Quote Originally Posted by InkStrider View Post
Quote Originally Posted by GuavaDrunk View Post
I find it sad that people would require a hell to consider their soul valuable.
What makes you think that people would consider their souls valuable even in the absence of a hell?

Quote Originally Posted by crazedratsshadow
The offenders goal is the dissolution of the social structure. They are of the belief there is no future in the way society is heading. By expanding society; growing forward, we are only greatening our problems. Eventually they will become so heavy we will all cripple and die. Then maybe spark a revolution. So the attitude to tear down society is really an attitude (in certain cases) to martyr oneself for the greater good. The obvious example of this is terrorists, but all criminals have this to some minor extent.. some greater than others (myself).
You paint a dim view. If this would be the case, let it head where it is to head. One man can do naught in the face of plenty, unless dictated by God. And even so, the chosen one is born with a cursed fate and faces a bitter death, as do all martyrs.
And you are not a martyr. Christ did that for you, didn't he? So you technically are exempt from punishment I believe, isn't that correct? Since he endured all the pain and suffering, you don't have to? Wow, it all makes sense now. What we have to do to save this country is to massacre the Christians. LOL! SO i GUESS that makes me a Nazi propogationist of the modern age! HAHA!. Prediction 2012 duuudees!