Also I find that with some people these things sink in better if you explain things using different examples and divulge as much of your actual thought process as is realistic; sometimes it helps people relate to your thoughts and understand better. IME communication of these kinds of more complex ideas sometimes involves doing more than just stating the bare bones because otherwise you're just sort of encouraging people to take things at face value, which in this case would be rather self-defeating. Revealing your thought process helps people tap into the perceptions you are attempting to convey, rather than giving them an excuse to interpret you in a hyper-literal manner and fill in the blanks wherever they see fit. Some will regardless, of course, but I guess I kind of just have to try. My whole reason for not deeming this place totally worthless is that once in a while I am able to convey a kernal or two of what I see as my clear understanding of the subject and the way I interpret and conceptualize things, and it gives me faith that maybe I'm not crazy for wasting so much goddamn time on this shit.