Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous

Logical subtype is modest and nedemonstrativen, is restrained and polite, obstinate and beskompromissen in settling of its interests. It argues its position by logic and by facts, but by the not devised reason. At times it is pensive, it departs to itself, it distances itself from those surrounding, being immersed in its problems. Are somewhat forged in the contact, it is laconic, but now and then he tries at raspolagayushche to smile, if he feels, that appears the tension in the conversation. It dresses with the taste, it loves original, qualitative, but modest things, it follows the health, the figure, the appearance. Aesthete, loves manual work. It is thorough and tedious. It is patient and persistent. If its matter carries along, it untiring improves its production - material or intellectual. Sometimes it needs change in the occupations, but he tries everything to lead to the end. It usually has the gracefully- lazy gestures, smooth and in this case confident and precise motions. Gait somewhat weakened, elastic. It does not love to hurry, but also it is not sluggish. It seems a little haughty.


Sensory subtype is held on the distance, they will lock, now and then cuttings it is straight-line. It is very independent and proud, it enters in the manner that to it it is convenient. In the conversation it is prickly and ironic, but it becomes affable and interested, if sympathy and respect are experienced to the collocutor. After noting that it offended man, it will regret about this, it softens, converts everything into the joke or it begins to be apologized, to calm. The vulnerability and sensitiveness hides itself behind the external inaccessibility. It is impatient and mobile, it loves constant changes and new impressions. It is active, operational and it is very thoughtful. It does not love discomfort in any manifestations. Therefore he tries to correct everything, to repair and to adapt for the convenience. It is required, reliable and punctual. It is exacting to itself and by others. It behaves with the cold merit, but it is emotional. Behavior is not predicted: the unexpected passages from the cold contemplativeness to the impulse actions. The gestures are impulsive, are decisive. Gait rapid, measured off.
I had previously changed the subtype titles (i.e. "sensory subtype") to fit with the appropiate decriptions...but I just forgot to switch the headings too.