Quote Originally Posted by Mariano Rajoy
Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes

An important point actually.
Made me happy.

Thing is, there is no basis for claiming that such an appropriation happens of a neurological level. Nevertheless it does seem to happen on the cognitive level. Meaning... The appropriation is something of a useful illusion. The totality of the "thoughts" that happen in the brain can never be understood conciously.
i think there is a basis for claiming that appropriation occurs on a neurological level, namely the scientifically accepted notion that all cognition has a neurological counterpart. i will go further and say that the appropriation and subsequent being are not the illusion or facade, but instead the concepts that precede such being are the facade.
Misunderstood me slightly there. Yes the cognitive process of appropriation has a neurological counterpart but there is no process in which all neurological activity itself is appropriated. One is only aware of a very small part of the things that are happening in the brain at any given moment... yet many of these same things are vital to our functionality (while some others are utterly insignificant).

That one can not be aware of all of one's brain functions is basically a mathematically true thing as... To model the total functionality of a brain the whole of the active brain is needed and all it's synapses are required for this modelling. Yet parts of the brain are needed to act in other tasks that are not involved in cognitive modelling of the actual brain functions. Therefore there are less resources available for cognitive modelling of the brain function than would be needed for the task. And thus the brain can never cognitively fully understand itself.