Quote Originally Posted by gilligan87
Quote Originally Posted by Joy
Are you trying to make a joke?

I'm an introvert because:
1) external stimulation (anything outside of my own thoughts) bores me quickly,
2) I'm not very socially outgoing,
3) when I pretend to be, I tire easily,
4) I have the rich inner world that is so characteristic of introverts, and am most satisfied/stimulated when simply left to my own thoughts
5) I prefer to be left to my own devices, and do not appreciate it when others attempt to involve me in something that I've not expressed interest in; i.e. if I'm not participating, I've already thought of it, considered it, and discounted it.
6) I don't need to express my thoughts to know that I'm having them
7) I prefer for others to take the initiative, and am not really much of a "go-getter"

Shall I continue?
Bullshit. I can convince myself that I'm everything when I'm alone. Introversion and Extraversion is totally noticeable around other people, instead. I would bet a zillion dollars that, if you ask some IRL people "Do you think I am introvert or extravert?" they'll say something on the line "AHAHAHAHA HOW CAN YOU THINK YOU ARE INTROVERT??" just like happened to me. Get some external feedback, YOUR thoughts on this issue are meaningless.