I have a friend whom I have come to deem as "untypable". She is sweet and friendly, but painfully shy. She gets rather nervous easily when she's with a group of people, but she is fine when she speaks to you one-to-one, though it depends on who she is speaking to. I got to know her 'cos she was from the same class as me for 4 years. I enjoy being with her 'cos she's sensitive, a good listener and empathetic.

She doesn't do well academically, scoring mostly Cs and the occasional Bs in all her subjects, even though she is now majoring in psychology in college right now. And she is still unsure whether her interest in the subject is strong or not. She is poor in gym and has poor motor skills. When I asked her what she usually do after school, she said that she went home right after school, and at home, she would watch loads of tv and surf the net, and she doesn't study except when she is in college during classes. Moreover, she doesn't seem to enjoy hands-on activities like playing sports or the ones like Sensors would enjoy. She is also not keen in writing during her free time or engage in artistic pursuits, and has no interest in any hobbies, or so she says. She seems to have rather low self esteem.

Recently, when we are online, she confided in me that she has a habit which began to make me feel worried for her. Like some, she enjoys looking at xanga sites. But she takes a step further and she is currently infatuated with a xanga member whom she doesn't know at all. It seems like she likes what she sees in his photo and what she reads about him. She would read his blog daily and even went all the way to google about him. She even checked out his friendster and myspace sites. She sometimes tell me that she imagines been with him together. Anyway, luckily, she doesn't stalk him in real life, and she confided in me that she herself is frightened by her own behaviour which has occured a few times before, but she felt compelled to do all these 'cos she really felt that she had nothing to do.

You see, based on all these, I really feel that she is untypable. I really would like to help her get over her low self-esteem, but it seems that there's nothing I can do. She is a rather nice person and I feel that she doesn't deserve the life she is in now, which she feels hard to explore due to her apprehension of been embarassed (?!).

So, what type do u think she is? I hope that it would help her understand herself better and improve her current situation.