MEGA high rant 2- Poem of me

Is he absent? What can you get away with? No one is looking. You can do it perfectly. Just do it, do what you want.
You have to avoid sight. There is punishment overbearing. It is coming in at a particular moment. You must realize this and plan ahead. Make sure you do not push the limit of your fathers patience. You do not want him to actually come down on you. It's all about when he is obligated to step in. You don't want to have him overtly alerted to anything. As long as you exist underground, you will not be caught. You have to hide carefully in the darkness. Then you can get away with anything. Nothing can stop what you are doing, because no one will ever find out. He has no idea. He is gone. My father was never there. What can I not do? What can I not get away with? The mother is a part of it. She enjoys the power. She has the ability to avoid the upkeep. You have to fight her away. This isn't right for you. I'm going to avoid responsibility. I don't need to explain it to you. You are a fucking joke. You don't have any appearances. You are an avid boycott. You are lost in a world of translation. There is paper coming from your mouth. Your favorite pasttime is overdusting. You are a favorite piece. You move like the queen in chess. You are the tool for my achievement and use. You I can rely on. You are unaware of my power. You don't understand my demands. I can fool you with the tip of my finger. There is no reason for you not to trust me. I am your favorite son. I don't ask much of you. You would never expect me. You are a peacock. I find you distasteful and out of style. You neglect your appearance. You neglect yourself. Please change that for my benefit. There is no competition to take me down. You are under my control. Do not fight my power. I have the ability to call the wrath of God. You are a puppet to my string. The man can rise and fall. You I have beaten down. There are no words I'd use to describe you. You are a voidless insect. Arise from the shadows of my dust. Blood is my favorite pasttime. I enjoy encroaching on the breadth of despair. The final lunch of cruel seduction is the point of no escape. You will not fathom my ultimate reason. There is no message. I am the power. You are the servant. You do not remember.