One thing that upsets me about what INFps admit about themselves is this apparent lack of initiative and ambition. More and more, the thought of being merely content in neurovegitation, ease, and "productivity becoming a quaint word of the past" fill me with apprehension, boredom, and disgust. (No offense to vague, of course.)

I will be the first to admit that I'm lazy and quite comfortable within my own comfort zone. However, I'm much too important with too much to get done, than to sit around and pursue nothing more than creature comforts. The most thrilling feeling I've ever experienced is breaking out of my percieved comfort zones, getting my ass into gear, and having it actually work out. Inaction scares me. The thought of becoming worthless colateral in the life of some ESTp who does have the balls to get out there and do something sends me into depression.

If the world was run by such INFps, we'd last about a decade at most...