I often have very dark thoughts - thoughts that leave me exhilarated. I shiver with the insights I gain. But they are born in a dark hollow, shaded by the evil haunted trees of my imagination.

I often like to think that I am Theseus, the Greek hero who slays the minotaur. He choses to go into the labyrinth. He saw the mysterious maze as alluring. Later, he journeys into hell to save Persephone, the unwilling Bride of the Lord of Death! My darkness is heroic, for I am a lightbringer. I do not make darkness. I see it, and can journey into it. Once inside, I can dispell it!

I wish I could journey into the darkness again. I have been strange acting lately. I am happy and confident. The doorways to hell appear to be locked.

I receive and transmit emotions, both darkness and light. I love it so. I want to see hell again, but maybe I should do my sightseeing in someplace brighter (if only it is for a little while...)