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    I believe that I am a christ figure in the moral justification framework of our society and I have to save my brother, the archetypal antichrist figure (all this archetypally correlated through socio-historical evolutionary trend statistics). And I believe others like me exist out there, in a high but select few categorizing the candidates for my competition amongst predators. That much I am aware of and that much I will act upon, from this day forward.

    I grew up my entire life in the bubble of the center of command of the united states of america. I lived my entire life in the protection of a military camp, in the protection of a rogue soldier who utterly neglected my existence. In that time I have developed near psychic abilities only rarely found on the internet. I am part of a rare tribe of priests who worship the sun.

    Oh wait, I meant... I am now going to play fuckin guitar somewhere.

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    Religion is sexual manipulation. Sexual manipulation is entwined with the processes of domestication, value.

    You can use spirals of dimensionality in linguistic patterns to hypnotize crowds. The way you do this is by connecting all essential "poetically elemental" dots and alligning them with circles. The poem is made complete and its intentions perfected. All language and interaction between people is a scripted play. We are in a game in a box, and I am having an amazing time just as Ludwig Wittgenstein suggested I would.

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    As strange as it sounds, I just realized that scientology is real.

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    The name of my band is Religious Atheism. That is recorded here and now, documented. That is the new religion I have founded based on my studies here at this forum.
    Not it is not just atheism, and it is not agnosticism, it is religious followed by atheism.

    As the founder of this religion it is my duty to express it to the world with my maximum ability. That ability in my case is extremely large. What I have to do is expose the truth about christianity to the world; that it is infact an organization of "FAMILY" which perpetuates an oedipal cycle. This oedipal cycle literally is what causes all mental disorders. Thus by rejecting religion and adopting religious atheism we restructure the collective family to one which families are organized socialistically into neighbourhood societies of like aged children; permanent boarding schools. All children must be shipped away to permanent boarding schools. This is to elevate our generation into the next phase of evolution. Permanent boarding schools are essentially what psychology is now rediscovering as 'recovery units'. The foundation of the american colonies was a christian outcropping rebelling against the government. In order to reestablish control of the people, you must retake control of america through socialism. You do that by instituting boarding schools.

    I am a publisher and a musician, but completely unlearned in both arts. Music is underway, it will be to come

    The n ext 10 years of my life are completely devoted to learning how to play music effectively.

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    I was held up in what is essentially a collective prison camp for my entire life up until now, being forced to have sex with my sister by a man in my life who was following a government protocol which ordered him to, unknowingly to him (through brainwashing), force me to have sex with my sister. This protocol is called christianity, and it is the process of enslaving children. Children are the basis of all labor. Labor is defined by children. Whoever has more children has more labor.

    In order to stop overpopulation of this planet we must end reproduction. We must invoke the direct or indirect cauterization of different aspects of mankinds formation in order to most securely and definitively achieving what is the ultimate goal of our civilization, which is the exploration of space. That represents the continuity of our DNA as a whole. It is essentially the pursuit of the holy grail.

    There are more effective ways of arranging populations than by family. We know this in how we organize pigs and cattle. We know this in how we keep zoos running efficiently. We know this through psychology. And yet we do not apply psychology to ourselves.

    Our children we send away to insane asylums instead of boarding schools. The church is infact a way of channeling child molestation. Child molestation for years has been the means of controlling populations in order to create government. It is the time in our history which we look at child molestation at the source- organization of religion. All religion must be eradicated except for atheism, which is a religion; and this is because like every other religion; this form of atheism also retains with these one thing in common; that religion controls populations. Religious atheism only questions how to do this efficiently. This is done based on fundamental patterns which are shown in sacred geometry and, as I am soon to begin showing you, in music. I will show you these patterns in music as I discover them through deep meditation and prayer. I will fast for 40 days in order to achieve purity of knowledge. Then I will begin spelling out the truth of all religion (pediphilia) and of all humane alternatives to this 'control through insanity' effect. These alternatives I will again explain out as foundational patterns within music, writing, physics, and every other field known to existence including letters, religions and so fourth. This pattern is sacred geometry. It is computer coding AI scripts. It is like socionics but more comprehensive in how it establishes its aspects. It is evolutionary but also material. It is the material evolution of strings. It is the atomic pattern of random acceleration. It is other things I am trailing off and need more drugs.

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    This moments post is of a type that has never been done before in this high class game of marijuana broadcasts. presenting here today for the first time is:

    Tired depressed insightful high moment #1

    (Said in a zombie voice) It's not my fault the way I am, but I'm tryin to fix it. It's not my fault the way I am but I'm tryin to fix it.
    End of broadcast.
    Last edited by rat1; 09-29-2011 at 10:20 AM.

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    Mega High Rant 5: Mental description of 3 levels of hyper-dimensionality of a collective socially impaired group of 2 way turning eyes floating in a black metaspace:

    It is like chess, like the on and off switches of 1's and 0's on a computer. The eyes are all watching eachother. Every time one eye sees another eye, it changes its location instantly so that the two eyes never come into contact with eachother. But as complexity increases, it forces one or more eyes refusal to turn their heads in contracting away from eye contact. Options become limited. Fixed. There are not two paths, there is one path; one option. Thus through exploiting this one option one can find a weakness in the opponent. This is the seat of intelligence.

    Eventually options get widdled down to zero. They start at two. The two is the blinking head back and fourth.

    When options are zero, Eyes close their eyes. Death approaches, evil is revealed. The eye of the darkness prevails.

    We will explore the darkness later.

    High interruption Radio Transmission 3

    Cut on your thumb, death in your hand. thin line of freshly squeezed blood and ooze on the sore, unmoved from when initially formed. This is life at steak, death in your hand. Will it prevail or will it succeed? These are the attitudes I will contend. My life is dangling on a string. I will think about it more and consistently worry and watch. Heal or harm, my life is on the line. I am nervous. I am a hunted animal.
    I am awakened by the glassless silence of sounded doorstep pseudo-penny beyond. Up and alert I carry my back to sit rested forward. Am I a contender or a believer? I need to get out of this chair and take a bite to eat. I need to work on my Essay for my science class. I need to study and know the words and phrases. I will masturbate in a second after I find a solid sock. My room is a mess, I think I'll leave it. There is no noticable crust and debris. The stench should be kept decently mild. I have to take a piss. I will get up and walk to the bathroom once the piss reaches an ideal critical mass of urgency vs. relaxation points. I take a moment and am urged to relieve myself. Unzipping my pants is a routine transmission. My piss emptying my bladder feels like a massive relief of the bulge and burden of holding the urine. I am joyed to have that bother gone. Now I can move on to breakfast. My favorite is sausage but I can only eat dried nuts and raisins.
    Last edited by rat1; 09-29-2011 at 09:40 PM.

  8. #8
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    High Rant 11: 8 functions in how a male should think while fucking a female to do so successfully:

    Fi: Do you actually connect when fucking the girl? Or is it just about the fucking itself; you aren't aware of her and what she wants. Are you in a dynamic relationship throughout the fucking? Or are you treating her like an object? She will want these things in her own particular way, and you have to identify this while you are fucking in order to get the vibe going properly. You have to actually sort of pretend to love her while you fuck her is what I'm saying.

    Ti: The knowledge of how to actually do things correctly sexually. It's a craft to have sex in a sense. You have to know the craft, know how to execute the techniques, know the right spots to hit and the right way to do it. So Ti will help you with that.

    Se: This is the physical sensuality of it. Inhibitions. Reading inhibitions, migrating around them. Starting out with the standard shit then working your way up from there. You gota get this rightly calibrated for what she is comfortable with. Whatever she seems to respond to the most. Alot of it is related to her insecurities. There are ways to respect her while you fuck her and then there are ways to do it so she will like it the most. However she responds and somewhat the way she behaves will tell you where this line is.

    Te: This is leading the girl and telling her what to do. It relieves the girl of having to satisfy you herself. You are fucking her, not the reverse. So she feels more fucked if you lead her telling her what to do- she is more the piece of meat that is being devoured. Girls wana be devoured so you gota make sure you lead them and tell them what to do while fucking them. Make sure to do it correctly, lead them in a direction which they will want to go. Lead them the right way.

    Fe: This is the ecstasy she feels while being fucked in particular ways.. preferences she has on how to be fucked. And it comes from the past. Her social past. All her past experiences contribute to this one socialsexual state of desire to get fucked in a particular manner. So using your knowledge of society and reading people, fuck her in that way. The way she likes it. You will own her and bring all her past shit up, then she'll attach to you like a magnet. That or she'll just openly express enthusiasm about what you're doing. It works amazingly.

    will continue in a sec

    Ni: Speaking of the past, where is the darkness in her? Where is her weakness? Where can you exploit her, essentially? She is afraid of being exploited. Push her to the point of exploitation during sex and you will find her real freaky side. You want to pierce into the freaky side because if you don't then you aren't having a real relationship. You gota find the hidden shit she does and the hidden shit she's into. So then by taking this position on yourself, alot of her defense mechanisms come out and you work through them while fucking... hence the kinky shit which is basically all defense mechanisms.
    Last edited by rat1; 09-29-2011 at 09:53 PM.

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedratsshadow View Post
    Martyrs are the most progressive forces in all of society.
    progressive forces in society may become martyrs through a collectively lamented death, as the latter understands not the purpose of the person's life. that doesn't mean there's a correlation between social progress and martyrdom, especially considering that being known is at the other end of knowing how to influence what's happening.

    Basically I hide what I really want while simultaneously getting it through trickery. I am willing to stand up and defend my beliefs, but at the same time this means I'm willing to go down in flames for it. I am willing to burn at the steak socially. I accept that to compromising myself as a real human being in the wild. Is that a common theme of INFps?
    ugh, yes. on a normal basis, I feel like a neutral conduit, modulating peoples' energy in the vague and often vain hope of some sort of emergence. being implicitly committed to burn for it only further ices me over. the compromise is so hopeless, though. I've been in forests and mountains, where city lights looked like distant planets; I thought such isolation would sever the tension that brought it about. it didn't, nor has any other two-fold act of dejection; you just have maintain your truth, however dire external circumstances may make it feel.

    Mega High Rant 5: Mental description of 3 levels of hyper-dimensionality of a collective socially impaired group of 2 way turning eyes floating in a black metaspace:

    It is like chess, like the on and off switches of 1's and 0's on a computer. The eyes are all watching eachother. Every time one eye sees another eye, it changes its location instantly so that the two eyes never come into contact with eachother. But as complexity increases, it forces one or more eyes refusal to turn their heads in contracting away from eye contact. Options become limited. Fixed. There are not two paths, there is one path; one option. Thus through exploiting this one option one can find a weakness in the opponent. This is the seat of intelligence.

    Eventually options get widdled down to zero. They start at two. The two is the blinking head back and fourth.
    this doesn't follow. firstly, there is a difference between 2 and two 1s; eyes are the latter. something like 1-0-1-0 could represent this state of implicit difference; before actual options, there is only potential as such. 2 comes into play when eyes entwine after division, which relates back to the 0 that will ultimately re-circle itself. and I think the trinity formed by the pineal gland is the 'road' to this reunification, considering the geometry behind triangles and spirals, and the latter's relation to singularities/zero-point time.

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    MEGAHigh rant 6- ancient animalistic human/monkey dance uncovered

    I am coming to you high as fuck and have just discovered an ancient animalistic monkey dance.

    Allow me to elaborate. I have discovered one ancient monkey dance which our ancestors used to do around a fire. Male ancestors. The dancers start out by flexing their muscles. Flexing the chest muscles slowly to make sure every muscle is flexed. Balance out the flex of every single small muscle and then afterso do the same for big muscles. (I just did this to myself in the bathroom for 10 minutes by the way incase you're wondering). Gradually over time and repeated trials you do work up to flexing large muscles moreso than small ones. This is a stress relieving dance. But at a certain point, when reaching the very largest muscles in your body (dancing a dance of pure relaxation motion energy), your body starts to rock back and fourth violently (that's the shape it takes under these conditions.. the dance takes, that is) as to where you look like you are humping a woman. In order to stabilize this motion the most leveragistically available device around is the male penis. In an effort to further flow and perpetuate the dance from this full body rocking motion onwards, the male grabs the tip of his penis and makes sure not to wrap the hand around the cock, and then starts unarousedly pulling on the cock to limit the amount of body motions he can do through balancing it with the cock strength and stability itself. Thus by raising the strength and size of your cock you are stabilizing your entire body in this elaborate dance of free muscle energy and clean spirit. Also, you are not aroused during the dance at all although I cant say for certain it is not possible and i'm only speculating cuz I stopped the dance at that point (didnt want to wake anyone) but this may be the first monkey dance archaeology step in uncovering the primal masturbatory ritualistic monkey dances of our greatest apelike ancestors in the wild. Masturbation ritual. Group masturbation ritual. Everyone masturbate around the fire. Everyone after a kill masturbate around the fire. Everyone after a kill masturbate around the fire and cum in your own section of the yard. Everyone after a nightly kill masturbate around the fire and cum in your own section of your yard. That part of the yard is my yard. I lvive in this part of the overall camp structure which we live in. I am a native american indian living in the wild. My tribe is east of the adobe indians which are our main rivals in catching buffalo... they are about 100 runs away from this are.. on a good sprinting day.

    High Rant 12 - DNA, gender, love illusion
    Men must work to ensure survivability for future generations to most greatly ensure their DNA survives. This is because their DNA is granted freely from their genitals; they musnt be selective in who they bone. That is not evolutionary for them. Instead the status of the whole community will ensure survivability. Work to better the community. Women though must be choosy, since that directly impacts which of her offspring will survive; a matter that is handled by the men in charge vying for her affections. Don't sell yourself short then. Make sure the man qualifies. Have strong requirements and get away with it. That way only the strongest, best man qualifies. That will ensure the survival of your DNA.

    So what we have here is one eye watching another, each believe the other is a mirror and each believing the self is the self; but that they are 2 distant apart and must reunite themselves together somehow, for the good of the future as a whole. Brain trailing off and fizzling out.
    Last edited by rat1; 09-30-2011 at 05:33 AM.

  12. #12
    Memory of Tomorrow Reuben's Avatar
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    He's not a tcaud; he doesn't pretend his aesthetic ramblings have vast outer-world consequences. He WOULD become a tcaud if he started trying to present them like legitimate science. But they are more legitimate than science in a way; at least more honest.
    I agree with this Gilly. crazedrat is real. He's fucking real, and we can identify with him and his genius. I'm saying that he can become a real diamond when polished.

    Every person is a delivery boy for a specific message which society needs to get to continue its evolution of mankind.
    I am YOUR delivery boy.

    High Rant 11: 8 functions in how a male should think while fucking a female to do so successfully:
    Keep going... this is good stuff.
    She is wise
    beyond words
    beautiful within
    her soul
    brighter than
    the sun
    lovelier than
    dreams larger
    than life
    and does not
    understand the
    meaning of no.
    Because everything
    through her, and in her, is
    "Yes, it will be done."

    Why I love LSEs:
    Quote Originally Posted by Abbie
    A couple years ago I was put in charge of decorating the college for Valentine's Day. I made some gorgeous, fancy decorations from construction paper, glue, scissors, and imagination. Then I covered a couple cabinets with them. But my favorite was the diagram of a human heart I put up. So romantic!

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