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Thread: Deltas what do you do for a living?

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    Default Deltas what do you do for a living?

    Anyone can post in this thread, not just Deltas. I am glad to get a wide variety of responses to this.

    I saw a thread similar to this in the Beta forum, and remembered that I had wanted to ask it of Deltas, too. How do you get paid? Where does the money come from? Or if you're not working, who's helping you, married to you, or whatever?

    Me: McDonald's, of course. Many people here know that already. I enjoy the job because I get to actually cook the food, at high speed, efficiently. It's not like other places where I've worked, where everything is done inefficiently, or where there's hardly any work to do and I get to stand around being bored for hours. At McD, I'm surrounded by people all the time, too, so it's never lonely.

    Unfortunately, there are almost no Ne types there, although I recently discovered an ILE. I don't know the types of all the people who work on the morning shift, because I work in the afternoon. The types I've noticed are:

    ILE (1) makes sandwiches, unloads the truck when it brings the food and all that
    SEI (1 left, but until recently there were 2) - cooks, makes sandwiches
    ESE (2 or 3) one is a manager, very funny and fun-loving; other one takes orders in drive-thru, other is uncertain type
    LII (0)

    LSI (3) managers and aspiring managers
    EIE (1) front counter person, order taker, sometimes helps in kitchen)
    SLE (2) cooking and sandwiches, french fries and front counter
    IEI (0)

    SEE (2) sandwiches (he's new and hasn't learned to do a lot yet), other one is order taker
    suspected LIE (1) upper level manager, and.... we have exactly the sort of bad supervisor relation that they talk about - I often gripe about things that he requires us to do, but I hardly ever directly interact with him - he doesn't actually work in the store with us
    ESI (3 or 4?) order takers mostly, on front counter - one is a manager
    ILI (0)

    IEE (0? 1? 2?) (*Edit* I think one lady is an IEE. So I will subtract some of the original frownie faces that I had written.) - no wait, I just thought of one. I think maybe this one upper level manager might be an IEE, but he doesn't work in the store, and he's GAY So no single heterosexual guys.
    EII (0) again - wait, maybe that one girl is an EII? I'm not sure, she could be ESI
    LSE (0 or 1) some guy I'm not sure about, who might also be an ESE?
    SLI (1) Me! And I used to have another SLI friend but he left recently to go back to school
    Last edited by Nico1e; 09-06-2011 at 11:39 PM.

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    Joven Erudito89's Avatar
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    Right now I'm just starting college.
    My mom is fully supporting me, so i can focus my energy on my academics. I'm probably going to graduate with a Biology degree and become a scientist. I am open to other career paths though since i sometimes second guess if i should be a scientist.

  3. #3
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    What do you do for a living? How do you get paid? Where does the money come from? Or if you're not working, who's helping you, married to you, or whatever?*
    For the past 16 years I've been on social security disability. Getting jobs was always easy (not sure anymore) but maintaining them for longer than three months each has been beyond my abilities. Living in one place for longer than three months has also been an issue. So every month and a half or so I was either changing jobs, or changing living arrangements.

    Then I had a kid, and thankfully was placed on the disability just before she was born. The past 16 years have been spent trying to gain some kind of sanity/stability for myself, and trying to help my daughter through what she was going through (only recently finally learning some of what that was).

    I've felt as if my life has been on hold. But now that she's in 10th grade, I've been trying to figure out what I want to be 'when I grow up'. This has led to a mid-life crisis for me.

    A few months ago I was gung-ho about going local, permaculture gardening, etc. I thought I had found my direction. But nope. I've recently realized that i absolutely hate gardening and yards, that I hate living so far from town, and that there's no way I can play activist for even a short bit of time.

    I've spent so much time/energy dealing with psychological health and such, that I have no other skills nor long term interests. I'm not interested in becoming a therapist, already tried that and didn't like it. I'm constantly told that I should be a writer, and I've dabbled in that too. I love creating characters and stories for them (I can be real sadistic towards my characters), but I really don't like the process of writing. (Hard to believe, eh?) I used to help people edit their books/stories, but that got old fast. I sometimes help friends with their legal papers, but I wouldn't be able to maintain that long term. Hell, I even suck at being a house-wife type.

    What I miss most is the ability to just get-up-n-go as the mood strikes. New faces, new places, no one else to answer to nor consider. But, that option is no longer available to me, as I refuse to damage the relationship I'm in. So then what? Hence, the crisis, sorta.

    At best I can say that I'm a lifelong student who can't afford college so has to learn on own.

    The govt currently pays me some money, but I don't expect that to last. And if it weren't for Richard, I'd have given up custody of my daughter and would be living in a van.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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    I'm not Delta, but anyway. I'm trying to focus on my education which I'm behind on, I'm speaking for only myself, I don't know many others irl that I'm aware of. Yeha my mums got an all right job.

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    I have found myself making a living building websites. Right now I'm freelancing. For awhile I did whole projects by myself, getting paid directly by clients. Lately I've been doing a lot more subcontracting, taking on specific roles within actual companies, which I've been enjoying. I'm learning a lot a lot faster - skills and techniques but also processes.

    I actually didn't think I'd end up doing this. I thought I'd be an illustrator or maybe a writer or a psychologist/counselor or... something. But here I am; it just kind of happened. And I like it, mostly.

    It's got variety, it's interesting, gives me flexibility in lifestyle (somewhat, so far), it's finally starting to pay a decent amount, I'm meeting lots of interesting people, I can use my strengths, make things pretty, make them as perfect as I like. More sleep would be nice, though. It can also be a bit stressful when I have to get, um, firm with people and "business like."
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Interesting thread! As for me, I work at FedEx, primarily as a package handler. Pretty self explanatory, loading boxes into trailers that cook like ovens or frost like skating rinks. Sometimes they're very heavy, sometimes they're not. I like the job because it's something physical, and I'm good at it. Well, more like AWESOME! I'm not sure why exactly. I guess I'm willing to work harder than most people because I enjoy the endorphins and seeing where my limits are. Plus when you can maintain that level of effort for a while, it's really ridiculous how good you can get at some things. I'll just go ahead and say it, sans humility. I'm a master at what I do. They say it takes like 10,000 hours to get there, but according to my paychecks I more or less made by 2k. It's all about seeing the job as a challenge rather than an obstacle, I guess. After that mindset jump, it's all pretty much tetris with heavy shit.

    I also spent about a year and a half as a trainer where I work, before asking for a demotion back to package handling. There are times when I've questioned this decision (where did the money go?! ) but frankly I love/hate the simplicity of my job. I think in some ways going back was me being complacent, but I think it was ultimately the right choice. It's something I excel at and leaves me plenty of room to figure out where to go from here. The training job itself was a really wonderful gig, all in all. Pretty cushy position. Good pay, lot of personal freedom, and I felt like I really had a hand in teaching the newbies the ropes. It's weird but it was sort of like being an older brother to about 15 people at a time. I grew a lot doing it, really had to be engaging with others, care for them, etc. Sure, there were headaches here and there: people who tried hard but never learned, people who learned but never tried. But you also had those people that you wound up just connecting with, that really blossomed under your tutelage. Not that I was the best teacher in the world. Pretty much I just kept encouraging them along, giving him some advice here and there, and occasionally hopping in and showing them what epic level loading looked like.

    Damn, I guess I really miss my old job... I've told people a lot of different reasons why I quit doing it, but I wonder how honest each of them was. Maybe I was a little burnt out on it: too many people that didn't give a shit about the job, the oppressive, depreciative eye of upper management (LIE/LSE) that micromanaged always in negative fashion, and probably some nagging personal doubts that someone more outgoing and more of a bastard could do my job better than I did. Ironically, now from the outside looking in, I was actually pretty damn good at my job.

    These days I'm just trying to figure out whether going back to school for some kind of healthcare stuff is a pipe dream or not. If it is I've definitely got a move up or move out mentality.

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    I work as a freelance translator (have been for years now) and as an assistant researcher, although my contract for the latter is ending this month, so I'll have to find something else...
    I probably need to find something where I can interact with more people while I'm working, even though I really enjoy the flexibility I have with these two jobs.
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    I work as a freelance translator (have been for years now) and as an assistant researcher, although my contract for the latter is ending this month, so I'll have to find something else...
    I probably need to find something where I can interact with more people while I'm working, even though I really enjoy the flexibility I have with these two jobs.
    what do you research?

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    Military and I hate every second of it. Load cargo on planes and watch movies during downtime. A year a half left and then I'm going to be a pot smoking bum in the great land of northern california.

  10. #10
    wants to be a writer. silverchris9's Avatar
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    I'm not delta.

    I get paid to make videos for people. I don't shoot, but I do pretty much everything else. I've also dabbled in producing live events, which is something I think I could do comfortably.

    But my parents are also supporting me as I go through school. I've been taking a more active role in paying for school and prepping to be on my own as of late, though.

    I hope to end up in a position where I gradually increase my skillset and have freelance positions in a variety of industries. If I'm very careful with my money and always live beneath my means (so that if I lose a particular client, it doesn't ruin my budget forever), it should be fine. I'll probably have a few semi-steady gigs (like a Wednesday night cabaret spot, teaching 1-2 classes a semester in various disciplines, and maybe one steady video production client), and do project-based work beyond that (plays and musicals here, scriptwriting there, script doctoring, writing books, giving guest lectures, producing a big event, going in as a consultant on a TV show, working on an ad campaign). I just need to lay the groundwork for that career now by getting the credentials and experience working full-time I need to convince someone to let me work for them freelance.

    In a perfect world I would work under some umbrella media organization, like [My Last Name] and Partners Media Production and Consultancy Firm, a company where we'd do pretty much everything media related. But I'd prefer to not have to run the thing on a day-to-day basis by myself. Also I'd want a personal assistant.
    Not a rule, just a trend.

    IEI. Probably Fe subtype. Pretty sure I'm E4, sexual instinctual type, fairly confident that I'm a 3 wing now, so: IEI-Fe E4w3 sx/so. Considering 3w4 now, but pretty sure that 4 fits the best.

    Yes 'a ma'am that's pretty music...

    I am grateful for the mystery of the soul, because without it, there could be no contemplation, except of the mysteries of divinity, which are far more dangerous to get wrong.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    I work as a freelance translator (have been for years now) and as an assistant researcher, although my contract for the latter is ending this month, so I'll have to find something else...
    I probably need to find something where I can interact with more people while I'm working, even though I really enjoy the flexibility I have with these two jobs.
    what do you research?
    I'm just a professor's slave in practical terms; I've mostly had to deal with mathematical applications of behavioral finance, and some relatively simple interest-rate and dividend prediction models.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    I'm a full-time web programmer for the state government insurance commission, so I pretty much build smart websites and enterprise applications.

    I want to go into games programming in the future but it's a pretty cut throat industry and not particularly stable. Going to start looking for a more software engineering job in the near future to get back on track with what I want to do, either that or go back to uni and change track completely .

    Everyone I work with is a fair bit older than me, mostly Delta's and Gamma's (being an office workplace and all).

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    I've a chemist and so most of my jobs have been working for pharma as well as some non-profit research organizations doing chemistry pretty much. My typical workplace looks something like this. That's where I set up reactions. I usually multitask and run 2-5 at the same time. When a reaction is done I purify products and identify them with NMR or LCMS or masspec or whatever else might be required. I also have office space where I research what needs to get done next and document what has already been accomplished. In case of pharma, end products get sent to other laboratories where they get tested for their pharmacological properties or modified further. The ones that pass the tests turn into new drugs a few years down the road after some more intensive testing. I'm probably going to change profession or branch out somewhere some years down the road as I can't see myself doing the same thing my whole life.

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    Quote Originally Posted by siuntal View Post
    I've a chemist and so most of my jobs have been working for pharma as well as some non-profit research organizations doing chemistry pretty much. My typical workplace looks something like this. That's where I set up reactions. I usually multitask and run 2-5 at the same time. When a reaction is done I purify products and identify them with NMR or LCMS or masspec or whatever else might be required. I also have office space where I research what needs to get done next and document what has already been accomplished. In case of pharma, end products get sent to other laboratories where they get tested for their pharmacological properties or modified further. The ones that pass the tests turn into new drugs a few years down the road after some more intensive testing. I'm probably going to change profession or branch out somewhere some years down the road as I can't see myself doing the same thing my whole life.
    You must be really rich.

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    I am a postdoc for another year. I do research, write, and teach.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    Military and I hate every second of it. Load cargo on planes and watch movies during downtime. A year a half left and then I'm going to be a pot smoking bum in the great land of northern california.
    Jessica what about police officer for you? More excitement and you might even find some pot to take home.

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    The whole justice system/government can go to hell. I just want to be a hippy and swim in the ocean and watch the sunset and travel and see the world and meet cool people and eat badass food.

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    I'm studying Urban Planning and I've just finished my 2nd semester. I'm also lucky because my parents fully support me. But I'll still have some spare-time work as research assistant for one of my professors. At the moment, I think I won't work as a professor or something like that later. I'm planning to work somewhere in my home region, preferable in some municipal office and not a private company. I'd prefer a less stressful workplace.
    „Man can do what he wants but he cannot want what he wants.“
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    The whole justice system/government can go to hell. I just want to be a hippy and swim in the ocean and watch the sunset and travel and see the world and meet cool people and eat badass food.
    hehe cool.

    but it isn't really realistic.

    My Ni says that you'll end up in a thai jail for smuggling hash.

    maybe holland is better for you, hash is legal and there is badass shoarma food.
    oh and you can meet cool people too, I live there.
    Last edited by Jarno; 09-01-2011 at 01:56 PM.

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    website design has always seemed interesting to me. i'm curious how you got into it, Minde.

    i'm an administrative assistant. i went to school for human services (a field combining psychology and social work) but it wasn't really right for me. i like the idea of helping people as a concept but actually having to expend the energy to be interested in the lives of people i dont know and might or might not like was too much, lol. i ended up sliding into this because it was a different option that happened to be a good fit for my skills. its ok - its something easy i feel comfortable doing and it pays enough- but i don't plan to do it forever. i dont have any other immediate plans though because of time/money as well as nervousness about wasting said things on another wrong choice. website design and grantwriting are a couple of ideas i've considered, but i havent looked into them very intensely.

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    Quote Originally Posted by walker31 View Post
    I'm not Delta, but anyway. I'm trying to focus on my education which I'm behind on, I'm speaking for only myself, I don't know many others irl that I'm aware of. Yeha my mums got an all right job.
    Same here.
    Everyone i know went straight from high school to college or they are already married with kids. What do you plan on studying?

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    Quote Originally Posted by silverchris9 View Post
    I'm not delta.

    Non-deltas are welcome, by the way.

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    star stuff April's Avatar
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    I'm a researcher. I've read that it's common to find many people of one quadra at a particular organization. Deltas are dominant at my workplace. My first boss was ENFp, second was ESTj, and current is INFj. My boss's boss is also INFj. I suspect that our "chiefs" (CEO, CFO, etc.) are mostly Delta as well.

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    I've pretty much been a labrat in a biomedical research lab in academia (postdoc) for the past year and 9 months, going to continue for another 10 months still. Also work part time in a hospital as an internist to maintain my sanity.

    Like FDG mentioned, I really enjoy the flexibility of my current set-up which is why i wanted to do it, but I feel like i dont get enough people contact and at times number crunching gets so tedious, it can make me want to go insane. <-- like that.

    I've volunteered myself to plan and teach a course in biodiversity this coming year so hopefully that will help some
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    I carve tombstones.

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    Quote Originally Posted by April View Post
    I'm a researcher. I've read that it's common to find many people of one quadra at a particular organization. Deltas are dominant at my workplace. My first boss was ENFp, second was ESTj, and current is INFj. My boss's boss is also INFj. I suspect that our "chiefs" (CEO, CFO, etc.) are mostly Delta as well.
    Same, i noticed here. My boss is EII, his boss is IEE. Previous boss who used to be my boss's boss was a really awe inspiring LSE, now at another institution (because of a promotion). My current boss and the LSE are best of friends. My lab coworker friend i think is SLI (maybe IEE though, i've had a hard time typing her). She's 20 years older than me, and I feel like we're best girlfriends, like i can't tell the age difference at all.

    There used to be an LII in the lab, and she really did not fit in well. She felt it, we felt it, even our boss commented on the fact that her personality does not mesh well with the rest of the personalities in lab. She and I had a major clash (which i've talked about on the forum a few times). My EII boss didn't like her either (I could tell he was barely tolerating her, and approached many of her suggestions with some degree of cynicism) but would roll with things and really just try to make the best of the situation. He prefers to not get involved in that sort of stuff. Finally she left for a different lab a couple months ago; the atmosphere has been much more at ease without her presence.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
    I carve tombstones.
    yeah right.
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
    I carve tombstones.
    yeah right.
    Haha. Riot squad soon, actually.

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    Quote Originally Posted by April View Post
    I'm a researcher. I've read that it's common to find many people of one quadra at a particular organization. Deltas are dominant at my workplace. My first boss was ENFp, second was ESTj, and current is INFj. My boss's boss is also INFj. I suspect that our "chiefs" (CEO, CFO, etc.) are mostly Delta as well.
    Just wondering what exactly do you research, and do you like doing research?
    I am just starting college and thinking about becoming some type of biological researcher. I'm having doubts though, so it would be great to hear your experience. Especially since you are an EII of the same subtype.

  30. #30


    For my full-time job, I help people save for their retirement.

    For my part-time job, I sell products that help people feel better and look better.

    I work 55-60 hours a week, and love every minute of it, love what I do. My background is graduating with a Bachelor's in Finance from Penn State, from the Smeal college of business, and I always wanted to do something that incorporated my love of numbers/strategical thinking with my people skills, doing something that makes a tangible difference in the world. Meaningful work.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joven Erudito89 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by April View Post
    I'm a researcher. I've read that it's common to find many people of one quadra at a particular organization. Deltas are dominant at my workplace. My first boss was ENFp, second was ESTj, and current is INFj. My boss's boss is also INFj. I suspect that our "chiefs" (CEO, CFO, etc.) are mostly Delta as well.
    Just wondering what exactly do you research, and do you like doing research?
    I am just starting college and thinking about becoming some type of biological researcher. I'm having doubts though, so it would be great to hear your experience. Especially since you are an EII of the same subtype.
    I know you didn't ask for my opinion, but i personally think doing research in a bio lab is well suited to delta NFs, in particular EIIs, as the time flexibility is key, and it's pretty low stress (depending, of course, who your boss is and what the expectations are, but most bio people tend to be pretty chill i've found). My sister is EII--her profession is comp sci, and she's found an enjoyable job with a delta boss (VI's LSE to me) doing some sort of artificial intelligence research work in academia as well. I think what's most enjoyable for her about it is

    #1. the people are chill and supportive

    #2. nobody cares if she rolls in at 10-11am, takes an hour or two for lunch/errands/laundry, etc, midday. She actually got a raise for doing a good quality job.

    #3. she has time to pursue her REAL passion in life--ballroom dancing.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
    doing something that makes a tangible difference in the world. Meaningful work.
    This is key for me as well.
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Joven Erudito89 View Post

    Just wondering what exactly do you research, and do you like doing research?
    I am just starting college and thinking about becoming some type of biological researcher. I'm having doubts though, so it would be great to hear your experience. Especially since you are an EII of the same subtype.
    I know you didn't ask for my opinion, but i personally think doing research in a bio lab is well suited to delta NFs, in particular EIIs, as the time flexibility is key, and it's pretty low stress (depending, of course, who your boss is and what the expectations are, but most bio people tend to be pretty chill i've found). My sister is EII--her profession is comp sci, and she's found an enjoyable job with a delta boss (VI's LSE to me) doing some sort of artificial intelligence research work in academia as well. I think what's most enjoyable for her about it is

    #1. the people are chill and supportive

    #2. nobody cares if she rolls in at 10-11am, takes an hour or two for lunch/errands/laundry, etc, midday. She actually got a raise for doing a good quality job.

    #3. she has time to pursue her REAL passion in life--ballroom dancing.
    No problem.
    The more input the better
    What your sister does is something i thought about doing except i want to work in academia as a biological researcher. I might even become a professor, so i can inspire other people with the love of learning. I'm just nervous about the stress, and if I am going to enjoy being in the lab all day.

    The things i need for a career are:
    1. Flexible hours
    2. Great people to work with
    3. Mental stimulation
    4. Low stress
    5. Make an impact on people lives
    My mom is telling me to just be open while i take classes, and see which ones i enjoy the most. But I like to know what i want to do and plan everything out.
    EII, INFj Intuitive subtype (The Teacher)

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  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
    For my full-time job, I help people save for their retirement.

    For my part-time job, I sell products that help people feel better and look better.

    I work 55-60 hours a week, and love every minute of it, love what I do. My background is graduating with a Bachelor's in Finance from Penn State, from the Smeal college of business, and I always wanted to do something that incorporated my love of numbers/strategical thinking with my people skills, doing something that makes a tangible difference in the world. Meaningful work.
    That's awesome, good luck with that.

    IEE Ne Creative Type

    Some and role lovin too. () I too...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
    For my part-time job, I sell products that help people feel better and look better.
    Soap ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    The whole justice system/government can go to hell. I just want to be a hippy and swim in the ocean and watch the sunset and travel and see the world and meet cool people and eat badass food.
    hehe cool.

    but it isn't really realistic.

    My Ni says that you'll end up in a thai jail for smuggling hash.

    maybe holland is better for you, hash is legal and there is badass shoarma food.
    oh and you can meet cool people too, I live there.
    You can get a weed card here and it's legal which I will be doing on April 8, 2013.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post

    hehe cool.

    but it isn't really realistic.

    My Ni says that you'll end up in a thai jail for smuggling hash.

    maybe holland is better for you, hash is legal and there is badass shoarma food.
    oh and you can meet cool people too, I live there.
    You can get a weed card here and it's legal which I will be doing on April 8, 2013.
    Why would you do that??? you are a smart, gorgeous, capable person, Jessica129. do something meaningful with your life, dont waste it hiding in mind-altered incapacitation...

    Ok, you're bored to tears right now, I hear that. But after you get out and have the option to do whatever you want to, find something productive and rewarding to do with your life. The world needs you.
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    The whole justice system/government can go to hell. I just want to be a hippy and swim in the ocean and watch the sunset and travel and see the world and meet cool people and eat badass food.
    dont forget all the fun sex.

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    Thanks but why do you assume I wouldn't be doing anything meaningful? Does meaningful always have to equal a 9-5 job doing some boring shit you hate? Honestly I think Id make a really good homeless person...not saying it'll come to that but the people I've met in California and just seeing how open everyone is and accepting has changed my life a lot. Meeting people who are 100% ok with as little as they have is really eyeopening. If only it were the 70's.

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    Quote Originally Posted by givemeaname View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    The whole justice system/government can go to hell. I just want to be a hippy and swim in the ocean and watch the sunset and travel and see the world and meet cool people and eat badass food.
    dont forget all the fun sex.

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