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Thread: Moving High Ramblings Here

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    Default Moving High Ramblings Here

    Rant 3:
    Marijuana induced short story which I plan on finishing over a couple episodes of getting baked.

    Story of the Psychic Flower

    At nightend there was a dysfunctional meteor, between Ted & Chainsaw, heading for the monument. Nothing moves within the confines of these selfish chambers; not even a parasite, with all its imperfections. The parasite is long, its a relentless blood beetle who slimes the place of outward air. It bulges with the force of a rebound thunder, and shares with you his droppings of yellow nectar slime drooling from the fecal hole of a pink wriggler. I must escape the boundaries of my eternal clause, but do so with tranquility and grace. Twice the feeling of unmatched anger surged through the walls of my chamber.

    Exceptions without rules are punishments. An episode of grace may be to ride the western wind as an obstacle. Thrills of joyous laughter ignite my flacid winglets. But what to do when wrinkles pick up, awe is a nighttime of terror, and my backs are broken from the bends? Your limbs are steadfast, and regrow easily. Terror is a figment of your imagination, it's not real. You are safely tucked in the corner of your yard.

    My favorite special place is a gold ray sunshine. I stretch my leaves & coil them in air. Bees of safety scare the change away. I take up my space valiantly. A glass of running water at the spray of a button. I shine my pedals like trophies. I am not afraid of my front side nettles. I am a model light.

    The tremor of a lawn mower blade is gnawing through the dirt around.

    to be continued
    Last edited by rat1; 09-17-2011 at 09:34 AM.

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    Ive been smoking pot and trying to make some writing contributions to this site while high as fuck. Despite some parts of them being incoherent, the underlying idea behind what I'm saying is completely legitimate in all of the ramblings, so I'm posting it here that perhaps an interested person will be able to interpret what I mean and, by miracle, connect to it in a sensible way.

    Quote Originally Posted by crazedratsshadow View Post
    Rant 1:This is a marijuana induced rambling and I'm gona teach you all something incredible. Let me take one more hit first..

    Alright took it. So I saw the mathematics for socionics thread, and although its a working mathematical system to describe socionics there's nothing meaningful about the math that connects it to socionics. So I'm gona show you the real math in this thread.

    One more puff... Ok took a big one.

    Alright, socionics is based on duality. Everyone gets that. Duality is a division of monism, and the reunification of functions is the basis for intertype relations. That's why duals get along.

    In mathematics the only true monism is infinity. So any mathematics for socionics has to be based on infinity, and breaking infinity down into complimentary parts. The first step for doing this- the only way it can be done, is with fractals which follow the fibbonacci sequence. They're the fundamental dimensional threads; 2 aspects of infinity themselves. For example is the universe infinitely large, is it infinitely small? It is both- this is a split view of infinity.

    Ok, so what is my point? Let me go piss and take 1 more hit and then some klonapin, and I'll tell you.

    First, that the fractal / exponential fibbonaci spirals are the basic field/object distinctions in math form. Fractal spiral is object, exponential spiral is field.

    I think this is obvious and can be taken at face value. Energy, radiation, relativism, the larger universe.. all disparate and expansive, all are qualitatively fields. Likewise for mass, matter, density, focus, atoms, microscopic examination.. all oriented at the object.

    The next dimensional separation is the static / dynamic property. Now you're probably thinking "ok, fractals... I get it, so you're gona compound fibonacci fractals and end up at 8 dimensions, then assign them names sequentially and that'll be the functions". No, it cannot work that way. And the reason is each dimension is unified through monism; using compound fibbonaci spirals you cannot represent the underlying monism in a unified way. Either all dimensions become relative... the object/field distinction is forgotten; or the pattern of dimensional progression becomes 2^2, where 4 is disconnected from 1 only a product of 2. That's a tiered progression, which ignores relativity. Both those patterns are flawed.

    Ok, so we agree it can't be compound fractals... The mathematics has to qualitatively demonstrate the dynamic / static property.. Let me take a drink and 1 more hit and I'll tell you what the next distinction is.

    Ok, + -, x & / distinguish statics from dynamics.
    x & / are dynamic, + & - are static. That's what defines them mathematically. - and + have no relative increase or decrease in outcomes as a result of compound influences of the numbers they're combining. - & + represent tiered progression and x & / relativism.

    This also redefines the object / field distinction. They present in these basic math signs, and it's pretty obvious when you look for it: + and x go up, - and / go down. Not really that hard to see the connection. Different properties, different context.

    So the two separately 'flawed' methods of progressing the dimensions I mentioned earlier are both present here qualitatively.

    Also these correspond with Ji/Je/Pi/Pe

    + = Ji static field
    - = Pe static object
    x = Pi dynamic field
    / = Je dynamic object

    [brief interlude and took a nap]

    Ok back. So yes, dynamic / static fields are distinct from fields. They're modified fields. This difference, alone, is represented by variables and the number scale.

    The number scale is an existential perspective on the fractal fibbonacci sequence. For example:
    1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 < all relative, the numbers are somewhat meaningless. But existentially:
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7< The sequence becomes a tiered progression, defined from an outside perspective (hence static fields are different from fields)
    And this allows for negative numbers as well, since the fibbonaci spiral is endless.
    -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.
    0 is significant in this context since it's another form of monism.
    [EDIT: The negative numbers may actually come a higher tier up, but at the least we can positive integers qualify. I'm undecided either way at this point, since positive and negative integers exist in the function y=mx+b (which will be discussed in a sec).]

    Numbers represent an objectification of value whereas variables retain the free variance and compound relativity of fields.

    A variable like X represents unknown cumulative values, which makes sense as an existential view of the exponential fibonacci spiral. Also, monism in this context is 1. X1 =X. X/X=1.

    So as you can see 1 and 0 are both significant numbers.

    All these functions are relations between variables or numbers. X + 2... Etc.

    The variability within the number scale differentiating 1 from 2, 3, 4, etc.; all cumulative values represent disparate unique clones of structure within infinity; i.e. (X1 = X1(1(1(1)))))

    Also, on a more general level, monism is represented by equality.

    Look at this equation:
    Y=MX + B
    The simple way of graphing a function. MX being variable allows a sort of divisional multiplication .. (typically M will be a fraction).. B can be positive or negative, anywhere on the number scale; essentially changing between addition & subtraction (mx + -B).

    K gona get some more weed then continue with this.
    Quote Originally Posted by crazedratsshadow View Post
    Rant 2:
    Today I'm high as fuck and I'm gona talk about the 16 sociotypes, describing them and how to spot them in reality through social contexts. Alright.. I can barely focus right now and I don't think I'm gona die, so let's get this on with.

    ESFp: probably was persecuted by her family for her sexuality. Wants to escape her family. Persecuted for what she wears, how she dresses, etc. for liking to try weed, for liking to make out with other girls, and for being, although loyal, sexually active which pisses off other members of the family who don't have any sex lives. Thinks if she can just form the connections with others she will be able to leave her family and live in the world of glamour which she is attracted to, independent from others who are pulling her down. Thinks her family members secretly desire her. She understands the utter depravity of the persecutors. She looks on to others with an air of disgust having suppressed their natural loving sexual instincts. Other people have no lives and it saddens her. What she sees is people empty of passion, and a power structure that, through neglect and apathy, is killing people lifeless.

    INTp: Sheltered, controlled child who was completely deprived of any fun or freedom or real power to make his own decisions in life. Instead he was given strong direction on what must be accomplished, what is acceptable achievement and what is failure. He conformed to this burden, thinking if he could act perfect he would please the powers lorded over him and they would back away and he would be free to act as he saw fit. Unfortunately this meant him, through self discipline, avoiding any kind of sex life or doing anything remotely natural to him; those actions only follow achievement. He tried to overcome this lack of any ability to be oneself through being the best. If he could control 100 percent the power structure, even outplan and create the rules himself- by understanding them in the greatest detail- that he could change and knowingly manipulate the rules, fulfilling his own desires. Thereby he would be able to get layed and do the things he was forbidden to do. Ultimately, if all the rules are in place and all rules are correct, sex is allowed since nothing is harmed.

    INFp: Has completely given up all hope for the social structure ever remotely surviving in the long run. There is no way the people, with their motivations and needs, are going to be able to hold together and move forward society as it is in its current state. Society is simply a degradation of mankind, and valiance is to ignore its confines through uncompromisingly preserving and exploring the animal within. His laziness is in actuality a refusal to further the enslavement of mankind. He looks as slacking off, undermining and ignoring the system as an understandable act of self preservation. He does no work, other people despise him because he isn't contributing anything to society. But he views these people lost in the delusion that what they're trying to accomplish actually has any purpose or meaning at all; and infact doesn't only further their pain and suffering. The unfortunate side effects of this attitude is he doesnt have any resources to get himself layed or meet the basic necessities for survival, so he has to leech off other people. He knows he is dragging others down, but wishes they would neglect the life they're living; and yet the reality he must sustain himself is inescapable. Feels some guilt for lack of achievement, despite it being justified in his mind. The inability to participate in society also creates loneliness and a negative view of peoples moral conditions- people reap the benefits of their sins, his suffering is like christ on the cross. Can become obsessed with martyrs and dreams of being a martyr, regaining respect by the final statement of the most pure and natural yell of man in the wild. His suffering justified, others will bow in respect to what he's shown them, perhaps even begin following him. Longs to be a part of a natural society where everyone is 100 percent themselves, and lives accordingly. This fantasy escapes him and he is left alone, desolate and resentful. Eventually builds a loyal following of true friends. Considers communication flawed, as any communication will compromise the purity of the message and the meaning of it. Has a long list of things he has to end get around to doing, but knows he will be fine eventually because knows just how much time he has to get it done at the last minute. Thus he succeeds socially but always feels the burden of unfinished obligations weighing down on him.

    ESFj: Person who, subdued by overwhelming forces, conformed to the social structure with entirely, even befriending it. Became a feigned participant in its enforcement. By befriending the powers that be, one will be rewarded with a share of their control. One can then use that control as one sees fit, even for the benefit of man; making exceptions, doing friendly deeds, keeping the personal spirit alive. Yet the concessions required for this power make her a hypocrite. Critical of non conformism, pictures a utopia of perfect behavior, everyone getting along. This woman will lock you in a cell then serve you a home cooked meal.

    Brief interlude, took a shit and then drank some tea

    Ok this is a tangent thought but I keep referencing the social structure. There are archetypes within the social structure identified by Jung. They reflect the typical family upbringing and social integration, though there are more archetypes I've not mentioned. I.e. the father and mother archetype, the joker archetype, and so on. What I've just shown here today is described that the self has a type, but that this type is completely connected to the power structure of those around oneself. So it then follows- what are these power structures enforcing, exactly? My proposal is that each social archetype- first and primarily the main archetypes- has its own type. The first and most important type is the persons type. The mother and father type are the next important. Then there are other jungian archetypes that should be explored, and a coherent social typing system should be overlayed to fully understand a person.

    The following are archetypes I keep consistently referencing within these descriptions, and ones I plan on exploring in the future:
    boundary breaking / area of focus
    suppressed awareness

    break to take another piss and smoke a tad more
    Last edited by rat1; 09-27-2011 at 12:02 AM.

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    I want my smoking cock in Starfall from behind.

    I want to have multiple orgasms with Dolphin.

    I want my wild chimpanzee to escape its cage and run recklessly through glamoramas blouse

    I want my spicey roman sausage in the mouth of implied

    I want to have close, sensual sex with esper

    I want to titty fuck April

    I want to have angst ridden drug induced sex with anndelise

    I want to fuck Octo from many different angles

    I would like to suck on allies pussy then her tits and then make out with her then have sex with her

  4. #4
    Memory of Tomorrow Reuben's Avatar
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    I want my smoking cock in Starfall from behind.

    I want to have multiple orgasms with Dolphin.

    I want my wild chimpanzee to escape its cage and run recklessly through glamoramas blouse

    I want my spicey roman sausage in the mouth of implied

    I want to have close, sensual sex with esper

    I want to titty fuck April

    I want to have angst ridden drug induced sex with anndelise

    I want to fuck Octo from many different angles

    I would like to suck on allies pussy then her tits and then make out with her then have sex with her
    That's it? I want to lock all of them in a cage and generate profit from the sheer orgasmic quality produced by all my male friends upon simply acknowledging the idea of having such a concentration of quality females in a single, enclosed location. But guess what? I'm actively taking steps to make my dream come true. What have YOU done lately crazedrat?

    Stop being a dipshit. I know I'm disgusting, but at least I pretend to have class.
    She is wise
    beyond words
    beautiful within
    her soul
    brighter than
    the sun
    lovelier than
    dreams larger
    than life
    and does not
    understand the
    meaning of no.
    Because everything
    through her, and in her, is
    "Yes, it will be done."

    Why I love LSEs:
    Quote Originally Posted by Abbie
    A couple years ago I was put in charge of decorating the college for Valentine's Day. I made some gorgeous, fancy decorations from construction paper, glue, scissors, and imagination. Then I covered a couple cabinets with them. But my favorite was the diagram of a human heart I put up. So romantic!

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    read all of these high. good stuff.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reuben View Post
    I know I'm disgusting, but at least I pretend to have class.
    My problem with you.

    Don't pollute my high rambligs thread with anymore arguments. If you want to defend your sexual social integrity make a new thread for that and I'll confront you in there.

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    Your INTp description is pretty good. You really nailed the mindset I took on but my motivations were different. My motivation was simply to be the best in the mental and social sphere and that meant indirect manipulation of my surroundings. I also am/have been in similar circumstances to what you described such as Ive lived under a tight house with my LSE father who has a strong direction for me and my siblings. Though I wouldnt really say Im sheltered. Of course the scenario youve given isnt suppose to fit every ILI and it could be very true for some ILIs.

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    The descriptions are gona be biased cuz I can't see all the pieces. But if you give me your own reaction to them I should be able to revise them using that info.

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    Rant 4 on belief of genetic procession & religion

    I'm high as fuck right now and I would like to say that our race is a metaphysical spiritual race that turned cancerous to earth at a certain point in history which I am going to describe.

    Back in the days of beastial man, when we roamed in nature and hunted berries, our lifestyles and minds perfectly aligned with what they're adapted for, we lived for hundreds of years in perfect balance with our bodies, ourselves, and the world. We were the rulers of the biosphere; the prima select of nature. The entire ecosystem was built to support our existence. We were the outgrowth of mother earth, the pinnacle of its creation.

    At a certain point our evolution exceeded what our environment had to offer. Earth itself could no longer contribute to the level of our perfection. We had out adapted earth itself. We became, mentally, metaphysical creatures. We also had mentally transcended our own biological senses. It was at this moment there was born in us a need to both exceed our circumstances and destroy our surroundings. We are searching for a higher plane of existence. Earthly existence no longer supports or benefits our state of consciousness. On a universal scale, we as a species have adapted beyond our earths maximum supporting capacity.

    Our succession from worldly awareness to metaphysical awareness resulted in a detachment from and neglect of the biological world, while accelerating our beliefs outwards toward the stars. Our explorations tax the resources of the earth. We overuse resources; we have gone beyond that balance. So the inevitable result is destruction of the biosphere in an effort to achieve higher cosmic perfection.

    This is the natural spiritual journey to greater consciousness - pain and suffering, the churn of evolution.

    From earth humanity is a rampant, cancerous growth. Earths life is a short ticking clock. Earth is used up and obsolete. It is in the process of being discarded.

    Will earth expire before man has the chance to transcend his surroundings and advance into space? Can man become enlightened enough to accomplish such things?

    That is the query of new age religion and metaphysics, which socionics is a part of as is psychology, philosophy, math really most other relevant sciences. We are in a race against the clock of our extinction; and we on this website are one squadron in an army of thinkers and believers leading that charge.

    The journey of our soul is actually the procession of our genetic code. There are two globalist viewpoints. The good people are aiming for the advancement of humanity - there is a future and we can accomplish it. Others.. so labeled bad people, believe we will not succeed. The race is in our ultimate social evolution & advancement to space. So these two globalist viewpoints, & which of them a person ascribes to, greatly relates to the persons soul (genetic survival) and their experience on earth.

    People contributing to society in a successful way; assuming this facilitates the advancement of our races genetic code, is actually natural selection for these people in particular. Their own genetic code, if humanity survives, will be the one that dominated. This gives a person a sense of continuity through the afterlife. Thus, by contributing to society in an effective way a person believes they will go to heaven. That is, their genetic code will survive on.

    There are others with a looming hell complex. That is, they make contributions to society but they offer no ultimate value to society. Their contributions are petty and will not amount to our survival. These are people whose genes will not survive the next ascent of man, but they will survive for some time over the immediate future. These people are confined here, to enjoy the here and now. Thus their mind is dominated by denial and social compliance, both in the name of preserving the sanctity of the present moment. They're characterized by worldly indulgence. On there soul is the feeling of a looming but mild punishment for a semi-forgivable offense.
    Last edited by rat1; 09-18-2011 at 02:31 AM.

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    Rant 5 monkey packs

    It is amazing how the social dynamics of human society mirror those of monkey packs. I am high as fuck and I'm gona start ranting about monkey packs.

    First of all, an analysis of my own monkey pack status. I'm the kind of monkey who will claim alpha power status by war, and cause chaos in the process. I am a rogue monkey who comes in and conquers the pack, suppresses the tribe and uses them for his own purposes. That is my monkey type- rogue alpha male monkey.

    In my family I was the alpha monkey because my dad was distant. My dads monkey pack status is that of another species. A species of danger to the monkeys, but also somewhat higher on the food chain. An anaconda. My dad is something of that nature. He is not part of the pack, but we fear him.

    So that leaves me as the alpha monkey, but I am securing the order of the pack using my powers of speech and aggressive persuasion, which are the only powers available, and also the ones most useful for my task. I can outtalk anyone in my family, and for that reason I always win any conversation I have with any of them. That and I am the oldest male at hand in the family, it gives me tremendous power. That was my main role in adolescence and into my young 20s. Unrightful monkey ruler who stepped up in the absence of a king.

    But in truth I was leading the monkey pack in a better direction. I eclipsed my parents, but did so with the intention of taking my freedom and that of the rest of the house. My freedom was rightfully my own. There was no rule which could control me. I was my own ruler. As a consequence I am ideologically altered - my fundamental value is of no rules and obligations whatsoever. No boundaries, a completely unaffected animal. The id in full expression. The superego completely beaten away. Another consequence of this is my complete disregard for social achievement, mainly my own - I simply take what I want, I do not try for it. Everything comes easy or it comes not at all. This is causes some detachment from society at large. I am, essentially, a criminal who has founded an operation beneath the nose of the authorities; but on a psychological monkey pack status level. It's also for these reason that the only job that suites me is entrepreneur; someone who comes in and takes control of a section of the market.

    Ok, gonna smoke a tad more then talk about monkey packs in general

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    I agree with you. You are on something --err, onto something.

  12. #12


    Is this thread open for discussion, or should I post that elsewhere?

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    Post all you want in it as long as it pertains to the high ramblings, OR you're high yourself and have a rambling to go onto. But you must be high if making your own content.. that is the one rule.

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    complete libidinal freedom colors the idea of an alpha male, as it signifies the apex of surplus-consumption; but it never works in reality, because -- with any alpha male role -- the super-ego's burdens have to be transformed into tools, not just discarded or destroyed in a self-induced frenzy. look to 2008 for an example.

    your monkey descriptions make sense. filling the role of an alpha monkey out of necessity is much different from using the role to claim oneself as such, though the latter is the most frequent tactic in the work arena.

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    MEGA high rant 1: This rant qualifies as a new class of highness rant. This is because I am on a far higher plane of chronic than has yet been experienced. I am so labeling these special experiences "MEGA highs".

    The animal instinct of having killed the father in the wild. It is a moment of sheer delight, having gained position in the pack- the ability to procreate amongst females, the ability to fuck the mother especially; and the power to control all resources and achieve maximum nourishment and enjoyment. This is what the young adult male works toward. What all his goals and aspirations are. That's because it passes down his genetic code, where the other approach (not killing father or fucking mother) does not. This is a basic instinct.

    In our society the entire cause of our personalities and their deformities traces back to parentings failure in teaching us to live up to societies expectations on how we should behave. Bad parenting is defined by society as not properly raising the child to adequately live up to societies expectations. So the problem is measured also by societies values, and how twisted they are; also how complex the society is, and really just the society itself.

    We are taught not to fuck our mothers; this becomes archetypeal, and in doing so, ways to socially; circumventionally achieve, sublimatorily, the same ends arise. All of society is built around a way of achieving animal instinct more easily.

    In cases of strong neglect by the father or excessive nurturing by the mother, or both, a modern man will develop an oedipus complex; an inability to satisfy his needs combined with a denial of his instincts. That is a need to kill his father and fuck his mother, normally sublimated through social achievement; but not in his case. He feels this need so deeply within himself that he cannot fathom its existance at all; but it finds expression through social circumventions. It exists in the subliminal mind, outside of consciousness reach. It really should be called an oedipal disorder, where the instinct itself is the oedpisus complex

    But let me not go too far with this instinct, since there is a contrary one. Along with the prospect of killing the father is always the fear of not succeeding; dying. Being killled or castrated by the father instead. You can call it castration.. I think it is killed, at the most basic level. But the only way you can conceive of death is through the genetic organs.

    In cases where sufficient parenting took place there is no oedipus complex, you have a functioning adult.

    Also there is the electra complex where the girl wants to get fucked by the father and to take away the favoritism of the father from the mother. This allows the girl access to resources and the protection of the alpha male and his pack, and the increased resources all leading to the increased survival of her offspring. Thus there is a genetic basis for the electra complex to develop- the instinct to seduce the father, conceive his children and win his affections from the mother / surplant the mother is evolutionary. The electra complex is evolutionary.

    Again until complex society develops, at which point the fear of ostracism by the other women & reduced social influence (a natural fear of the complex) contributes to a social method of achieving these ends and circumventing the fear (again the motivating force of the progress of society- economics and invention).

    In females the modern electra complex is the bitchy things they do, all reflecting the conflicts with the complex itself. They talk shit about eachother; they will act as if they do not desire men; they will act to please certain men but withhold sex until he is of some social value to them- that is he has committed to them (at which point he is only satiated.. love to a woman is really social security [and I really do think they take that in check form]); I've even seen it as a compensatory feigned niceness to the mother archetype.. saying thank you when someone helps you is never genuine when done by a female.

    So yeah, these are inhibitions which the female develops in society which come from her inadequate socialization & repressed & sublimated instincts.

    This is also why it is, for a fact, a mistake to settle on one female. She will no longer have any drive or life within the tribe; no competition with other women, etc. No social connection. She will become depraved, fat, and a bitch with repressed instincts. So do not get married.

    What you have to do to solve both these problems is identify what represents the father or the mother archetype on a societal level, and fuck that. This is known as social achievement- it resolves the conflict between instinct and the society.
    Last edited by rat1; 09-25-2011 at 12:26 PM.

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    yeah, it's a direct extrapolation from prenatal qualities to their mirror in another. the 'objectification' of one's parent tends to be different, as combining forms fixations take is at root the same cloak you described in the feminine energy's activity. so I see castration as a universalized death, phallic commonality causing mutual anxiety, not just a unit's end, but a cycle's. the only way to sustain this presumption, that it can and must be as long as possible, is with an irrational embodiment, feminine energy. so, while 'finding and fucking the parent' makes sense on a theoretical level, it wouldn't resolve the fixation, just intensify it.

  17. #17
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    dude joseph campbell

    plz read k

    mucho braingasms promised
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Lol, I just wrote that because I was having visions of who I was as a person of this man who had just killed his father in the wild and was experiencing the glee and power of that achievement. I really dont even know much about this complex but I can picture it in my head thinking about sort of human monkey packs. So if you wana explain the rest I'd be interested.
    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    yeah, it's a direct extrapolation from prenatal qualities to their mirror in another. the 'objectification' of one's parent tends to be different, as combining forms fixations take is at root the same cloak you described in the feminine energy's activity. so I see castration as a universalized death, phallic commonality causing mutual anxiety, not just a unit's end, but a cycle's. the only way to sustain this presumption, that it can and must be as long as possible, is with an irrational embodiment, feminine energy. so, while 'finding and fucking the parent' makes sense on a theoretical level, it wouldn't resolve the fixation, just intensify it.
    How could you ever fully dissolve the instinct? It's a basic instinct. Fulfilling it through social achievement is the acceptable / sustainable way of satiating it. We are still viciously consuming resources, fucking the earth, fucking the animals and plants and all that shit. That's just something you accept when you participate in society. The only other possibility is to try changing society to suite your needs... like leading the monkey pack in a better direction. Maybe that could somehow help, not sure how.
    Last edited by rat1; 09-26-2011 at 03:42 AM.

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    the instinct as such can't be dissolved, just its expression. when a complex becomes an opposition ("this was taken, now I must take"), a direct attack only further entangles the person; hence the difference between riches and wealth. the same holds true for the ideal parent and unidentified other, they repulse each other in the person's psyche. this attitude leads to social discord to be controlled (master-slave dialectic), which breeds exploitation. that's what I meant with the feminine energy carrying it, like a soundboard. adjusting society to one's needs is part of any society's evolution, imo. many individuals have to cooperate for the same reason for the idea of a state to make sense. it's only when the latter's phallic edifice reverses this, that things go awry.

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    MEGA high rant 2- Poem of me

    Is he absent? What can you get away with? No one is looking. You can do it perfectly. Just do it, do what you want.
    You have to avoid sight. There is punishment overbearing. It is coming in at a particular moment. You must realize this and plan ahead. Make sure you do not push the limit of your fathers patience. You do not want him to actually come down on you. It's all about when he is obligated to step in. You don't want to have him overtly alerted to anything. As long as you exist underground, you will not be caught. You have to hide carefully in the darkness. Then you can get away with anything. Nothing can stop what you are doing, because no one will ever find out. He has no idea. He is gone. My father was never there. What can I not do? What can I not get away with? The mother is a part of it. She enjoys the power. She has the ability to avoid the upkeep. You have to fight her away. This isn't right for you. I'm going to avoid responsibility. I don't need to explain it to you. You are a fucking joke. You don't have any appearances. You are an avid boycott. You are lost in a world of translation. There is paper coming from your mouth. Your favorite pasttime is overdusting. You are a favorite piece. You move like the queen in chess. You are the tool for my achievement and use. You I can rely on. You are unaware of my power. You don't understand my demands. I can fool you with the tip of my finger. There is no reason for you not to trust me. I am your favorite son. I don't ask much of you. You would never expect me. You are a peacock. I find you distasteful and out of style. You neglect your appearance. You neglect yourself. Please change that for my benefit. There is no competition to take me down. You are under my control. Do not fight my power. I have the ability to call the wrath of God. You are a puppet to my string. The man can rise and fall. You I have beaten down. There are no words I'd use to describe you. You are a voidless insect. Arise from the shadows of my dust. Blood is my favorite pasttime. I enjoy encroaching on the breadth of despair. The final lunch of cruel seduction is the point of no escape. You will not fathom my ultimate reason. There is no message. I am the power. You are the servant. You do not remember.

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    Just recording a semi-stoned comment here. So this will be semi-stoned comment number 1. I'd just like to remind myself that my disease of the guts is actually caused by unnatural diet, just as many many of our diseases are actually caused by social lifestyle and only activated in certain vulnerable populations through lifestyle habits. So if you go onto a diet of 100 percent natural food, you will survive; it's that you are a primitive animal not adapted to the strains of society; you've essentially become genetically obsolete; and considering how shitty the world is I think that is a good thing.

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    rant 8- evil liberation

    liberalism is the path of destruction and conservatism the path of creation. This is typically perceived as the reverse, and intuitively it seems to be so. But liberalism actually gives rise to the fall of governments, the breaking through of walls, the destruction of the self and the abandonment of judgment. The final moment of death is essentially a moment of liberation. Likewise birth and growth is all about making connections and establishing boundaries. Building a foundation for the future. Preparing to continue the ride onward. It's as if you see the world from the bottom up- conservatism. You are a child looking forward to adulthood and old age. You must create rules and set boundaries to survive.

    Living in the light or the darkness. In the light, all ideas are one and connected. In darkness, all things fall apart. Darkness represents the unknown, and also destruction. Likewise light represents all that is known and secured.

    In this way conservative vs. liberal is exactly equivalent to the battle of good vs evil, with conservatives pitching themselves as good against the evil, scandalous liberals. The liberals likewise hide in darkness, but understand that they are completely justified in doing so; infact they were put there by those in charge. Suppressed by the light.

    The battle against good and evil occurs within our lifetimes. It'existed since the first moment of all creation, light separated from darkness.

    You cannot unify these forces, ever. There is always good and evil, and you are one or the other. So take your sides well, draw your swords and hide your mines because the fight is coming, and it can never be avoided.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedratsshadow View Post
    rant 8- the sun god & satan

    liberalism is the path of destruction and conservatism the path of creation. This is typically perceived as the reverse, and intuitively it seems to be so. But liberalism actually gives rise to the fall of governments, the breaking through of walls, the destruction of the self and the abandonment of judgment. The final moment of death is essentially a moment of liberation. Likewise birth and growth is all about making connections and establishing boundaries. Building a foundation for the future. Preparing to continue the ride onward. It's as if you see the world from the bottom up- conservatism. You are a child looking forward to adulthood and old age. You must create rules and set boundaries to survive.

    Living in the light or the darkness. In the light, all ideas are one and connected. In darkness, all things fall apart. Darkness represents the unknown, and also destruction. Likewise light represents all that is known and secured.

    In this way conservative vs. liberal is exactly equivalent to the battle of good vs evil, with conservatives pitching themselves as good against the evil, scandalous liberals. The liberals likewise hide in darkness, but understand that they are completely justified in doing so; infact they were put there by those in charge. Suppressed by the light.

    The battle against good and evil occurs within our lifetimes. It'existed since the first moment of all creation, light separated from darkness.

    You cannot unify these forces, ever. There is always good and evil, and you are one or the other. So take your sides well, draw your swords and hide your mines because the fight is coming, and it can never be avoided.
    The reason you can not unify light and darkness is simply because evil is the absence of good, just as chaos is the absence of order, immorality is the absence of morality, imperfection is the absence of perfection, and darkness is the absence of light. They all interrelate and all share the same dynamic but you probably knew that already.

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    The unification is through pure random, incomprehensible spirit. And fuck yourself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedratsshadow View Post
    The unification is through pure random, incomprehensible spirit. And fuck yourself.
    hahaha I was expecting a response such as that. I could go further into good vs. evil but we'd probably be talking about two different conceptions under the same name.

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    MEGA High rant 4- the pattern continued

    First I want to say I'm posting this just because I'm not hiding my thoughts any longer, no matter how schizophrenic they sound. I wrote this in notepad while high, and its just a big mix of astrology, numerology, dimensionality and my own music theory jumbled into an exploration of the pattern i have been talking about.

    All sense organs have a pattern. All mathematics has a pattern. All music has a pattern. All sentences, patterns. Patterns, patterns, and more patterns. All live is the same pattern.

    I've been exploring this pattern with a 1-12 dimensional approach (including 0).

    I decided today the ashwini / revati border is the most significant point in the whole zodiac since it is completely inconceivable. It also corresponds with zero. That is the true infinity. Pisces leading up to that point is the actual experience of neverendingly chasing infinity. Ashwini is the emergent fibbonaci spirals. But the asymptote of galactic geometry itself, the border of pisces and aries, is the true universal nothingness.

    We have established addition, subtraction, division and multiplication make up dimension 2. In this case taurus. Rhythm is composed of this in combination with the existential views dimension 2 has on dimension 1 and 0. First there is the rhythm which, over the course of the entire song, seeks to reversee (completely) its emphasis levels to a point of absolute no relation to the original setup (This may actually occur in libra.. that or you are chasing this throughout the whole zodiac down into pisces.. up until you approach neverending infinity.. right now I'm favoring the second hypothesis).

    What I realized earlier today is the next 4 levels of dimensionality in music (dimensions 5-8.. I've already covered up to cancer). The riff. The riff repeats, compounds (meaning multiple instruments at once) (this is leos relation to aries being described mechanically); the riff then has a pattern of how many times these on and off switches of repetition or no repetition, stacking or no stacking, will occur. This pattern simply transitions between alterations which correspond to fibbonacci spirals. So there are many compound levels to this (many strings of spirals), but it remains at that level of simplicity (the mechanics of the dimension).

    This pattern is analyzed the same way rhythm is in dimension 2, but it is dealing with compound factors now. There are multiple levels of compounded rhythms, and then there is the rhythm over time issue. Thus Virgo (this rhythmic higher plane) is, qualitatively, dimension 2 to taurus's dimension 1 (this setup is a trine, and is the geometric basis of how guide my imagination to generate most of my ideas about this theory).

    The libra aspect is how, from all these alterations that occur in virgo as just described, there is a plane of emphasis which is expressed through tweaks (all arbitrary) within the note structure of the riffs between one another. This is how a riff is subtley modified from one moment to the next (the pitch itself). You will hear good singers do this. They never actually sing the same riff flat twice in a row. You can think of this as relative, reactionary note arrangements between riffs.

    The next dimension scorpio is, basically, the place you have not been. It's an opportunity opened up by the balancing of pitches in libra. Naturally this opens a hole up for opposition and expansion; exploration into the unknown. These holes are explored by scorpio. It is the motivating force to enduce a pitch balance in particular. This is the power to change the pitch balance of the song (libra).

    You do it by, in defiance of patterns, but with its own integrity- the regularity to defy prediction, empowering a change in the pitch beyond what the limited field of balancing can achieve.

    Balancing is, by definition, a function of the known. Scorpio is, then, the final ensurance that across riffs, relative to one another through pitch, rhythm, and end up following the fleeting rule of infinity; complete transformation. (and this law reaches finality at the jyotish/moola border; this is describing the end of scorpio).

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedratsshadow View Post
    MEGA High rant 4- the pattern continued

    First I want to say I'm posting this just because I'm not hiding my thoughts any longer, no matter how schizophrenic they sound. I wrote this in notepad while high, and its just a big mix of astrology, numerology, dimensionality and my own music theory jumbled into an exploration of the pattern i have been talking about.

    All sense organs have a pattern. All mathematics has a pattern. All music has a pattern. All sentences, patterns. Patterns, patterns, and more patterns. All live is the same pattern.

    I've been exploring this pattern with a 1-12 dimensional approach (including 0).

    I decided today the ashwini / revati border is the most significant point in the whole zodiac since it is completely inconceivable. It also corresponds with zero. That is the true infinity. Pisces leading up to that point is the actual experience of neverendingly chasing infinity. Ashwini is the emergent fibbonaci spirals. But the asymptote of galactic geometry itself, the border of pisces and aries, is the true universal nothingness.

    We have established addition, subtraction, division and multiplication make up dimension 2. In this case taurus. Rhythm is composed of this in combination with the existential views dimension 2 has on dimension 1 and 0. First there is the rhythm which, over the course of the entire song, seeks to reversee (completely) its emphasis levels to a point of absolute no relation to the original setup (This may actually occur in libra.. that or you are chasing this throughout the whole zodiac down into pisces.. up until you approach neverending infinity.. right now I'm favoring the second hypothesis).

    What I realized earlier today is the next 4 levels of dimensionality in music (dimensions 5-8.. I've already covered up to cancer). The riff. The riff repeats, compounds (meaning multiple instruments at once) (this is leos relation to aries being described mechanically); the riff then has a pattern of how many times these on and off switches of repetition or no repetition, stacking or no stacking, will occur. This pattern simply transitions between alterations which correspond to fibbonacci spirals. So there are many compound levels to this (many strings of spirals), but it remains at that level of simplicity (the mechanics of the dimension).

    This pattern is analyzed the same way rhythm is in dimension 2, but it is dealing with compound factors now. There are multiple levels of compounded rhythms, and then there is the rhythm over time issue. Thus Virgo (this rhythmic higher plane) is, qualitatively, dimension 2 to taurus's dimension 1 (this setup is a trine, and is the geometric basis of how guide my imagination to generate most of my ideas about this theory).

    The libra aspect is how, from all these alterations that occur in virgo as just described, there is a plane of emphasis which is expressed through tweaks (all arbitrary) within the note structure of the riffs between one another. This is how a riff is subtley modified from one moment to the next (the pitch itself). You will hear good singers do this. They never actually sing the same riff flat twice in a row. You can think of this as relative, reactionary note arrangements between riffs.

    The next dimension scorpio is, basically, the place you have not been. It's an opportunity opened up by the balancing of pitches in libra. Naturally this opens a hole up for opposition and expansion; exploration into the unknown. These holes are explored by scorpio. It is the motivating force to enduce a pitch balance in particular. This is the power to change the pitch balance of the song (libra).

    You do it by, in defiance of patterns, but with its own integrity- the regularity to defy prediction, empowering a change in the pitch beyond what the limited field of balancing can achieve.

    Balancing is, by definition, a function of the known. Scorpio is, then, the final ensurance that across riffs, relative to one another through pitch, rhythm, and end up following the fleeting rule of infinity; complete transformation. (and this law reaches finality at the jyotish/moola border; this is describing the end of scorpio).
    Brilliant work crazedrat. Stop taking drugs, you'll do much better than this.

    What I need from you, however, is to explain how you link the zodiac signs to different dimensions of music.
    She is wise
    beyond words
    beautiful within
    her soul
    brighter than
    the sun
    lovelier than
    dreams larger
    than life
    and does not
    understand the
    meaning of no.
    Because everything
    through her, and in her, is
    "Yes, it will be done."

    Why I love LSEs:
    Quote Originally Posted by Abbie
    A couple years ago I was put in charge of decorating the college for Valentine's Day. I made some gorgeous, fancy decorations from construction paper, glue, scissors, and imagination. Then I covered a couple cabinets with them. But my favorite was the diagram of a human heart I put up. So romantic!

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    Everything is the same pattern. The pattern is in music, and it is in the zodiac. It's only a matter of becoming acquainted with both through analysis of their structures.

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    This is also why it is, for a fact, a mistake to settle on one female. She will no longer have any drive or life within the tribe; no competition with other women, etc. No social connection. She will become depraved, fat, and a bitch with repressed instincts. So do not get married.
    I agree with your observations, but I disagree with your conclusion. You have a depraved view of women, and yourself.

    If you were the greatest man in the universe, there is no reason why your woman will look for another. Vice versa.
    She is wise
    beyond words
    beautiful within
    her soul
    brighter than
    the sun
    lovelier than
    dreams larger
    than life
    and does not
    understand the
    meaning of no.
    Because everything
    through her, and in her, is
    "Yes, it will be done."

    Why I love LSEs:
    Quote Originally Posted by Abbie
    A couple years ago I was put in charge of decorating the college for Valentine's Day. I made some gorgeous, fancy decorations from construction paper, glue, scissors, and imagination. Then I covered a couple cabinets with them. But my favorite was the diagram of a human heart I put up. So romantic!

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    Crazedrat, tell me exactly how each zodiac links to each dimension.
    She is wise
    beyond words
    beautiful within
    her soul
    brighter than
    the sun
    lovelier than
    dreams larger
    than life
    and does not
    understand the
    meaning of no.
    Because everything
    through her, and in her, is
    "Yes, it will be done."

    Why I love LSEs:
    Quote Originally Posted by Abbie
    A couple years ago I was put in charge of decorating the college for Valentine's Day. I made some gorgeous, fancy decorations from construction paper, glue, scissors, and imagination. Then I covered a couple cabinets with them. But my favorite was the diagram of a human heart I put up. So romantic!

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    Go learn about the zodiac yourself. Dimensions are arbitrary, you can assign them to anything. The zodiac has its own validity. But dimensions are universal, which is where the link is established. I havent finished my work on those dimensions but once I do I'll post another high rant about it.. since this is the work I've been pursuing for years at this point I might as well.
    Last edited by rat1; 09-27-2011 at 10:22 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reuben View Post
    This is also why it is, for a fact, a mistake to settle on one female. She will no longer have any drive or life within the tribe; no competition with other women, etc. No social connection. She will become depraved, fat, and a bitch with repressed instincts. So do not get married.
    I agree with your observations, but I disagree with your conclusion. You have a depraved view of women, and yourself.

    If you were the greatest man in the universe, there is no reason why your woman will look for another. Vice versa.
    There is no greatest man in the universe. Even if there was, you wouldn't be him. Take a reality check.

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    Post a well structured post crazedrat. You have a lot of potential, don't become another tcaud.

    There is no greatest man in the universe. Even if there was, you wouldn't be him. Take a reality check.
    Say that to yourself, maybe you'll believe it.

    Think about it crazedrat, when I say greatest, do you think I mean there is only 1 person at the top? You need to expand your definition of superlatives; there can be an infinite number of people at the top, and all of them are different. A man is defined by the superiority of his thought. Everyone can think the best thoughts. Everyone can be the best. If this is true for men, it is true for women too. If say we establish these premises, we can conclude that there will be enough partners, who are the best anyone can be, for everyone.

    If there was a greatest man in the universe, he wouldn't be alone. I'm reaching there, do you want to come with me?
    She is wise
    beyond words
    beautiful within
    her soul
    brighter than
    the sun
    lovelier than
    dreams larger
    than life
    and does not
    understand the
    meaning of no.
    Because everything
    through her, and in her, is
    "Yes, it will be done."

    Why I love LSEs:
    Quote Originally Posted by Abbie
    A couple years ago I was put in charge of decorating the college for Valentine's Day. I made some gorgeous, fancy decorations from construction paper, glue, scissors, and imagination. Then I covered a couple cabinets with them. But my favorite was the diagram of a human heart I put up. So romantic!

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    New bag of weed high 1: unnamed

    Today I discovered the twisted spiral of light. When I touched it it was golden and solid, but gleaned along its line like an electric current enlightened, radiated excited. These lines surrounded me in an empty space of polygons. Every pylgon is a triangle of perspectives. There are endless triangles in life. Every triangle ballances every other triangle. Each triangle has its own characteristics of sine, cosine, tangnet, cotangnt, etc. There are 6 distinct triangles. They all exist accordingly. Last there is the repetition of all this done another 3 times with the emphasis between each repetition alligned itself in a planar array of triangles all compared to eachother with trimesteral pitch.
    Last edited by rat1; 10-20-2011 at 01:32 PM.

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    High Rant B: light and darkness

    Most people act like the light beam spiral is the perfect pattern in nature. All stable thinking is analogous to light as arbitrary progression. Science moves like light, an army moves like light, tornados are like light. Light is treated sacred, divine knowledge. But lights existence necessitates pure darkness.
    Yes we make progress, but we are endlessly twirling down the drain.

    Frequencies, the fabric of reality, determine the ultimate path of light. Frequency is just a measure of lights deviations. The future is fixed and has an end, but a phenomenal continuity emerges from this insistence. Tiers of reality emerge. Everything is divided into levels.

    What I am saying is the opposite of light is frequency which is what holds darkness. Without light there can't be frequency and vice versa. Also I am not sure how the relationship between light and frequency tips.. It could be chaotic or it could be balanced. I have no means of choosing a side for which is more likely, or if both exist in tandem, or if there is no balance only complete randomness (thats something Im starting to side with), or if that all these things are true and things still continue to be true until I shoot myself from insanity. Then I wake up and I tell myself to trust my senses, which cannot lie to me. So I am back awake, but right now I have to fall asleep.

    I have to say the choice is seeming more personal by the day, and I'm moving towards the pure random.
    Last edited by rat1; 10-20-2011 at 01:42 PM.

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    Subject: Goodbye-Letter to my folks inspired by my Hindu Gods:

    Let this letter be a fundamental letter to inspire all creative works of poetry:

    Hello Dad, I understand that you.. through projection, believed I was uncovering your afair when I was actually attempting to unover my own; and that made you believe I was a twit when infact I was a noble son. Too bad we never got to talk because of it, because if we had I may actually have been able to understand and stop what I was doing. I understand that you were severely beaten with chains as a child, and that you probably had to undergo other things you've never mentioned to me far more taboo. This I understand, since I suffer another form of the same ailment. Hello Mom, I am sorry you were never trained in how to behave sexually and you have no conception of sex. You like sex and you can do that through food, that's great! Food is the answer to everything, isn't it? You never taught me anything about sex... for this I forgive you. I believe that human beings should be more generous and honest with eachother, but that is not how reality is. You need to learn to accept that and move forward. Things change. People die, love is not the only thing there is. Smoke some weed and calm the fuck down. Hello alma, if I ever know you again it will only be if I am ambivalent about you in any sexual ways, of this I promise. yet I truly accept you as a friend in crimes acceptable by nature. I agree with you on the paths of mother nature and hope to one day meet you again, probably in the distant future, as a child of mother nature. I promise you I mean it when I say it will be when I am healed or not at all. Of this I am willing to die on a cross for. Hello Laura, I hope you have recovered from your traumatic experience of not getting to suck the dick of a father you never had. And it is unfortunate that you had to take that out on me by fucking up my entire mind and childhood, but that is okay because sometimes we are just born fuck ups and we can never realize it. Too bad we broke the religious ' code ' of no divorse. The truth is we have to forgive you as well, or we can't be forgiven ourselves. Hello Franz, I am sorry you had to die but it was the unfortunate consequence of you not being in my best interest to support. I choose either myself or you. If you are too incapable of handling the path I am walking due to weakness or pansiness as they call it, then I apologize. But unfortunately you will have to be left behind and scavanged by the wolves. Life sucks. Goodbye and let me see you in heaven my friend. Wait.. Hello? I meant goodbye.

    This is my goodbye letter to you all, my friends; inspired by the sacred hindu experience of mind altering herb which I am taking for legal, spiritual purposes; a thing granted to me by my constitutional rights as a civilian. Thank you for listening and I wish you the best of luck in the future.. whatever paths may follow. May they be good ones.

    I do plan to function and prosper in society, and I assure you I am competent enough to do so. I have an entire life plan, explainable, planned out, and it all is within my legal constitutional rights. Believe me.

    This is a letter of the past, but from here onward is the future.
    Thank you and goodbye.

    Note: This letter is meant to be printed in bold and given to each of my folks individually before I fly out to SOMEWHERE (I have yet to get solid confirmation) on a plane in 3 days. This is not a goodbye letter to the forum, it's to my family. Yeah
    Last edited by rat1; 10-26-2011 at 04:59 AM.

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    I am going to starve myself and wear a totally plain clothes in protest of sex.. changed from zebra shirt shit. I have two choices in my life right now. Either become a musician and eventually die.. it would be slow via anorexia, or choose complacency and live a life of repressed impulses and probably deranged insanity. So I am choosing the path of death which is to form a band. Anyone who has understood this, and is interested in forming a band with me please whisper me.
    Weird astrological moon rant in running commentary:

    List of influences for all artists which will inspire my art which I do. List is in chronological order and socioarchetypally associated:
    Kurt Cobain- Father & Self; sun, lagna & of overcoming rahu through strong aspect of lagna. Determination to overcome disease and stigma to the death. Ostracism and strong oppression, but ultimate vigilance and victory.
    Jim Morrison- Middle Brother; mercury, venus, strong mars aspect. Competition, the love of war and unrelenting drive to win.
    Ian Curtis- Father & mother- Saturn in scorpio aspect 7th on sun & moon; distant father and deranged mother syndrome. Emotional plague never ending, locked inside a chamber of no escape.
    Mother is lacking in inspiration, moon is almost silent. Must find an outlet for the silent moon. My moon is 3 degrees from sun, on a night completely without light. All evil is known at this moment. I will have to create this portion myself, I don't have inspiration here. This is the purvabhavapada planet Jupiter aspecting the moon.
    Jupiter is the older sister. She represents the reality of evil. She is the ultimate inspiration for what is screamed. Jupiter in the 12th house is imagination, but aspected by gulika in the 11th house is the ambivalence of governmental protest. That is a very key point.
    The Smiths- in ambivalence mostly, share planet with singer in punavarsu so smiths represent venus.

    Black Sabbath- in the angst of the voice mostly.. just kinda pure anger inspiration.

    Alice in Chains- nihilistic inspiration, associated with sister jupiter and all the shit I babbled about above. Also associated with rahu since lead singer has ashwini rahu like I do. So the voice is similar in a certain sense.
    Last edited by rat1; 10-26-2011 at 01:19 PM.

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    Unknown- Solving the foundation problem of dimensionaly modeling music:

    The degree of freedom phenomenon in mathematics also exists in the dimensional modeling of music where the first dimension capable of actually being modeled is the string of rhythm. The God particle of music, so to speak, is the actual song and note itself. It cannot be modeled except but by pure randomness. I am going to discuss the way to solve the God particle problem in music.

    In every model that exists, there must be an element of pure randomness which defines it at its core; even if that's only a 50 percent randomness. Randomness exists. Thus for every song written:
    -Random choices are made
    -Random choices are allowed

    Now, the most basic dimension in the physical modeling of music, D1, is represented by the string rhythm. This on first glance seems to contradict physics because we imagine the actual songs we listen to in the past tense. But infact as songs are created, they are imagined with the God particle- pure randomness. So, in modeling music, we must respect that by having our first dimension above the dimension of the God particle- modeling is not natural writing.

    However, pure randomness occurs statistically in tiers. Some things can be more random than others. Here develops the paradox and ultimately solution of pure randomness and the God particle. The maximum level of pure randomness in a universe of randomness is 50 percent likelihood of occurence. From then forward, lesser likelyhoods of randomness become less predictive of occurence. Thus, a method of discrimination is established simply through the knowledge of un-knowledge. This creates tiers of logic which dictate the random flow of emotion.

    This is how the God problem is solved in music.. by using tiers of randomness (heartfelt gut wrenching inspiration) in an organized fashion (the statistical algorithms I've developed earlier in this thread). Combine both together and you can write timeless music for whoever you are, though you have to learn to sing (and I still do...) and also understand alchemy which gives you the real life, material associational & linguistic powers to translate this information into redeemable form... (the zodiac is where I get all my alchemy from at the moment, maybe I will explore more)

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    Christ symbology combined with sardonic laughter, the perfect excuse for power. I'd rather this work than be happy go lucky. We have different styles my friend. May you succeed in finding your world of drunken, beaten raped 18 year olds. I mean that sincerely and part to you with care.

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    Vedic astrology predicted a change of consciousness in awareness of a sexual demon at this time in history through the angle of neptune entering purvabhavapada. Behold, it has come true. A demon has arisen, and we must slay it.

    Sexually raising children in age selected, demographic packs like factory line products is the only way we can avoid the parental molestation of children which has endured for centuries and which has been perpetuated by the church. The church is essentially control of the sexual resources. Why do you think christ contains such sexual imagery? Why do you think we are addicted to porn on the internet, and new age religion? Religion follows with the progression of society.

    The way to move up in society is to play religious. The way to be religious is to move down in society.

    The way to be utterly successful in traversing society is to pretend to be both religious and mocking religion- become a collective psycho-representation of pure sexuality and death. The truth of the church is unvieled, the next generation is enlightened, evolution moves forward and we uncover our real demons; raising our minds awareness and our biology's; perceptions evolutionary status.

    This is is the final truth about christianity and all religion- it is a cover for pedophilia. Religion is the control of sexual resources. Religion is what accompanied the first civilization. The rise of civilization WAS infact the mass control of sexuality (I believe the first civilizations with alphabets have pyramids.). Society has progressed, religiously, in an ancient pattern of sacred geometrical awareness since that time; each new emerging religion corresponding with a dimension.

    We are slowly transitioning into a new age of dimensional consciousness which is higher than the previous phases awareness to a significant degree. This is most blatantly represented by the phenomenon of the internet- the world essentially having a mass realization of itself. Acceleration as aspecies? Degredation into the pit of despair? The choice is actually yours - reality is a massive projection. Hard to believe, but that's the best part of it all. Collective unconsciousness and drugs ahoy!

    Music will be highly taboo and sexualized and involve the harm of children, done so purely as a manner of awakening the collective unconscious to reality.
    Last edited by rat1; 10-28-2011 at 03:07 AM.

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