Quote Originally Posted by crazedratsshadow View Post
MEGA High rant 4- the pattern continued

First I want to say I'm posting this just because I'm not hiding my thoughts any longer, no matter how schizophrenic they sound. I wrote this in notepad while high, and its just a big mix of astrology, numerology, dimensionality and my own music theory jumbled into an exploration of the pattern i have been talking about.

All sense organs have a pattern. All mathematics has a pattern. All music has a pattern. All sentences, patterns. Patterns, patterns, and more patterns. All live is the same pattern.

I've been exploring this pattern with a 1-12 dimensional approach (including 0).

I decided today the ashwini / revati border is the most significant point in the whole zodiac since it is completely inconceivable. It also corresponds with zero. That is the true infinity. Pisces leading up to that point is the actual experience of neverendingly chasing infinity. Ashwini is the emergent fibbonaci spirals. But the asymptote of galactic geometry itself, the border of pisces and aries, is the true universal nothingness.

We have established addition, subtraction, division and multiplication make up dimension 2. In this case taurus. Rhythm is composed of this in combination with the existential views dimension 2 has on dimension 1 and 0. First there is the rhythm which, over the course of the entire song, seeks to reversee (completely) its emphasis levels to a point of absolute no relation to the original setup (This may actually occur in libra.. that or you are chasing this throughout the whole zodiac down into pisces.. up until you approach neverending infinity.. right now I'm favoring the second hypothesis).

What I realized earlier today is the next 4 levels of dimensionality in music (dimensions 5-8.. I've already covered up to cancer). The riff. The riff repeats, compounds (meaning multiple instruments at once) (this is leos relation to aries being described mechanically); the riff then has a pattern of how many times these on and off switches of repetition or no repetition, stacking or no stacking, will occur. This pattern simply transitions between alterations which correspond to fibbonacci spirals. So there are many compound levels to this (many strings of spirals), but it remains at that level of simplicity (the mechanics of the dimension).

This pattern is analyzed the same way rhythm is in dimension 2, but it is dealing with compound factors now. There are multiple levels of compounded rhythms, and then there is the rhythm over time issue. Thus Virgo (this rhythmic higher plane) is, qualitatively, dimension 2 to taurus's dimension 1 (this setup is a trine, and is the geometric basis of how guide my imagination to generate most of my ideas about this theory).

The libra aspect is how, from all these alterations that occur in virgo as just described, there is a plane of emphasis which is expressed through tweaks (all arbitrary) within the note structure of the riffs between one another. This is how a riff is subtley modified from one moment to the next (the pitch itself). You will hear good singers do this. They never actually sing the same riff flat twice in a row. You can think of this as relative, reactionary note arrangements between riffs.

The next dimension scorpio is, basically, the place you have not been. It's an opportunity opened up by the balancing of pitches in libra. Naturally this opens a hole up for opposition and expansion; exploration into the unknown. These holes are explored by scorpio. It is the motivating force to enduce a pitch balance in particular. This is the power to change the pitch balance of the song (libra).

You do it by, in defiance of patterns, but with its own integrity- the regularity to defy prediction, empowering a change in the pitch beyond what the limited field of balancing can achieve.

Balancing is, by definition, a function of the known. Scorpio is, then, the final ensurance that across riffs, relative to one another through pitch, rhythm, and end up following the fleeting rule of infinity; complete transformation. (and this law reaches finality at the jyotish/moola border; this is describing the end of scorpio).
Brilliant work crazedrat. Stop taking drugs, you'll do much better than this.

What I need from you, however, is to explain how you link the zodiac signs to different dimensions of music.