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Thread: Type Saberhead <3

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    Default Type Saberhead <3

    Hi everyone!

    I thought Id try a socionics website, as I have never really been typed by a crowd on my soc type. I figured what I would do is write a brief thingy about myself and then...put a video up of me answering a questionaire. That should be pretty thorough I think.

    Ok, so a little bit about me? Right now in my life Im taking a break off of school for the summer. The funny thing is when I started the break I was really relieved because I figured now I can spend time doing other things, but then in the middle of the break I just got really bored and antsy and now I wish school was starting again. Anywho, I study physics and math. Trying to shoot for a PhD in High Energy physics if I can. Why? Well, naturally Im talented with art and music. So much in fact that I started my first band at age 15 and toured the U.S. till I was 22 and was also in a private art school. Honestly art is something I do for myself and it wasnt providing any benefit to my life besides draining me so I quit. I went into psychology thinking that would explain why I am the way I am, why people are the way they are, etc. Did that for a bit and then learned about Neuroscience. If anything explains people and why they act they way they do, its neuroscience and brain chemistry. Then from there, I picked up a book one day about particle physics, and I figured, hey...this explains WHY we might even exist! So it went from a progression of ideas down to that. I figure "why we even exist" is the most basic and fundamental question I can ask myself, and so math and physics it was from there on out. I am hooked and dont see myself leaving this path anytime soon.

    Somehow Ive been really lucky in my life. I seem to attract really great things all the time and Im not sure if its because Im nice and friendly or if its because Im determined and have integrity. For example, Im not the GREATEST physics student (although my math is actually a lot better than my physics), but for some reason Ive had three REALLY amazing jobs in physics at an undergrad level that I kind of feel I dont deserve, but I must deserve in some sense because...hey..I got them and no one else did. I only say that because I see kids at college busting their ass off for opportunities like the ones Ive gotten, but I just get them so effortlessly. I have no idea why. On some level Im just on the right plane or something. These kids literally lose their lives in some sense trying to do their best. I just kinda...walk in and walk my thing...and get everything. How does that work?

    Im a really nice person if I feel someone is worthy of my time. I have to feel some sort of similarity or some sort of respect for me to enjoy someones company. For example if I meet a girl and the first thing she says to me is about how fucked up she got at a party I automatically don't like her. Why? Because shes a fool. I know its messed up but I cant help it. The good news is that if she talks to me later and tells me more about herself and proves to me shes not a dumbass then I will probably adore her. The same thing with guys too. If I meet a guy and he just talks about dumb shit, I will probably judge him and hes off my chart. If he talks to me later and shows me he knows about other things, I will adore him too. I dont like or enjoy being this judgmental but its part of me. On the other hand, Ive done enough psychedelic drugs this last year to kind of lessen this judgmental I do have a whole "everyone is here for a reason and everyone is the way they are for a reason" attitude as well, har har.

    Hmm what else. I have swings of impulsiveness that I guess make for a good time. Ive done some retarded things in my life but now that Im older I still try and take that aspect of me and keep things alive. In my relationships I try and keep things new and fresh, I try to make things better and improve them a lot. I get fidgety and bored quickly, not usually with the person (unless Ive made the wrong choice) but with the routine we may have so Ill try and make one day a week something sporadic just for fun. Im in no way someone that dislikes routine, I love it, keeps my grounded and happy but I do like the occasional "lets just not go to work today and go do something really fun!" time. I dont do this often, but I do love a good surprise. Im also terrible with money. If I have $20 left in my bank and no food, the smart thing to do would be to buy groceries for the week. But Ill typically just say "fuck it!" and buy a pack of cigarettes and some candy

    I feel very strongly about peoples independence and how they should run their lives at their own pace and by their own rules and no one elses. I always think about how I would be the 1930-1950s time era's worst nightmare because I want to take all the American housewives that are unhappy and miserable and let them do whatever they want. When people adhere to social norms I dont like it at all. I was raised by an Iranian mother who was very adjusted to what is socially acceptable and I think I gave her hell when I was growing up because I didnt understand why I had to care about what others thought. I care, obviously, to SOME extent what other people think, but thats only because they are people I care about, and not what is standard.

    I guess thats it. On a side note here are some random things

    -I dont care about spelling correctly at all, so youll see it on my comments.
    -I love Chinchillas! Theyre so cute! And cats!!
    -I love MMOs. Super dorky I know but I cant stop playing them.
    -I hate tupperwear, it ALWAYS fucking smells like the last food item you had it in. Even if you wash it like 40 times it still smells like last nights Indian food.
    -I have abnormally large feet for a girl and Im only 5'4"
    -Bubbles are cool
    -Remember those shoelace thingies that were spiral? They were supposed to prevent you from having to tie your shoes? Those were awesome! What happened to those?

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    Please assist in the typing process by providing us with a video of yourself shaving your own head while listening to the band Dead Voices on Air.

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    Glorious Member mu4's Avatar
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    Hi, are you a extravert!

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    Random guess: ESFp. But by no means conclusive, I can see lots of different types.

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    You sound like you don't suck. Congratulations!

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    You are a HOTTIE!

    In all honesty, I think you might be a... LSE?

    Or a ST of some sort.
    5w6 so; rcUe|I|;

  7. #7
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    You sound like an ESFp.

    What types of mmo have you played?

    I've played:

    World of Warcraft
    City of Heroes
    Ragnarok Online
    Runes of Magic
    Maple Story (lmao too kiddie, deleted it)

  8. #8
    an object in motion woofwoofl's Avatar
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    congrats on probably being my Identical (I'm leaning towards Fi-SEE for subtype at the moment, by the way)

    A lot of this parallels my experiences oddly, but with different results; I started a few bands, then a record label, they all crashed because I was the only person who had their shit together, and I quit art for the same reason; the appreciation for it was disproportionate to the effort I put into it, with the divide growing more and more with each passing second...

    I'm mostly saving up for Under Armour so I can ride my bike well into winter, make more money plowing driveways, and camp out just about anytime I want to

    I can't pay attention to anything for terribly long (the brevity of this post is due to this), you should hop in the chatbox
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    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Not ESFp necessarily(I actually reached this conclusion without reading the other ESFp comments so this might be something to consider) but I'm thinking Se or Fi (maybe even just NiTeSeFi) mostly from the impression received from this quote:

    Quote Originally Posted by Saberhead View Post
    If I have $20 left in my bank and no food, the smart thing to do would be to buy groceries for the week. But Ill typically just say "fuck it!" and buy a pack of cigarettes and some candy
    When this happens, do you sense that even though the money could do you good right now to spend on groceries, relatively it wouldn't matter much in the longrun, so you might as well just blow it all(yea a guided question, but just go with it)?

    More info + video(with a topic of narration) if you don't mind.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
    Random guess: ESFp. But by no means conclusive, I can see lots of different types.
    Its been debated in MBTI/Jungian functions (should I not even mention that here?) that I was either ENTJ/ESFP buuutttt I dont know crap all about socionics so I wont even talk more into that.

    I was told by someone he thought I was ESE.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jorge View Post
    You are a HOTTIE!

    In all honesty, I think you might be a... LSE?

    Or a ST of some sort.
    Im actually incredibly ugly.

    By the way, I think I know you xD

    Hm...I read that link. Not sure I connect to that much. It seems to be identifying a lot to efficiency. Although I do obviously enjoy things to be efficient, I do try and manage my time in this aspect but I wouldnt say people would describe me as efficient, and I am certain they wouldnt say that is my "main" characteristic. I think Im a lot more goofy and relaxed than that. Realistically, I think people would describe me as:
    Doesnt sweat small things
    Like to be in control (not of people)
    Calm/even tempered
    Social and chatty
    Extremely empathetic

    Quoting the link you gave me:
    LSEs value facts and objectivity over emotions, and are not generally highly animated or expressive. Due to their businesslike approach to things, LSEs may sometimes worry about making a fool of themselves in informal settings where the emphasis is on joking, laughter, and fun.
    LSEs' emotional expression tends to be either subdued and understated or unusually sudden and obvious.
    LSEs are resistant to emphatic emotional appeals and try not to let themselves get carried away with any feelings.
    LSEs are often unable to control their emotions. They can easily loose their temper with people if their instructions are not followed or if someone's behavior goes against their logic and understanding. When they are in a bad mood they can be very direct, sometimes even to the point of being verbally abrasive to loved ones and complete strangers.
    I would say NO NO NO and NOOOOOO to all of those. I am complete opposite of all of them. I am not resistant to emphatic emotional appeals and Im not unable to control emotions. In fact I RARELY loose my tempter.

    I am very good with talking about how I feel and I have no issues talking to literally anyone about them. Not in an obnoxious sense, but in a sense that I think I can gain more insight by talking to others.

    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    You sound like an ESFp.

    What types of mmo have you played?

    I've played:

    World of Warcraft
    City of Heroes
    Ragnarok Online
    Runes of Magic
    Maple Story (lmao too kiddie, deleted it)
    Ugh, is it really lame that I got the most excited out of this post? I think so a bit.

    World of Warcraft: I used to play this quite a bit but I only played till level 75. I didnt wanna pay another 100 or so dollars for the expansions. Im a broke college student.

    However, I play RIFT daily and I love it way more than WoW. If you want to find me on there I play on the Australian server Laethys You can message me if you ever want to play.

    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    congrats on probably being my Identical (I'm leaning towards Fi-SEE for subtype at the moment, by the way)

    A lot of this parallels my experiences oddly, but with different results; I started a few bands, then a record label, they all crashed because I was the only person who had their shit together, and I quit art for the same reason; the appreciation for it was disproportionate to the effort I put into it, with the divide growing more and more with each passing second...

    I'm mostly saving up for Under Armour so I can ride my bike well into winter, make more money plowing driveways, and camp out just about anytime I want to

    I can't pay attention to anything for terribly long (the brevity of this post is due to this), you should hop in the chatbox
    Yeah others have also suggested SEE, which from what I read does sound a lot more like me.
    Sounds like we have a lot in common concerning lifestyle! Thats pretty neat.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
    You sound like you don't suck. Congratulations!
    Im really glad you told me that because I was beginning to think I did. the confirmation I needed.

    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    Not ESFp necessarily(I actually reached this conclusion without reading the other ESFp comments so this might be something to consider) but I'm thinking Se or Fi (maybe even just NiTeSeFi) mostly from the impression received from this quote:

    Quote Originally Posted by Saberhead View Post
    If I have $20 left in my bank and no food, the smart thing to do would be to buy groceries for the week. But Ill typically just say "fuck it!" and buy a pack of cigarettes and some candy
    When this happens, do you sense that even though the money could do you good right now to spend on groceries, relatively it wouldn't matter much in the longrun, so you might as well just blow it all(yea a guided question, but just go with it)?

    More info + video(with a topic of narration) if you don't mind.
    Its actually a good question.
    Well, yes. I'll explain.
    Im broke a lot. Which sucks. It goes with the territory. Because Im broke all the time, when I actually get money it's hard for me to think "ok I need to make a list and buy this, this and that for next week" etc because it's like some sort of sick desperation that I get when I even have money in my hand. Because Im living off noodles and tap water, when I get money I just want to treat myself! Its like giving a crack head some crack and being like, " enough crack so you can get high this whole month" lol.
    No. We all know that crack head is gonna get really fucked up in one or two nights and blow all that money.

    So when I have the small amount of money I do get, I just think "crap..I need to buy groceries, but...I havent had a good meal at a restaurant in a month either...and that sounds way more fun."
    Its a TERRIBLE habit and it needs to stop. Much like crack heads and crack

  12. #12
    an object in motion woofwoofl's Avatar
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    As for the money, make sure to buy a physical, tangible product that will last for an extended period of time, and will continue giving you real, practical benefit for years to come

    I'm good at spending money; I see it as nothing more than paper and metal, which is in and of itself useless, and does me no good until the moment I exchange it for something that I can use...

    Have a Costco membership yet? You should get one! Oats go for 67 cents a pound, and popcorn goes for 40 cents a pound; there's all sorts of food there, and it's more cost-effective to go that route than to purchase fast food...

    I didn't know what to do with some of my money, so I offered microloans to people in other countries; I have $125 in total there, might do more once I get good enough mittens for winter...

    Also, about the WoW and other things of that nature; never pay rates unless absolutely mandatory! The sunrises I bike ride into from time to time outdo any video game experience I've had since at least Sega Genesis...
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    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saberhead View Post

    Its actually a good question.
    Well, yes. I'll explain.
    Im broke a lot. Which sucks. It goes with the territory. Because Im broke all the time, when I actually get money it's hard for me to think "ok I need to make a list and buy this, this and that for next week" etc because it's like some sort of sick desperation that I get when I even have money in my hand. Because Im living off noodles and tap water, when I get money I just want to treat myself! Its like giving a crack head some crack and being like, " enough crack so you can get high this whole month" lol.
    No. We all know that crack head is gonna get really fucked up in one or two nights and blow all that money.

    So when I have the small amount of money I do get, I just think "crap..I need to buy groceries, but...I havent had a good meal at a restaurant in a month either...and that sounds way more fun."
    Its a TERRIBLE habit and it needs to stop. Much like crack heads and crack
    Ah I see. I do know what you mean though, especially the once in a while treat.

    I'm sure you got your stuff together and know what you're doing, but woofwoofl's advice in his first and third paragraphs are good. Focusing on the lasting sturdy/replenishing products are the best forms of investment, especially with shallow pockets. I'm not an expert, but some soup and chili recipes might be good to look up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Saberhead View Post

    Its actually a good question.
    Well, yes. I'll explain.
    Im broke a lot. Which sucks. It goes with the territory. Because Im broke all the time, when I actually get money it's hard for me to think "ok I need to make a list and buy this, this and that for next week" etc because it's like some sort of sick desperation that I get when I even have money in my hand. Because Im living off noodles and tap water, when I get money I just want to treat myself! Its like giving a crack head some crack and being like, " enough crack so you can get high this whole month" lol.
    No. We all know that crack head is gonna get really fucked up in one or two nights and blow all that money.

    So when I have the small amount of money I do get, I just think "crap..I need to buy groceries, but...I havent had a good meal at a restaurant in a month either...and that sounds way more fun."
    Its a TERRIBLE habit and it needs to stop. Much like crack heads and crack
    Ah I see. I do know what you mean though, especially the once in a while treat.

    I'm sure you got your stuff together and know what you're doing, but woofwoofl's advice in his first and third paragraphs are good. Focusing on the lasting sturdy/replenishing products are the best forms of investment, especially with shallow pockets. I'm not an expert, but some soup and chili recipes might be good to look up.
    Erm, Im a dumbass and didnt see that your icon is Witchfinder General....who are awesome. You must be into some good music if you like them (thats my sweeping generalization for the day).

    Yes definitely on my way to getting a Costco membership.

    Back to the subject at hand, I will post a video soon-ish, probably tomorrow evening.
    Any certain questions I should answer that are good or should I just randomly choose some I see in other type forum questionnaires?

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    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saberhead View Post

    Erm, Im a dumbass and didnt see that your icon is Witchfinder General....who are awesome. You must be into some good music if you like them (thats my sweeping generalization for the day).
    Yea they're great.

    Not necessarily, but I would like to think so.

    Yes definitely on my way to getting a Costco membership.

    Back to the subject at hand, I will post a video soon-ish, probably tomorrow evening.
    Any certain questions I should answer that are good or should I just randomly choose some I see in other type forum questionnaires?
    Cool. If someone could supply a context that would be great. If not, a video discussing what you focus on in life(typical criticisms, wants, personality, outlooks, society & how you fit in, spirituality etc) would work just as well, or even better.

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    Aw. It's not bad at all that you got excited from my posts.

    I'm a pretty cool guy. =p

    And besides, you like what you like. I've been playing rpgs my entire life.

    Sending you a PM so I can discuss creating a character on your server with you. I don't know what class I want to be yet though. PM me your character's name so I know who to message when I make him.

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    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    I just realized your location says Seattle.


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    You are definitiely a gamma.
    You are definitely an aggressive romantic style.
    Either SEE (ESFp) or ESI (ISFj) but I think SEE fits more. It makes more sense as to our relationship too.

    Now I'm wondering what Randy's type is djkhdsfjghdfg


    What about your video from last year?
    Last edited by bionic; 09-27-2011 at 09:40 PM.

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    What was I thinking when I said you being part of Delta? *facepalms*

    Yeah, you're very likely to be a -dom, but I'm still sort of torn between Fe/Ti or Fi/Te for you.

    I just reread the SEE description, and now I can see how you'd fit into -PoLR (That is, in the fourth position). It works a bit different from how it works with IEE, that's why I was a bit skeptical to type you as a IEE at first.

    So yeah, I think SEE fits the best. Which means you and I have a super-ego relationship.

    Oh yeah, and that also means you are a whore .
    5w6 so; rcUe|I|;

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    Quote Originally Posted by bionic View Post
    You are definitiely a gamma.
    You are definitely an aggressive romantic style.
    Either SEE (ESFp) or ESI (ISFj) but I think SEE fits more. It makes more sense as to our relationship too.

    Now I'm wondering what Randy's type is djkhdsfjghdfg


    What about your video from last year?
    Randy is for sure IEE (and you know Im dead serious because I just italicized it AND bolded it). Jorge just sent it to me on Facebook and I read it to Randy and he stopped shuffling his cards and paused and said " yeah thats a lot like me...what the fuck are you reading?"

    I didnt really wanna explain it to him because I know literally nothing about socionics myself.
    But yeah. Hes IEE. That is certain.

    What does aggressive romantic mean? And what does gamma mean? You explain things so eloquently I dont want to google it.

    How does SEE explain our dynamic?

    *Side note* I read SEE to Randy and he said he totally disagreed Said I was nothing like that. I dont know how the fuck Im coming off differently to differently people but I can assure you I dont have multiple personalities xD

    Quote Originally Posted by Jorge View Post
    What was I thinking when I said you being part of Delta? *facepalms*

    Yeah, you're very likely to be a -dom, but I'm still sort of torn between Fe/Ti or Fi/Te for you.

    I just reread the SEE description, and now I can see how you'd fit into -PoLR (That is, in the fourth position). It works a bit different from how it works with IEE, that's why I was a bit skeptical to type you as a IEE at first.

    So yeah, I think SEE fits the best. Which means you and I have a super-ego relationship.

    Oh yeah, and that also means you are a whore .
    Pffft, keep toking on that joint son.

    Jk. Thanks for your input Jorge.
    I will make a video tomorrow. Got really busy today with school and work and didnt have time. Ill just pull some random questions from another place and answer them.

    Adieu. Until tomorrow.

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    Hmmmm the problem a lot with the profiles with wikisocion is that I've found that A LOT people don't relate to them so easily (as compared to say, Enneagram/MBTI)... hmmm... I don't see you as neither a ESI or a LSI so... let's try to focus something else...

    How about being a LIE?

    By the way, if you are a SEE, you and your bf have a "Business" relationship

    If you are a SLE, you and your bf have a "Super-ego" relationship

    And if for some random reason you are a LIE, you and randy have a "Benefit" relationship (Him being the benefactor, you being the benefit:

    Honestly though, and it seems like I'm going against my words a lot... but something inside me goes "Yeah she's not a SEE". I've met a couple of SEEs, and you don't have that LOUD part about yourself. It's not that it is annoying, but a lot of SEEs have this "Hey I'm here and I'm going to make it known to everybody that I am here" drive that I just haven't seen in you. I know you are an extrovert, but you don't seem THAT attention whorey.

    Who knows? My gut instincts might be wrong, but ehhhh... I also don't see an ILI being your dual tbh.
    5w6 so; rcUe|I|;

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jorge View Post
    Hmmmm the problem a lot with the profiles with wikisocion is that I've found that A LOT people don't relate to them so easily (as compared to say, Enneagram/MBTI)... hmmm... I don't see you as neither a ESI or a LSI so... let's try to focus something else...

    How about being a LIE?

    By the way, if you are a SEE, you and your bf have a "Business" relationship

    If you are a SLE, you and your bf have a "Super-ego" relationship

    And if for some random reason you are a LIE, you and randy have a "Benefit" relationship (Him being the benefactor, you being the benefit:

    Honestly though, and it seems like I'm going against my words a lot... but something inside me goes "Yeah she's not a SEE". I've met a couple of SEEs, and you don't have that LOUD part about yourself. It's not that it is annoying, but a lot of SEEs have this "Hey I'm here and I'm going to make it known to everybody that I am here" drive that I just haven't seen in you. I know you are an extrovert, but you don't seem THAT attention whorey.

    Who knows? My gut instincts might be wrong, but ehhhh... I also don't see an ILI being your dual tbh.
    Actually, this is really helpful.
    For those of you that are reading this and wondering "who the hell is Randy?" hes my boyfriend that Jorge and Bionic know about since they are both my friends.

    It might be helpful if I describe our relationship to some extent and our dynamic since we know for certain he is an IEE. Also I will read those today and let you know what I think.

    I read LIE and that sounds like me too. It leaves out my playfulness though, but I will post more in the next one.

    Ill post a video today. Bionic I want to make new ones, those other ones are so old and stuff

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