Then he can't figure out for the life of him, why some people get annoyed with him. He sees himself as a nice guy who says honest things. He tries to be helpful, gentle and warm. In conversation he can even appear very warm and can get riled up emotionally. He does occasionally seem to enjoy drama and the emotional highs. He's a real solid fellow but then he goes on with his smart mouth and can't figure out why he gets negative reactions from certain people.

    Ti types in general approach interpersonal relationships like a rule book of sorts. So when you have that lack of Fi, the thought must be like "I'm following all the rules, so what's the problem here?" I'm just speculating. I personally take issue with people who don't understand that I'm following rules. I don't prefer to act on a hunch or whatever it is that serious ethical types do.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Fe HA will prod for reactions too. They often do it too strongly or too much and that's part of what fucks up their relationships. People end up feeling objectified and that gets them pissed off. Yes, you succeeded in getting a reaction, it just wasn't the one you wanted. In severe cases, people will get violent with them. They got more than they bargained for in those situations.
    Clumsy IOW. @shotgunfingers seems to describe himself differently than that.

    I understand people very well imo. I can read them face to face and even in text interaction fairly well and know exactly where we stand in terms of relations even from some of the very first interactions. Generally its fairly evident to me how and what buttons I need to push in other people to get certain responses out of them. It just depends entirely on what I want in the given situation or what my mood and orientation towards these ppl is. Imo its less about being unintentionally rude, or glitching the interaction by some deficiency on my end such as low empathy or sympathy, autism and more about intentionally pushing their buttons & making them react the way I want them to.

    If I want I can behave in ways which make people like me. I can be very charming, goofy or whatever I think you'd enjoy. Is it genuine? It Depends. Do I have empathy and sympathy for people? I do. My response however depends on a lot of other factors. I won't just simply respond with thoughtless superficial kindness. I tend to feel guilt & shame a lot, which regulates my response very often.
    He cannot always discern the state of another person; he may therefore offend others in the manner by which he expresses what he’s discovered for he doesn’t seem to take into account other’s feelings in regards to the situation. But this is never the consequence of evil intent, envy or arrogance. ILE simply believes that he is speaking about something objectively, and that the truth will not offend anyone. <== this isn't. I'm always fully aware of these things, there is clear intent there if I'm not being diplomatic. Accidentally hurting someone rarely happens, I'd have to be careless and usually I'm not. I do however have imo at least better moral breaks and conscience than most ppl I know, even if I push boundaries a lot.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Panda View Post
    In my experience with ILE, they're really nice people. Fi Polr seems to show up in that they don't really know who their friends are, don't know how to judge interpersonal distance.

    One of my favorite ILE men does this where he closely observes how people treat him, and returns the exact same level of respect. He holds some controversial political opinions and is very vocal about it. Then he can't figure out for the life of him, why some people get annoyed with him. He sees himself as a nice guy who says honest things. He tries to be helpful, gentle and warm. In conversation he can even appear very warm and can get riled up emotionally. He does occasionally seem to enjoy drama and the emotional highs. He's a real solid fellow but then he goes on with his smart mouth and can't figure out why he gets negative reactions from certain people.

    Ti types in general approach interpersonal relationships like a rule book of sorts. So when you have that lack of Fi, the thought must be like "I'm following all the rules, so what's the problem here?" I'm just speculating. I personally take issue with people who don't understand that I'm following rules. I don't prefer to act on a hunch or whatever it is that serious ethical types do.
    Do you know why he gets negative reactions?

  20. #580
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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    He cannot always discern the state of another person; he may therefore offend others in the manner by which he expresses what he’s discovered for he doesn’t seem to take into account other’s feelings in regards to the situation. But this is never the consequence of evil intent, envy or arrogance. ILE simply believes that he is speaking about something objectively, and that the truth will not offend anyone.
    This is quite true inumbra. Weak functions just don't have the same level of resolution as strong functions. People muddle along with them; they gradually develop them — e.g. by imitating how someone else (a dual, activator, beneficiary, etc.) uses them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    This is quite true inumbra. Weak functions just don't have the same level of resolution as strong functions. People muddle along with them; they gradually develop them by (e.g.) imitating how someone else (an dual, activator, beneficiary, etc.) uses them.
    was quoting shotgun quoting socionics source

  22. #582
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    Fi-PoLR types have a hard time evaluating someone else's 'character'. They need to use explicit rules about what constitutes good and bad in order to compensate for this — basically Ti.

    It can take them many bitter lessons before learning to detect fakeness, esp. fakeness that comes from some very manipulative ethical type.

  23. #583
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyre View Post
    Yes, I have had outbursts where I've

    - Thrown shit at the walls and people
    - Threatened to hurt others and even myself
    - Had the police called on me as a result of these outbursts
    - Been hospitalized as a result and now must be kept medicated by law !

    Is this Fi polr? Dunno? Maybe xLE ? Give thoughts plz thanks xoxoxoxo.
    I have done all of that as well. If I ever question my Beta status I turn my head back to those highly dramatic flairs.
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    Fi PoLR/Ignoring: eating at Chik-Fil-A even though their values and politics totally eschew your own.
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    Quote Originally Posted by flames View Post
    Fi PoLR/Ignoring: eating at Chik-Fil-A even though their values and politics totally eschew your own.
    Can't speak for Fe bases, but ILEs and especially SLEs often have values they take seriously and won't compromise.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Ok so this might sound odd but you might not sound like you're doubtful to others.
    I mainly assert things that I have argued over and debated be4 several times to come to a conclusion, such as for example my enneagram type, political views, ethics. IF its an unfamiliar topic and I lack information I wouldn't know where to begin.

    Quote Originally Posted by flames View Post
    Fi PoLR/Ignoring: eating at Chik-Fil-A even though their values and politics totally eschew your own.
    I'm not on social media, don't watch Hollywood shit and have abandoned a lot of stuff and activities, including a long Warcraft addiction simply because they go against my values and I don't want to be a hypocrite. So that can't be true.

    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Fi-PoLR types have a hard time evaluating someone else's 'character'. They need to use explicit rules about what constitutes good and bad in order to compensate for this — basically Ti.

    It can take them many bitter lessons before learning to detect fakeness, esp. fakeness that comes from some very manipulative ethical type.
    I disagree. Ppl are easy to read, falseness especially and one doesn't need logical rules for guidance in this sense, one just intuitively feels the disconnect. Admittedly this is harder to do in text form interaction, but irl face to face these things are obvious to me as if it were instinct.

    IEIs seem to know what I'm talking about when i say "Ppl are easy to read"

    Last edited by SGF; 08-22-2020 at 08:45 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    I'm not on social media, don't watch Hollywood shit and have abandoned a lot of stuff and activities, including a long Warcraft addiction simply because they go against my values and I don't want to be a hypocrite. So that can't be true.
    why does WoW go against your values?

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    Quote Originally Posted by oath of solitude View Post
    why does WoW go against your values?
    Yeah, there are several things wrong with WoW as a game, however my beef really is with Activision-Blizzard, so I don't play any of their games.
    From the Hong-Kong situation, to how they pay their staff, to who owns the company and how they manipulate the market / don't pay taxes.. it all just rubs me the wrong way.

    According to public federal tax filings, in 2018, Activision Blizzard didn't just completely avoid paying taxes in the United States of America. The company received massive tax credits totaling $228 million. Given a profit of $447 million, that's an effective tax rate of -51 percent.

    Its a immoral company run by greedy immoral sleazebags with the goal of just making as much money as possible while delivering a as of WOTLK shitty game.

    So I just quit when I found out.

    Look at this guy.. Jesus Christ.. and I gave them money:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    Do you know why he gets negative reactions?
    That's a hard question to answer. I know people have negative reactions to things. I've accepted that as a fact of life. But, I still can't figure out why someone would get offended by a person who is nice, kind and open even if they have other flaws. Do the flaws override the good qualities like friendliness, honestly, loyalty, etc. in your opinion?

    TBH, I'm probably as clueless as he is. The difference would be that I am really really careful about what I say to people. Despite that, I sometimes still end up blurting out things. When I get riled up, my speech turns into word vomit and I can say things that make people raise their eyebrows. The best solution I have found is to just surround myself with people who would either not notice it or don't mind it. He seems to not have that filter. He treats people all the same, whether they are his friends or not. For example, I needed his help one time and he took several weeks to help me out despite me not talking to him for years. That's a pretty good quality, imo. I can deal with it if he's rude or annoying or something like that.

    In your previous post you gave some examples. Could you explain your reason for being annoyed by your coworker? It seems like he's a nice person who cares about your well being. Maybe he believes you would benefit from socializing or maybe he wants to get to know you better? I had a similar experience with an ILE boss at my work. He came up to me and said "You're too quiet and withdrawn. You really should talk more to people or they will think you're just here to work." I took that to mean that he was concerned I was bringing down the morale of the team. I tried my best to talk to everyone after that. What exactly about it do you find annoying? I'm asking because I genuinely don't understand.


    I agree with @shotgunfingers that people are easy to read. But at the same time, I find it hard to tell where I stand with someone. And yeah, if I'm convinced of something, it's hard to shake me off it. I'm really firm when it comes to what I stand for.

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    Hating on and avoiding immoral megacorporations seems like an ILE thing. My ILE dad refuses to use Apple, Google or Microsoft products. He only uses Linux computers and a Sailfish phone. Does searches on some other search engine that I forget..

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Hating on and avoiding immoral megacorporations seems like an ILE thing. My ILE dad refuses to use Apple, Google or Microsoft products. He only uses Linux computers and a Sailfish phone. Does searches on some other search engine that I forget..
    yeah also XLEs tend to just bluntly say at times what most ppl are thinking. e_e you certainly do it more impulsively then I.. getting to the root/bottom of things and saying it as it is with no filters on.

    Maybe that bothers ExIs? Its just like being politically incorrect by default *shrug*

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Hating on and avoiding immoral megacorporations seems like an ILE thing. My ILE dad refuses to use Apple, Google or Microsoft products. He only uses Linux computers and a Sailfish phone. Does searches on some other search engine that I forget..
    Yeah, that's a stereotypically Alpha NT neuroticism, lol. I'm guessing he uses DuckDuckGo or Startpage. I do the same as your dad, minus the phone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Can't speak for Fe bases, but ILEs and especially SLEs often have values they take seriously and won't compromise.
    Many times that is like a fight against subjective corruption meaning that people give too much leeway to explain away hurt - they break consistency.
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    Quote Originally Posted by COVID 007 View Post
    Many times that is like a fight against subjective corruption meaning that people give too much leeway to explain away hurt - they break consistency.
    Whatcha mean?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Whatcha mean?
    It just "feels" like corruption when people state that they had to do it for their feelings. It seems to lack reason which does not cover whatifs.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    ^^My experience in a nutshell.

    Let me punch you in your whole chest and it's funnier if you get mad.

    Smack you in the face, it's funnier if you actually get mad.

    Throw garbage off the dirt floor directly at your face, it's even funnier if you get really mad.

    So much friendship to be valued there.

    ILE friend actually said those words to people who he was staying with, he pulled a prank on them and told them that it was funnier because they were actually mad, needless to say that didn't help the situation.

    Matter of fact all the lyrics she quoted made complete sense. I feel like my ILE friend is singing that track right now, he likes to ask me periodically "Is the gang all back together again?!" once again like he's trying to check if we are in good standing now. I'm sure he can't remember all the little things he did to cause me to not like him, but I can't just get over them in the blink of an eye especially if I don't feel like that sort of stuff is not gonna stop, I'm not eager to jump into a fire and I'm not dumb enough to believe I'm not gonna get burned. It's gotten to the point where I anticipate me getting angry around him, like I'm a grumpy old angry man around him before he's even given me a reason to be just because I'm expecting to get angry since he's so unpredictable with his trolliness and low blow comments I don't know what he's gonna say next that'll put me over the edge. Some of the things he's said to me should have gotten him hurt.
    Lol. Another thing that confuses us is lack of immediate negative reaction. If you don’t immediately react badly we will think everything is okay. We assume that personal boundaries can vary greatly from person to person (especially when we’re less experienced). Less negative reactions to our shit = we are closer to you, in our minds. Really you should have just punched him in the face when he treats you that way. ILEs especially need a strong physical cue and won’t be able to notice or understand delicate body language.

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    Quote Originally Posted by COVID 007 View Post
    It just "feels" like corruption when people state that they had to do it for their feelings. It seems to lack reason which does not cover whatifs.
    So what you’re saying is it’s not truly a moral if there’s personal investment, because things being subject to personal feelings are bound to lack perfect consistency by default, so rigid morals are hypothetical and hypocritical things.


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    I notice that there’s a big difference between my ILE bf and I in terms of Fe HA. To me part of beta Fe HA is about freedom of expression that disregards people’s traditional comfort and sensitivities. It usually doesn’t really represent my actual views, it’s just for the sake of expressing something that makes you feel strongly / for creativity. I feel like it should be obvious to people that it’s just for facetiousness / done in jest but deltas* (*I should extend this to everyone but betas particularly IEIs and SLEs who I like) always want to police it anyway because they are shit. The entire point is to be offensive but they’re not my actual views lol, like it’s so fucking ridiculous how’s that actually possible, low IQ twats.

    For example once when I was in a bad mood and there was loud construction going on outside I put this song on full blast for hours and opened my windows:

    I have small dick I have small dick
    If you're under 9 inches you cannot pleasure women

    I've got a small dick
    Got a small dick
    Got a small dick
    Got a small dick

    I bet you didn't know I have a small dick
    I'm only 7 inches
    Got a small dick
    It's so small that I piss on my balls

    It's so small when it gets really cold

    My dick is only 7 inches long and I'm ashamed
    If you're under 9 inches
    You should die!

    If you're under 9 inches you cannot pleasure women
    Size always matters
    Black lives matter too
    Black lives matter too

    Their dicks are way bigger
    They're so athletic
    I wish I could play basketball like a black man
    I wish I could satisfy my girl like a black man
    Black people look so cool in any outfit
    Bathing Ape

    I wish I could satisfy my girl like a black man
    I wanna satisfy my girl like a black man
    I wanna satisfy my girl like a black man

    Only a black man can satisfy my girl
    Black men can satisfy my girl, not my 7 inch dick
    Only that 20 inch dick
    I only watch pornos, where the black m-

    I think the artist of this song, Joji, is an IEI.
    Last edited by sbbds; 08-22-2020 at 12:01 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    I notice that there’s a big difference between my ILE bf and I in terms of Fe HA. To me part of beta Fe HA is about freedom of expression that disregards people’s traditional comfort and sensitivities.
    I think it just the same you just do it here and now. ILE's usually end up leading unconventional lifestyles that extends their whole life. Like mb not kissing @Sol 's ass because it is the norm in parallel universe but keeps things even so they do not have to really kiss @Sol's ass in the parallel universe in the future too heavily. SLE's mb kiss you a river and ILE's give you moisturizing treats.
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    Quote Originally Posted by COVID 007 View Post
    I think it just the same you just do it here and now. ILE's usually end up leading unconventional lifestyles that extends their whole life. Like mb not kissing @Sol 's ass because it is the norm in parallel universe but keeps things even so they do not have to really kiss @Sol's ass in the parallel universe in the future too heavily. SLE's mb kiss you a river and ILE's give you moisturizing treats.
    Ok but I don’t think ILEs usually like screaming and vulgarities is my point really

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