Post a well structured post crazedrat. You have a lot of potential, don't become another tcaud.

There is no greatest man in the universe. Even if there was, you wouldn't be him. Take a reality check.
Say that to yourself, maybe you'll believe it.

Think about it crazedrat, when I say greatest, do you think I mean there is only 1 person at the top? You need to expand your definition of superlatives; there can be an infinite number of people at the top, and all of them are different. A man is defined by the superiority of his thought. Everyone can think the best thoughts. Everyone can be the best. If this is true for men, it is true for women too. If say we establish these premises, we can conclude that there will be enough partners, who are the best anyone can be, for everyone.

If there was a greatest man in the universe, he wouldn't be alone. I'm reaching there, do you want to come with me?