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Thread: Smilexian socionics: Si column

  1. #321
    eunice's Avatar
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    I am now in the midst of Season 2 on DVD.

    Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes View Post

    season 2
    Kelly Perdew - Military Intelligence Officer - ESTp
    Jennifer Massey - Attorney - INTj
    Sandy Ferreira - Bridal Salon Owner - ESFp
    Kevin Allen - Law Student - ISTp-Te
    Ivana Ma - Venture Capitalist - ENTp
    Andy Litinsky - Recent Harvard Graduate - ENTj-Ni
    Wes Moss - Private Wealth Manager - ISTj-Ti
    Maria Boren - Marketing Executive - ISTj-Se
    Chris Russo - Stockbroker - ESTj
    Raj Bhakta - Real Estate Developer - ENTj-Ni
    Elizabeth Jarosz - Consulting Firm Owner - ISFj-Fi
    Stacy Rotner - Attorney - ESFp-Se
    John Willenborg - Marketing Director - ISFp
    Pamela Day - Investment Firm Partner - ENTj-Te
    Jennifer Crisafulli - Real Estate Agent - INTj-Ti
    Stacie Jones Upchurch - Restaurateur - ESFj
    Bradford Cohen - Attorney - ENTp-Ti
    Rob Flanagan - Corporate Branding Salesman - ESTj-Si
    Just some random comments which crossed my mind now:

    Ivana Ma: I agree with ENTp. I am considering Ne-ENTp. How did she end up so far in the game? Even though she is an ideas person, she is a terrible leader: indecisive and gives everyone too much options. To a certain extent, she wants to create a good impression infront of everybody by giving everyone a choice, but it backfired when they wasted too much time in making a decision. In contrast with Ivana, Pamela Day had made a lot of unpopular decisions but she did delegate the duties well in terms of the strengths and weaknesses of her team members.

    Jennifer Crisafulli: Based on her appearance, I would have thought she is ESFj. However, the insensitive and thoughtless comments she has made about the two customers in the restaurant now made me think otherwise. She is very beautiful though.

  2. #322
    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Nice observation (as most of yours). What happens to me as an ENTj - if you accept this typing, of course - is an even more "interesting" phenomenon. People seem to think that I know what I am doing and that I can give them advice on how to do it, yet I feel like this trust is somewhat pushed or built on me around nothing, since in those situations I rarely feel like I have mastered the task. My understanding of this whole mess was that this chain of events is what pushes the EJ-Ni towards Te (that is, actually acquiring certainty of knowledge in the given task).
    Yup. And once you've mastered the Te bit and manage to walk through the specifics of a task without even thinking about it and learn to do all sort of frivolous stuff beside it, you know you're concrete Si and you've turned into an ESFj. The funny thing is, once you're at that point you AGAIN don't know what you're doing. Creating/Empowering Si right there.

    Thing is, while I can see this stuff happening on a micro-level, I don't see any evidence of a change of the hard-wired type in it. If the person is really an ENTj, s/he will inevitably start "thinking things through" again. The temptation to go deeper into things will just be too great to resist. I've pretty much experienced it.

    If you want to discuss the topic further please go to this thread:

    so we can let smilex go back to discussing Donald Trump and company.

  3. #323
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    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    I would have thought that Kwame had chosen Omarosa partly because of their similarity in ethnicity.
    If he had relatively little knowledge about Omarosa at that point I'd be inclined to agree, but by that point he had already worked with Omarosa and lived with Omarosa for a good number of weeks. I'd expect him to know her on a personal level by then, not just as a member of her race. Particularly so, if he was a person with good intuition (and I don't think he is).

    I agree that Kwame is rather difficult to type because he is so collected. To a certain extent, his calm demeanor had brought him far in the competition because he doesn't open his mouth at the wrong time. I didn't think that he is one of Trump's favorites and Trump might not have expected him to come this far and he could not fire him either because Kwame has not made a major mistake so far, except for his choice of Omarosa to be his team member.

    I agree with all of this.

    That seems like a very odd idea to me. Particularly since you seemed to agree with Troy being an ideas person. Even more so if you actually believe that Kwame is INFj. That would make those two conflict partners, and they've been extremely close friends for a good number of years now. (Not that conflict partner friends is completely unheard of, I've got a very very very close INFp friend myself, but it's highly exceptional.)

    Speaking of the signing baseball incident, Bill Rancic and Nick Warnock seem to react very strongly against it because they saw it as misleading the public. Frankly, I didn't see anything wrong about it because Troy didn't promote Kwame as a basketball player. All he did was cleverly encouraging people to get his autograph on basketballs. To a certain extent, I thought it was a smart move because the public had inferred incorrectly from a few facts given during Troy's promotion.
    I think it's quite likely that Nick is not really offended but is only using it as an attack. He can't attack their effectiveness because both of them are more effective than he is, so he attacks their integrity, which is really ironical considering his own complete lack of it.

    Bill OTOH calls it a borderline play. Bill doesn't make very strong statements in general. That is one reason I think he's IP temperament. I think he is a highly polite and political person who succeeds by finding ways to please others and maneuver his own position tactically. To paraphrase Troy, I think Bill's a snake.

    With Te in their ego block, INTps will strive for factual accuracy in their understanding in anything they come across. In Amy's case, she seems to be "smoking through" in her interviews, not sure about what she is talking about and lacking confidence when she has to present herself to some professionals. To a certain extent, she seems to be more of a team player rather than an independent leader. I agree with you that she has some Gulenko's "Victim" tendencies though. She knows how to align herself with the stronger players in the game and lead herself to victory.
    I don't think Amy has particularly high Te, I think she has quite a bit of Fe too. Nick attests that in the plane when Amy sees her sister she jumps and shouts out of happiness. But when I compare Amy to Bill, Amy is more cold and more intellectual. Bill is constantly good-humoured and even I would probably have a good time meeting him at a bar and having a drink with him. But Amy seems cold for most of the series. So I think he's INTp>INFp.

    When I compare her to another contestant from another season, Randal Pinkett from season 4... I think Randal is also an INTp, but I actually think Amy is even more Te and coldly calculating than Randal. With Randal I have to really wonder about the possibility of him being an INFp, in Amy's case it's not that hard of a choice for me.


    Just some random comments which crossed my mind now:

    Ivana Ma: I agree with ENTp. I am considering Ne-ENTp. How did she end up so far in the game? Even though she is an ideas person, she is a terrible leader: indecisive and gives everyone too much options. To a certain extent, she wants to create a good impression infront of everybody by giving everyone a choice, but it backfired when they wasted too much time in making a decision. In contrast with Ivana, Pamela Day had made a lot of unpopular decisions but she did delegate the duties well in terms of the strengths and weaknesses of her team members.
    I agree with all of this.

    Jennifer Crisafulli: Based on her appearance, I would have thought she is ESFj. However, the insensitive and thoughtless comments she has made about the two customers in the restaurant now made me think otherwise. She is very beautiful though.
    I don't really remember her actions that well. I think she was the one who whined about the two old ladies, maybe? One of these months I'm going to rewatch season two and give you a better commentary on her. Anyway, IJ-Ti people sometimes look really great IMO.
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  4. #324
    I had words here once, but I didn't feed them Khola aka Bee's Avatar
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    What is this Si column and what does it want from me?!?!
    Hello, my name is Bee. Pleased to meet you .

  5. #325
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    It's a place I write to when I get bored. And the column wants you to send me fifty thousand dollars if it's not a biggie.
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  6. #326
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    I have finally completed season 2. I would have rooted for Raj Bhakta to win because he is more intelligent, better with people and have a long term strategic vision. Most importantly, he is not as robotic and regimental as Kelly Perdew. The next best choice would be Pamela Day, just that she needs to learn to be more emphatic and give due acknowledgement to her teammates' ideas.

    I would consider the following staff to be good employees but not CEO material: Sandy Ferreira, Andy Litinsky, Wes Moss, and Elizabeth Jarosz.

    The following people have the potential to succeed but should not open their mouths at the wrong time. Better to speak less than talk too much and jeopardize your opportunity: Bradford Cohen, Stacie Jones Upchurch, Jennifer Crisafulli, Stacy Rotner, and Maria Boren.

    Overall, season 2's contestants were not as good as season 1's.

  7. #327
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    I'm just posting this here. I think it's too short for an article and doesn't actually fully relate to my other articles, so I'm just posting it her so it doesn't get fully lost.

    Types, subtypes, functions.

    First of all, model A doesn't work, but you ought to know that by now, just restating the obvious. I've never really created another model to supplant it and I'm unlikely to ever do so. But there are some observations I've made.

    The major thing is about concrete, abstract functions and primary functions.

    1. It's very common that people find one function and temperament that fit them well, but have difficulty finding the other function (either accepting or producing).
    2. From that position, the concrete function is one with which they have more certainty and there's a tendency to choose that one irrespective of how the person actually operates or what they value.
    3. After a change in life people tend to vocally devalue and oppose their past functions. In some cases they claim that they've "ascended" them and are just building on them, while in fact having the other functions in complete (or close enough) disuse.
    4. There tends to be idolization of the abstract function which one hasn't quite yet perfected and this seems to be a major part of dual (and other) attraction in some cases.

    The end result of the above is that it's quite common to find people who display activity of e.g. ESTp type, and just keep claiming they're ENTp, because they feel they're "weak" at Se no matter how much they use it. Also they claim they're "strong" in Ne while mostly paying it lipservice.

    As of yet there's no names for this phenomenon or the functions relating to it. One reason not to give names would be because the group of people that fit the above phenomenon remains a minority, though quite significant.

    In most typings the above doesn't really matter. I don't give a fig whether someone is ISFp or INFp, Ip-Fe or Ip-Ni. I'm going to avoid them anyway. But when one gets close to someone or plans on getting close to someone, these small differences become important. Also, they become very important with identicals.


    To me personally, the importance is as follows. I'm EJ-Te. I spend most of the hours in my day acting ESTj, but when I relax I go ENTj. What remains is consistent Te and I try to maximize my environment in the support of things Te related. I do quite fine with anyone who is very highly Fi. But there's people who are very highly Se who claim to have excellent people skills despite that they mostly resemble rumbling brutish thugs, and there's people who are very high on Ne and claim they have very good Fi/people skills, when they mostly seem abusive and whiny. The former group claims to care very highly about friends, just not when it's in any way in conflict with their Se. The latter group claims to just have really good skills in Fi, while it's more of a remnant, a dead shell and a habit, with no real substance behind it.

    Now here's a problem I have. While I don't pay any attention in general to alphas or betas, when I meet people who are Ne or Se and claim to be Fi, it's more disappointing. I actually feel hurt more by superficial agreement than complete disagreeing. Basically, the difference between people who are high Fi and the people who are high Se is one quadra. It's the same as if I was strongly delta instead of just a bit, and someone came and claimed to be delta, while they were blatantly obviously alpha. It's annoying. And it's a problem in the model-A flavoured speech that it doesn't allow for discussing this effect.

    With identicals there are different issues. The most major being the division of labour. While it's easy to divide tasks and information between two identicals when there's a significant subtype difference, and these relations can be very beneficial, there's more strain when you're very closely identical. There's more sympathy too, but sympathy can easily be overridden by rivalry.


    Another issue, with just a bit of relation to this. I wrote a biography thread a while ago. If I remember correctly, I claimed that ESTj was my "earliest" type. Since then I've remembered some earlier things and there was a time that I was ENTj before that. That extends to my first memories, when I was 2 or 3. Now if this was my "natural birth type" and my "real socionics type" as claimed by some people... it would seem somehow odd that I have actually been primarily ENTj less than 1/3 of my life. Even more importantly, during my formative years in the early teenage when my identity was more or less created, I was ESTj and created an ESTj identity for myself.

    OTOH having spent years in between acting like ESFj or ENFj, it does feel familiar and happy to return to my ESTj position. I continue to agree that there appears to be a significant "pull" towards a continuous personality state. It's just that when you meet someone, you won't know if they're in the identity they were a) born in, b) grew up to love c) are in the middle of a 20 year experiment from which they will one day revert to a or b.

    That's it for today.
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  8. #328
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes View Post
    It's just that when you meet someone, you won't know if they're in the identity they were a) born in, b) grew up to love c) are in the middle of a 20 year experiment from which they will one day revert to a or b.
    I've wondered that, too.

    And that brings up a related question that I've had for awhile but never either remembered to ask or had the right opportunity: Is type-change inevitable, particularly when one is grown and in a relatively stable environment? Of course there is the minor temporary switching back and forth.

    Hm, that doesn't fully express my question, but it'll have to do for now.
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

  9. #329
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    I've wondered that, too.

    And that brings up a related question that I've had for awhile but never either remembered to ask or had the right opportunity: Is type-change inevitable, particularly when one is grown and in a relatively stable environment? Of course there is the minor temporary switching back and forth.

    Hm, that doesn't fully express my question, but it'll have to do for now.
    I have no idea. I'm sorry. I've seen a lot of people who change a lot and often. I've also seen a lot of people who are very stable. I haven't seen any pattern. I think it's likely that it is a matter that is affected by circumstances.
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  10. #330
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes View Post
    I have no idea. I'm sorry. I've seen a lot of people who change a lot and often. I've also seen a lot of people who are very stable. I haven't seen any pattern. I think it's likely that it is a matter that is affected by circumstances.
    Hm, ok. Thanks.
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

  11. #331
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    Most socionics crap here on the forum tends to be of the high-flying hugely abstract kind of wacko stuff that either is useful or isn't but the two varieties are extremely difficult to differentiate. As it happens, we have quite a few user accounts here by now and we have a what's my type forum that is enormous. So that's a resource. I expect it would be at this time possible to start datamining through that resource, to start picking through it and looking for clusters.

    See, various people of the same personality type still have very different attitudes towards themselves and others, different philosophies etc. And not all of it is possible to explain through subtypes. But it's likely that there are clusters. Various individuals who have stumbled on similar solutions to their life problems.

    While the use of functions changes constantly, there are also ... centers of oscillation, states that are sort of more stable than others, and various life values, philosophies etc tend to develop around these states. So this whole thing might be possible to reverse-engineer into advanced knowledge of funtions, maybe.

    Anyway, this would be an enormous project. And actually claiming to be able to finish it would be insane. I have nowhere near the amount of resources to finish that kind of a thing. But wouldn't it be cool if someone did? Anyway, I'm requesting input on whether someone would like to see more of the kind of crap I did with "the apprentice thread", just in a potentially larger scale and centering on the what's my type threads?
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  12. #332
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    Do you, by chance, live in the nearbies of Malmo-Gotenborg? (I'm asking because, I'm going to Copenhagen for 5 months, so if you lived near there we may meet for a beer, given that I'm surely going to explore southern sweden)
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes View Post

    See, various people of the same personality type still have very different attitudes towards themselves and others, different philosophies etc. And not all of it is possible to explain through subtypes. But it's likely that there are clusters. Various individuals who have stumbled on similar solutions to their life problems.

    While the use of functions changes constantly, there are also ... centers of oscillation, states that are sort of more stable than others, and various life values, philosophies etc tend to develop around these states. So this whole thing might be possible to reverse-engineer into advanced knowledge of funtions, maybe.
    I have noticed this cluster type thing you are talking about but have not been able to come up with a clear understanding of it.. lately I have been thinking it may just be some enneagram type, instinctual stacking and health level combo.. not sure though. I would like to look into it more but I wouldnt want to be the one to go weeding through all the threads of what's my type. I'll read it if you decide to do it cause I think its an intersting idea.
    EII 4w5

    so/sx (?)

  14. #334
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    As a general comment. I'm feeling disappointed withthe cluster thread approach and I'm also feeling down by the interruption which among other things stopped me from controlling my own messages in those threads.

    I will rethink my approach.

    Thank you for everyone's contributions on those threads. I will try to return to the issue later and make sure your effort wasn't wasted.
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  15. #335
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    Yeah, I kinda thought the interruption(s) would put you off. But, the start of the project had kind of an awkward feel to it anyway, so maybe this is for the best.

    Is your rethink going to be short or take some time? If it's a long rethink, do you want to do something in the meantime?
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    I have recently become very happy. If this continues there's a decent chance I will leave this forum for good. If this comes to pass, I will first give an account of the circumstances, or as much as I feel it's in my rights to reveal. The main reason I'm posting this though, is that the reason I am happy has a lot to do with socionics having made my life better. That is all. God bless you all.
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  17. #337
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    I would like for you to stay.

  18. #338
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeAnte View Post
    I would like for you to stay.
    But do what you think is best.
    Ceci n'est pas une eii.

  19. #339
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes View Post
    I have recently become very happy. If this continues there's a decent chance I will leave this forum for good. If this comes to pass, I will first give an account of the circumstances, or as much as I feel it's in my rights to reveal. The main reason I'm posting this though, is that the reason I am happy has a lot to do with socionics having made my life better. That is all. God bless you all.
    Nice. Though, I'm afraid you gave out enough information to know exactly why you are leaving...

    1. Recently happy.
    2. Will leave the forum for good.
    3. Socionics made your life better.

    Based on facts 1 and 3, a probable reason is that you're getting married to an INFj. Fact 2 is implying that you might not have access to the internet, therefore your fiancée is from Cambodia, or some remote location where you will not have internet.

    An alternative is that you are relocating to 3rd world country as a medical practitioner to people with low resources, where there is no internet. However, fact 3 doesn't seem to fit, so this is not very probable.

    So yes, you are marrying an INFj from Cambodia. This was too easy.

  20. #340
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sereno View Post
    Nice. Though, I'm afraid you gave out enough information to know exactly why you are leaving...

    1. Recently happy.
    2. Will leave the forum for good.
    3. Socionics made your life better.

    Based on facts 1 and 3, a probable reason is that you're getting married to an INFj. Fact 2 is implying that you might not have access to the internet, therefore your fiancée is from Cambodia, or some remote location where you will not have internet.

    An alternative is that you are relocating to 3rd world country as a medical practitioner to people with low resources, where there is no internet. However, fact 3 doesn't seem to fit, so this is not very probable.

    So yes, you are marrying an INFj from Cambodia. This was too easy.
    Ceci n'est pas une eii.

  21. #341


    Delta's are like the tortoise and the hare I think. We may start off slowly, and it may take a little longer, but we always get to where we want to be eventually. It's sort of like loosing a few battles but winning the war.

    Sounds like you could finally be there smilex. Delta nirvana, hah. Congrats, you will be missed. I've appreciated your help and I hope all goes well for you.

  22. #342
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes View Post
    I have recently become very happy. If this continues there's a decent chance I will leave this forum for good. If this comes to pass, I will first give an account of the circumstances, or as much as I feel it's in my rights to reveal. The main reason I'm posting this though, is that the reason I am happy has a lot to do with socionics having made my life better. That is all. God bless you all.
    Good luck to you and thanks for all the help, will miss your posts .
    Looking for an Archnemesis. Willing applicants contact via PM.

    ENFp - Fi 7w6 sp/sx
    The Ineffable IEI
    The Einstein ENTp

    johari nohari

  23. #343
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Greeter View Post
    But do what you think is best.


    So were you going to reveal the forum that you are that Cambodian bitty who I'm marrying?


    I know this is sort of in contradiction to something I've said to you in a pm quite recently. I'm sorry about that. There have been some overwhelming turns of events.


    You're one of the people I'm really going to miss if I leave. It's been a privilege to know you. I felt this is as good a time to say it as any.


    I'm not quite comfortable discussing the actual details of what has occurred, beyond my engagement to Sereno of course. But thanks again, thanks everyone, just for, you know, being you.
    First eliminate every possible source of error. Thence success is inevitable.

  24. #344
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    Before you leave, I just have one question. You consider yourself mostly Te subtype, yah?

  25. #345
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes View Post


    So were you going to reveal the forum that you are that Cambodian bitty who I'm marrying?


    I know this is sort of in contradiction to something I've said to you in a pm quite recently. I'm sorry about that. There have been some overwhelming turns of events.


    You're one of the people I'm really going to miss if I leave. It's been a privilege to know you. I felt this is as good a time to say it as any.


    I'm not quite comfortable discussing the actual details of what has occurred, beyond my engagement to Sereno of course. But thanks again, thanks everyone, just for, you know, being you.
    Once I laid eyes upon Smilexian socionics, I knew I had found "the one," and I've always wondered what it would be like to get married on the first date. However, I think I should come clean about something Smiley... The truth is that I am a man, and Sirena who is my twin sister, was going to the altar in my stead... I know this must come as a shock, but it's the truth. All of it was a plot to steal your money, and I am deeply sorry... You must understand that we needed the money. Also, don't ask how we came to have enough money to use the internet, learn English, and buy the ticket to come to the US... I hope there are no hard feelings. Since I feel bad about all this, I can give you discounts on my INFj Cambodian hoes business. Will this do?

  26. #346
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ssmall View Post
    Good luck to you and thanks for all the help, will miss your posts .

    Quote Originally Posted by Sereno View Post
    Once I laid eyes upon Smilexian socionics, I knew I had found "the one," and I've always wondered what it would be like to get married on the first date. However, I think I should come clean about something Smiley... The truth is that I am a man, and Sirena who is my twin sister, was going to the altar in my stead... I know this must come as a shock, but it's the truth. All of it was a plot to steal your money, and I am deeply sorry... You must understand that we needed the money. Also, don't ask how we came to have enough money to use the internet, learn English, and buy the ticket to come to the US... I hope there are no hard feelings. Since I feel bad about all this, I can give you discounts on my INFj Cambodian hoes business. Will this do?
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  27. #347


    On all this Cambodian stuff. Sort of a sliding doors thing for me were I inadvertedly met a Polish girl. Things move fast. Stunning girl, blond hair, am sure is my conflictor type but as she doesn't speak much English yet i'm sure it will be good for at least a while. They write there 9's differently to us. I feel culturally wise on learning this.

    I've also won the lottery and found the secret to eternal youth. Laters!

    Oh, all the best socionic mirror, everything moves on, got to happen often for the best etc. Maybe in years to come we can all take turns at each others own private tropical island for bbq's with the family and stuff, ha.

    And not to fill up your column with any more of my ramblings, your recent message to me you mentioned is similar to me too! Have a good one! (Gee is like the last episode of Scrubs, ha).

  28. #348
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    Before you leave, I just have one question. You consider yourself mostly Te subtype, yah?
    That would be true.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sereno View Post
    Once I laid eyes upon Smilexian socionics, I knew I had found "the one," and I've always wondered what it would be like to get married on the first date. However, I think I should come clean about something Smiley... The truth is that I am a man, and Sirena who is my twin sister, was going to the altar in my stead... I know this must come as a shock, but it's the truth. All of it was a plot to steal your money, and I am deeply sorry... You must understand that we needed the money. Also, don't ask how we came to have enough money to use the internet, learn English, and buy the ticket to come to the US... I hope there are no hard feelings. Since I feel bad about all this, I can give you discounts on my INFj Cambodian hoes business. Will this do?
    If I can get some kind of a written discount permit, I guess we would be ok. (I wonder how much that will fetch in ebay.)

    On all this Cambodian stuff. Sort of a sliding doors thing for me were I inadvertedly met a Polish girl. Things move fast. Stunning girl, blond hair, am sure is my conflictor type but as she doesn't speak much English yet i'm sure it will be good for at least a while. They write there 9's differently to us. I feel culturally wise on learning this.
    Company is a good thing.

    I've also won the lottery and found the secret to eternal youth. Laters!
    You're stealing my thunder here. But good for you. You're a good egg.

    Oh, all the best socionic mirror, everything moves on, got to happen often for the best etc. Maybe in years to come we can all take turns at each others own private tropical island for bbq's with the family and stuff, ha.
    I'm more inclined towards the penthouse suite near to my work place, but if there are kids, we'll stop by.

    And not to fill up your column with any more of my ramblings, your recent message to me you mentioned is similar to me too! Have a good one! (Gee is like the last episode of Scrubs, ha).
    First eliminate every possible source of error. Thence success is inevitable.

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    Default Taking stock

    Hi. I promised I'd be back at least one more time to explain a few things about what I'm doing these days and some experiences I've had.

    First of all, I've been in a relationship with a clear dual Ij-Fi for about 7 months now. It's strange, definitely not perfect, but it feels right. I'm content. Our relationship has four modes. INFj-ESTj, ISFj-ENTj, ISFj-ESTj and INFj-ENTj. It's very clear in daily contact when the mode changes, and it changes many times per day. Reinin criteria work perfectly to predict the events surrounding this. Relationship explanations are also very good. We act like duals or like semi-duals. Model A is the least useful, but not completely useless. Model A is only useful in describing the psychological stress when one is trying to act one way and receives feedback that one should change one's behaviour. The sex is good. It also changes from her being the aggressive one and me the victim, to her being infantile and me being a caretaker. We both prefer the latter and our relationship is moving towards a more stable INFj-ESTj partnership slowly.

    I'm about half way through my residency and I feel I can call myself a surgeon these days. My current place of employment has noticed that I have some skills in managerial work and they are acting as if I was the boss of the entire department. It is slightly amusing but very useful.

    In my current place of employment the closest people I have and with whom I find it most useful to have constant congress are: ISFp, ENTj, ENTj, ESTj, ISTp, ESTj, ENFp, ISFj. The only persons who annoy me are ESTp and INFp. The INTp stresses me out. I manage fine with the ENFj and ISTj and I find myself even liking the ISTjs these days. I find quadra theory to be only partially correct and again that Reinin criteria are better at explaining the relationships I have and that they give me daily concrete help in managing my work place.

    I thank everyone here, you have been good studymates. Even you Expat (though you're still just plain wrong about most things). Once and for all I'd also like to correct something. The system that I support was not created by me. It is essentially Reinin's and Gulenko's system with just a couple of tweaks. I do not spend my time creating such systems and living through such is anathema for me. By my nature I'm an investor and a worker sometimes, rarely, a bit of a romantic. My life is chaotic and almost completely disorganized and completely anathema to ISTjs. Being forceful or swearing are not indicative of Se. That connection is a lie.

    I feel old and a bit tired. But I believe there's still good times ahead for me and everyone else. For now, I'm going to concentrate on perfecting my work skills. One day I will stop taking things seriously and start living an ESFj life again, move to New Zealand buy a villa and start clubhopping or something.

    That's it for now. I feel I'm retiring this thing, and I feel happy at the situation at which I'm doing so. So long and thanks for all the fish (Not promising I'll stay away but consider this my final message until proven otherwise).
    Last edited by Smilingeyes; 11-06-2009 at 10:12 AM.
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    Smilex is a good person.

  31. #351
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    I wish you all the best, Smilingeyes.
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

  32. #352


    Cool Smilingeyes, glad there's a sort of rudder taking you in the right direction - or rather than the "right" direction, a direction which is favourable to you etc....

    I keep telling myself that if I work enough, then i'll be able to get myself into a position where I can sit back and relax without having to worry or have too much drive, and this way I can spend time doing the enjoyable things like family or driving some overly expensive vehicle in New Zealand.

    Oh, I do recommend New Zealand over Scotland, we've got similar scenery here, but, you know, the weathers crap - but - living in a nice big cosy house, it looks pretty good from the inside through the window...

    Oh, and re the feeling tired thing, i've felt sort of like that a bit recently, I've told myself it's my bodies way of giving me some initial notice to make good my security in life, maybe i'll become old and boring, but i'll laugh at me being like that too, lol...

    Oh, and re the socionic thing (and not necessarily just that), as usual, you speak a fair amount of sense imo.

    Edit: not much else to say, i'll keep my eye on your column from time to time incase you pop up again.
    Last edited by Cyclops; 11-06-2009 at 09:58 AM.

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    Cheers, just a random update on my column. Nice to see this place is still going on. Maintains a bit of constancy and faith in the world.

    I just moved to the capital and expect to finish my surgery training in the next couple of years. Sadly had to leave my gf due to the move. Still hoping she'll join me later, but who knows.

    Restarted doing research. More fun brain imaging equipment lying around than I can shake a stick at.

    On socionics front I'm still trying to get better at quick typing. I found a new hobby of typing CBS Survivor participants. I saw there were some threads but rather incomplete ones or if there was a complete one, I didn't find it. Anyway, I might or might not surprise you people with another catalogue thread some time. For fun. To reiterate, for fun, not doing this intensely (checking and rechecking etc.)

    That's all methinks. Just touching base. Have a good one y'all.

    Here's a collection of some of my guesses
    Richard Hatch Borneo ENTJ (really obvious)
    Tina Wesson Australia INFj
    Ethan Zohn Africa ENFp
    Vecepia Towery Marquesas INTj
    Brian Heidik Thailand ENTj
    Jenna Morasca Amazon ISTp
    Sandra Diaz-Twine Pearl Islands ESTp
    Chris Daugherty Vanuatu ENTp
    Tom Westman Palau ISTp
    Danni Boatwright Guatemala INFj
    Aras Baskauskas Panama ISFp
    Yul Kwon Cook islands INTj
    Earl Cole Fiji ESTj
    Todd Herzog China ENTp
    Robert "Bob" Crowley Gabon ESTj
    James "J.T." Thomas, Tocantins ISFj
    Natalie White Samoa INFj

    Amber Brkich All-stars INFp
    Parvati Shallow Micronesia INFp

    Other contestants (for obvious reasons):
    Russell Hantz Samoa ESTj-Te
    Benjamin "Coach" Wade Tocantins ENFj-Fe
    Ace Gordon g Gabon ENTj-Ni
    Andria (Dre) "Dreamz" Herd Fiji ESFj-Si
    Jonathan Penner Cook Islands ENTj-Ni
    Ian Rosenberger Palau ESFj
    Twila Tanner Vanuatu ESTj-Te
    Rupert Boneham Pearl Islands ESTj-Si
    Rob Cesternino Amazon ENTj
    Susan "Sue" Hawk Borneo ESTj-Te
    Last edited by Smilingeyes; 03-15-2010 at 11:51 PM.
    First eliminate every possible source of error. Thence success is inevitable.

  34. #354
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes View Post
    Cheers, just a random update on my column. Nice to see this place is still going on. Maintains a bit of constancy and faith in the world.

    I just moved to the capital and expect to finish my surgery training in the next couple of years. Sadly had to leave my gf due to the move. Still hoping she'll join me later, but who knows.

    Restarted doing research. More fun brain imaging equipment lying around than I can shake a stick at.

    On socionics front I'm still trying to get better at quick typing. I found a new hobby of typing CBS Survivor participants. I saw there were some threads but rather incomplete ones or if there was a complete one, I didn't find it. Anyway, I might or might not surprise you people with another catalogue thread some time. For fun. To reiterate, for fun, not doing this intensely (checking and rechecking etc.)

    That's all methinks. Just touching base. Have a good one y'all.

    Here's a collection of some of my guesses
    Richard Hatch Borneo ENTJ (really obvious)
    Tina Wesson Australia (No immediate hunch, would have to rewatch)
    Ethan Zohn Africa ENFp
    Vecepia Towery Marquesas INTj
    Brian Heidik Thailand ENTj
    Jenna Morasca Amazon ISTp
    Sandra Diaz-Twine Pearl Islands ESTp
    Chris Daugherty Vanuatu ENTp
    Tom Westman Palau ISFp
    Danni BoatwrightS INFp
    Yul Kwon Cook islands INTj
    Earl Cole Fiji ESTj
    Todd Herzog China ENTp
    Robert "Bob" Crowley Gabon INTp
    James "J.T." Thomas, Tocantins ISTj
    Natalie White Samoa ESFp

    Amber Brkich All-stars INFp
    Parvati Shallow Micronesia INFj

    Other contestants (for obvious reasons):
    Russell Hantz Samoa ESTj-Te
    Benjamin "Coach" Wade Tocantins ENFj-Fe
    Ace Gordon g Gabon ENTj-Ni
    Andria (Dre) "Dreamz" Herd Fiji ESFj-Si
    Jonathan Penner Cook Islands ENTj-Ni
    Ian Rosenberger Palau ESFj
    Twila Tanner Vanuatu ESTj-Te
    Rupert Boneham Pearl Islands ESTj-Si
    Rob Cesternino Amazon ENTj
    Susan "Sue" Hawk Borneo ESTj-Te

    Are these people in sports? If yes then N's can not compete with S's; we arn't quick enough, strong enough, or fast enough.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    Are these people in sports? If yes then N's can not compete with S's; we arn't quick enough, strong enough, or fast enough.
    Some of them are involved with sports. Both Benjamin Wade and Ethan Zohn are intuitives who are involved with soccer. But mostly these people are involved with the social sport of "Survivor" reality game show.
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  36. #356
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    Oh my, I wonder how this will turn out.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  37. #357
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    yay, Ojos Sonrientes is back .

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    hi, you're back! any chance you'd pick sth that's not such bad tv..? no offense meant, i just can't watch reality shows. cheers

    Uh, well, the only meaningful tv material to analyze is stuff without a script, so what's left? Analyzing sports? Talk shows? Televized cabinet sessions? Doesn't seem as good. The very core of the Survivor show is about forming social relationships, alliances, trust and breaking them. That, if anything, is great material for socionics analysis.

    I can't really agree on it being bad tv either. 20 seasons in the US, syndicated and sold as a format to who knows how many countries. Voted "the most influential show of the 2000 decennium" (or something like that), with massive audiences (at least in the beginning), creating a new tv genre. That's a success story. That's good tv in my book. But I agree that as entertainment, it's kind of uninteresting and I find it almost impossible to watch an entire episode (watching the challenges is particularly boring.)
    First eliminate every possible source of error. Thence success is inevitable.

  39. #359


    Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes
    On socionics front I'm still trying to get better at quick typing.
    I'm not a VI proponent, but i've noticed the more people I type the more I notice some similarities between them.

    The issue with VI though - if it's purely facial, i've noticed is the actual looking at a person. Well, looking at someone gives them the wrong idea unless it's nothing more than a cursory glance. They make think I fancy them (female), I want to fight them (male) or I fancy them (male).

    I've been working in different teams of late in relation to my job, so more people is increasing my typing abilities. Probably answer is like most things...experience experience more and more dudes and dudettes.

    However, there's a lot to be gained from watching someones actions. I've noticed ENFp's can tend to be somewhat ungraceful when they walk, they sort of plod from A to B for instance, yet somehow get there. Not that little cues like that actually make a type, but I find that it is useful enough to give a cursory consideration - it can just as easily be discarded on interaction with the person, nothing particularly lost in that respect.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    I'm not a VI proponent, but i've noticed the more people I type the more I notice some similarities between them.
    Which is how it should be. You realize what things are actually related to socionics, and what things aren't. And you can see how those socionics related things manifest themselves. . .
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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