Opposition Model


1. 2. 3. 4. - Conscious
5. 6. 7. . 8. - Unconscious


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5. 6. 7. . 8.


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5. 6. 7. . 8.

Description of the Functions

(Functions 1 to 4 are conscious)

1st - Characterizing Function - This is the strongest function of the individual as a result of the powerful strength directed towards this individual coupled with the highest frequency. The individual's character is based on this function.

2nd - Assistant Function - This is the second strongest function of the individual that contains a high level of frequency as well. This function assists the characterizing function a great deal and transforms the character further.

(Strength Diffusion - The functions below have been suppressed in terms of strength as a result of the dominant functions reigning supremacy)
3rd - Illusionary Function - This is a weak function that contains a high level of frequency and usage. As a result the individual believes it is strong and seeks to make it stronger and is drawn to it.

4th - Smoke Function - A slightly weaker function than the 3rd that contains an unusual amount of usage despite its low strength. If the individual over emphasizes this function it will lead to confusion and neurotic behaviour almost as if the individual were sounded with smoke.

//Barrier//(Transition from consciousness to unconsciousness)//Barrier//

(Functions 5 to 8 are unconscious)

*Note: The following functions contain equivalent strength as the above functions, but their low usage make them highly unapparent to most individuals. The unconscious portion of the individual is relatively unused, but emerges on occasion.*

5th - Hidden Power Function - This function will periodically emerge and the aura will mesmerize the individual . It contains a high level of strength, but it is used occasionally and will only arise when a situation requires it.

6th - Visiting Function - This function resembles a guest, since it will spring up seamingly out of nowhere when it is required and it will take outsiders by suprise. It contains a little less strength then 5th function and is used occasionally.

(Strength Diffusion - The functions below have been suppressed in terms of strength as a result of the dominant functions reigning supremacy)

7th - Suppressed Function - This function is very weak and is rarely used. It is child-like in its usage and very archaic in its demeanor, it will spiral the individual into neurotic behavior and false judgements.

8th - Turbulent Function - This function has been condemned to the point of no existence. It will confuse the individual when used and will result in incoherent behaviour and speech. This function may even be interpreted as strong when in reality it is the characterizing function being used with an overtone of this one, since they both perform the same task in a different style/