I'm an ENFP and I think I'm a 7w6. I can't really figure out if it's a 6 wing for sure, or if it's phobic or counterphobic. Here are some traits:

- Attracted to stimulation. Gluttony. (bright colors, shiny things, entertainment, interesting ideas, exciting concepts, pleasurable experiences, food, travel, friendships)

- Love to ignite new ideas and run with them, only to let that energy fizzle shortly thereafter

- Extremely idealistic, "grass is greener" syndrome

- Attracted to unconventional ideas. I reject the status quo. Slightly rebellious, but more just dismissive of convention/tradition that goes unexamined. Not to be confused with nostalgic tradition, which I adore

- Very conscious, conscientious, and aware of others' emotions and needs

- Very ethical and compassionate (most of the time)

- Very ambitious, but scattered and lost as to how to actually achieve my goals (or what they are, for that matter)

- Paranoid and anxious, afraid of confrontation, afraid of judgement, worried that others don't like me, fearful of being ignored or rejected

- I feel very certain of my own self-worth, but I'm always concerned that others don't feel it

- Constantly disappointed by others due to high expectations and standards, yet very appreciative and aware of others' value (or potential)

- Love to motivate others, or rally others around a cause or exciting perspective

- Outspoken about principles and values, but embarrassed at the same time: not able to feel secure in standing out/speaking up without external support (strong urge to speak mind/share thoughts/rally a cause, but fear of being judged or not taken seriously)

- Little patience when others obsess over the past, wallow in self-pity or beat themselves up (don't like to reassure others)

- Don't like to be the center of attention, but love attention from individuals. Offended when somebody ignores me or doesn't give me a chance. Love to explore new friendships, but I'm always more into it than the other person...I want to be closer than they ever do. If someone would let me, I'd hang out with them every day!

- Little need for solitary time, yet very high need for privacy. More concerned with having my own private space as opposed to having alone time.

I think my husband is a 5, but we can go into that later