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Thread: Moving High Ramblings Here

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  1. #8
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    Rant 4 on belief of genetic procession & religion

    I'm high as fuck right now and I would like to say that our race is a metaphysical spiritual race that turned cancerous to earth at a certain point in history which I am going to describe.

    Back in the days of beastial man, when we roamed in nature and hunted berries, our lifestyles and minds perfectly aligned with what they're adapted for, we lived for hundreds of years in perfect balance with our bodies, ourselves, and the world. We were the rulers of the biosphere; the prima select of nature. The entire ecosystem was built to support our existence. We were the outgrowth of mother earth, the pinnacle of its creation.

    At a certain point our evolution exceeded what our environment had to offer. Earth itself could no longer contribute to the level of our perfection. We had out adapted earth itself. We became, mentally, metaphysical creatures. We also had mentally transcended our own biological senses. It was at this moment there was born in us a need to both exceed our circumstances and destroy our surroundings. We are searching for a higher plane of existence. Earthly existence no longer supports or benefits our state of consciousness. On a universal scale, we as a species have adapted beyond our earths maximum supporting capacity.

    Our succession from worldly awareness to metaphysical awareness resulted in a detachment from and neglect of the biological world, while accelerating our beliefs outwards toward the stars. Our explorations tax the resources of the earth. We overuse resources; we have gone beyond that balance. So the inevitable result is destruction of the biosphere in an effort to achieve higher cosmic perfection.

    This is the natural spiritual journey to greater consciousness - pain and suffering, the churn of evolution.

    From earth humanity is a rampant, cancerous growth. Earths life is a short ticking clock. Earth is used up and obsolete. It is in the process of being discarded.

    Will earth expire before man has the chance to transcend his surroundings and advance into space? Can man become enlightened enough to accomplish such things?

    That is the query of new age religion and metaphysics, which socionics is a part of as is psychology, philosophy, math really most other relevant sciences. We are in a race against the clock of our extinction; and we on this website are one squadron in an army of thinkers and believers leading that charge.

    The journey of our soul is actually the procession of our genetic code. There are two globalist viewpoints. The good people are aiming for the advancement of humanity - there is a future and we can accomplish it. Others.. so labeled bad people, believe we will not succeed. The race is in our ultimate social evolution & advancement to space. So these two globalist viewpoints, & which of them a person ascribes to, greatly relates to the persons soul (genetic survival) and their experience on earth.

    People contributing to society in a successful way; assuming this facilitates the advancement of our races genetic code, is actually natural selection for these people in particular. Their own genetic code, if humanity survives, will be the one that dominated. This gives a person a sense of continuity through the afterlife. Thus, by contributing to society in an effective way a person believes they will go to heaven. That is, their genetic code will survive on.

    There are others with a looming hell complex. That is, they make contributions to society but they offer no ultimate value to society. Their contributions are petty and will not amount to our survival. These are people whose genes will not survive the next ascent of man, but they will survive for some time over the immediate future. These people are confined here, to enjoy the here and now. Thus their mind is dominated by denial and social compliance, both in the name of preserving the sanctity of the present moment. They're characterized by worldly indulgence. On there soul is the feeling of a looming but mild punishment for a semi-forgivable offense.
    Last edited by rat1; 09-18-2011 at 02:31 AM.

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