Hi everyone!

I thought Id try a socionics website, as I have never really been typed by a crowd on my soc type. I figured what I would do is write a brief thingy about myself and then...put a video up of me answering a questionaire. That should be pretty thorough I think.

Ok, so a little bit about me? Right now in my life Im taking a break off of school for the summer. The funny thing is when I started the break I was really relieved because I figured now I can spend time doing other things, but then in the middle of the break I just got really bored and antsy and now I wish school was starting again. Anywho, I study physics and math. Trying to shoot for a PhD in High Energy physics if I can. Why? Well, naturally Im talented with art and music. So much in fact that I started my first band at age 15 and toured the U.S. till I was 22 and was also in a private art school. Honestly art is something I do for myself and it wasnt providing any benefit to my life besides draining me so I quit. I went into psychology thinking that would explain why I am the way I am, why people are the way they are, etc. Did that for a bit and then learned about Neuroscience. If anything explains people and why they act they way they do, its neuroscience and brain chemistry. Then from there, I picked up a book one day about particle physics, and I figured, hey...this explains WHY we might even exist! So it went from a progression of ideas down to that. I figure "why we even exist" is the most basic and fundamental question I can ask myself, and so math and physics it was from there on out. I am hooked and dont see myself leaving this path anytime soon.

Somehow Ive been really lucky in my life. I seem to attract really great things all the time and Im not sure if its because Im nice and friendly or if its because Im determined and have integrity. For example, Im not the GREATEST physics student (although my math is actually a lot better than my physics), but for some reason Ive had three REALLY amazing jobs in physics at an undergrad level that I kind of feel I dont deserve, but I must deserve in some sense because...hey..I got them and no one else did. I only say that because I see kids at college busting their ass off for opportunities like the ones Ive gotten, but I just get them so effortlessly. I have no idea why. On some level Im just on the right plane or something. These kids literally lose their lives in some sense trying to do their best. I just kinda...walk in and walk out...do my thing...and get everything. How does that work?

Im a really nice person if I feel someone is worthy of my time. I have to feel some sort of similarity or some sort of respect for me to enjoy someones company. For example if I meet a girl and the first thing she says to me is about how fucked up she got at a party I automatically don't like her. Why? Because shes a fool. I know its messed up but I cant help it. The good news is that if she talks to me later and tells me more about herself and proves to me shes not a dumbass then I will probably adore her. The same thing with guys too. If I meet a guy and he just talks about dumb shit, I will probably judge him and hes off my chart. If he talks to me later and shows me he knows about other things, I will adore him too. I dont like or enjoy being this judgmental but its part of me. On the other hand, Ive done enough psychedelic drugs this last year to kind of lessen this judgmental streak..so I do have a whole "everyone is here for a reason and everyone is the way they are for a reason" attitude as well, har har.

Hmm what else. I have swings of impulsiveness that I guess make for a good time. Ive done some retarded things in my life but now that Im older I still try and take that aspect of me and keep things alive. In my relationships I try and keep things new and fresh, I try to make things better and improve them a lot. I get fidgety and bored quickly, not usually with the person (unless Ive made the wrong choice) but with the routine we may have so Ill try and make one day a week something sporadic just for fun. Im in no way someone that dislikes routine, I love it, keeps my grounded and happy but I do like the occasional "lets just not go to work today and go do something really fun!" time. I dont do this often, but I do love a good surprise. Im also terrible with money. If I have $20 left in my bank and no food, the smart thing to do would be to buy groceries for the week. But Ill typically just say "fuck it!" and buy a pack of cigarettes and some candy

I feel very strongly about peoples independence and how they should run their lives at their own pace and by their own rules and no one elses. I always think about how I would be the 1930-1950s time era's worst nightmare because I want to take all the American housewives that are unhappy and miserable and let them do whatever they want. When people adhere to social norms I dont like it at all. I was raised by an Iranian mother who was very adjusted to what is socially acceptable and I think I gave her hell when I was growing up because I didnt understand why I had to care about what others thought. I care, obviously, to SOME extent what other people think, but thats only because they are people I care about, and not what is standard.

I guess thats it. On a side note here are some random things

-I dont care about spelling correctly at all, so youll see it on my comments.
-I love Chinchillas! Theyre so cute! And cats!!
-I love MMOs. Super dorky I know but I cant stop playing them.
-I hate tupperwear, it ALWAYS fucking smells like the last food item you had it in. Even if you wash it like 40 times it still smells like last nights Indian food.
-I have abnormally large feet for a girl and Im only 5'4"
-Bubbles are cool
-Remember those shoelace thingies that were spiral? They were supposed to prevent you from having to tie your shoes? Those were awesome! What happened to those?