- The Entrepreneur (LIE): the creator of everything is living nature. This sociotype animates nature, itself becoming a dualist i.e. recognizing in equal measures the material and the idealistic beginnings that unite in the natural realm.
Quote Originally Posted by Cat King Cole View Post
SEIs are described as being driven by "fun". LIEs I can only hope are victims of bad machine translation.
Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
What are you talking about? LIEs have the coolest one! They're practically Captain Planet.
Actually, what I got from the LIE description is that they view things in terms of the world just being what it is. It is what it is and it'll go the way it goes. Nature in the sense of the natural world just functions the way it will. 'Animating nature' is just another way of saying they make the most of what naturally occurs, and so they just make the best of a situation.

I actually think it's a really good depiction of typical LIE mentality assuming I interpreted it correctly.