The followers of buddha faced a similar question when they were searching for their types. During a meeting of his follwers, one man asked of Buddha the folowoing question,

"Oh shiny and Buddha in all your wisdom, am I mistyped, there are sixteen of these types you see, and it's hard to know whether I am the one which am think that I am"

The Buddha in all his wisdom paused for a moment, looked the man in the eye and replied as follows:

"Dave, relax, don't fret, I've got this thing called the Noble Eightfold Path, sixteen divided by eight is two you see and two is much easier to work from than sixteen..."

Dave listened intently and after the Buddha stopped speaking responded;

"Thank you for your words of wisdom oh wise Buddha, but I don't really get what you're talking about?"

The Buddha whispered an explanation in Dave's ear, gestured to his congregation that they remain where they are, before departing on foot towards the setting sun.

After they had lost sight of the wise Buddha, an eager companion of Dave, asked him what was whispered to him.

"I dunno, some bullshit"

At which point he found enlightenment.