I have permission to do this.

Anyways hkkmr doesnt talk much about his type which makes him far easier to type for me, because when people claim a certain type online it gives you an image of what that person's type is and it clouds your mind. hkkmr always seemed to me SLE, most porbably sub. I read in Reuben's thread that he considered himself ILE. Thats what got me thinking. Why ILE? He seems like clear cut SLE to me, but Im willing to admit I could be wrong, the more I interact with him I do not feel less inclined to beleive SLE though. My reasons: He seems firm, serious about his position and enforcing the rules, and using necesarry methods of enforcement towards the end result. He doesnt throw around much random intuitive data like alphas tend to do, he deals with what information is there, the concrete. Also he seems good at using statistical data, and seems like a fast thinker as opposed to the absent minded professor you get from most ILEs.

Thats all I gotta say for now. Im willing for everyone to contribute. Agree with me? Think Im wrong? Discuss away!