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Thread: ISTp type and subtype description from [Jean Gabin]

  1. #41


    Its hard to tell what personality type was what when you look back into the high school days. Perhaps I am being ignorant, but I dont think INTPs would see the point. As an ISTP Im more the I'll get them when the bell rings type, or when they are at their weakest position. I could never SEE an INTP picking on someone. An ISTP perhaps, but only to see what its like. ESTJs and ENTJs seem a lot more likely to dwell in such territory. Especially ESTJs, an immature one without control at home or other places would perhaps search to control each others emotions. Whats more controlling, intimidating or pleasing someone? Intimidation is a method towards a control.

    Just looking back, I would look for the weakest time, hardly in class.

    If the ISTP was the opposite sex they couldve been trying to actually get you (as twisted as it sounds). Maybe they were just trying to be your friend. The bottom line is we definitely do not get people's feelings and how to evoke certain emotions. We may try the opposite of what a normal person would do to achieve an end, especially at a younger age when we are still learning how people react to different things.

    Couldve been an ISTP picking on you, I just doubt it. I definitely agree that an ISTP coined the term nothing is unconditional. With that said I dont dismiss the possiblity.

  2. #42
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    I could never SEE an INTP picking on someone.
    I usually end up making friends with picked-on people. Either I approach them, or they approach me, them seeing that I am one of them.

    I knew an ISTp once. He was very, very unapproachable when he stood around alone. Even I, one of his good friends, was afraid to say hi to him. He would always try to answer your questions quickly and decisively, and he had a huge library of information in his mind. However, most of his answers seemed more like guesses veiled in confidence to me, and alot of times, he was just plain wrong. Noone ever caught him at that. One hell of a chess player, despite his tendency to make horrible mistakes, though.
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

  3. #43
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    I wonder if all the ENFp-ISTp dual couples eventually drown in thier own flith and mess after a few years, because both of them are incredibly messy.

    Or else, maybe they stimulate each other to clean up?
    Hmm Im ENFp but I try to keep myself and my environment clean. I love a clean stylish environment. I do have trouble with collecting too many clothes and novelties but I try to tuck them out of view and I edit them and dispose of stuff on a regular basis. When my friends come and visit they think Im a neat freak. I dont let them open the closets though

    Once I met a girl who I am almost certain was ISTp. She seemed to like me but was so closed, and aloof I could not get close enough to find out what she was really like. Unfortunately she lived far away. Anyway, the idea of getting to know her possessed me to the point that I was going to jump on a plane an fly across country (actually to Toronto from Califronia) for a long visit. My plan was nixed when she e-mailed me back after a long silence and said she was engaged.
    I congratulated her and then deleted her from e-mail list. I dont know if I ever want to see her again. I dont think so, at least not until Im happily married to my own dual. Maybe not even then though.
    Whats up with them ISTp women?


  4. #44


    Cone: I have a couple INTP friends, we agree on a lot of stuff because of our similar logical approach to things. I love their precise use of the language as well. Yes I kick ass in chess... The mistakes can sometimes be used to make a distraction, at least from my experience. I know what you mean about being a storehouse of information, thats how I stumbled on socionics in the first place, just getting interested about personalities all of a sudden for some reason. It has helped me understand people though.

    As for making mistakes when recalling that information, only an INTP could catch me I agree... I do notice that INTPs are very doubtful of its source in conversation when it comes from myself. I think that when trying to explain something to an INTP they prefer more detail and thats when the ISTP may stumble trying to recall what they do not know. When researching we go right to the core and the practicality of what makes the information useful or interesting.

    Cone I would like to hear your opinion on this.

    PS INTPs are way better then ENTPs, you actually have hearts and care about your friends. Dont let this become the topic though.


    Im still young and damn I am unapproachable. My friends always tell me I look like Im about to kill someone. Its just my nature, hard to fight. When I look at an ENFP I feel like they can see the true in me though, the goodness in my heart.

    wonder if all the ENFp-ISTp dual couples eventually drown in thier own flith and mess after a few years, because both of them are incredibly messy.

    Or else, maybe they stimulate each other to clean up?
    I think I will have to hire a maid or live in a completely cement structure I can clean with a high pressure hose. At least I have a plan b this time.

    This is one damn interesting thread.

  5. #45


    You see, we don't know about our emotions either, so thats probably why we come off as cold and unapproachable. Ask me how I'm feeling and all thats going on in my head is like a kind of white noise, the sort that a TV or radio makes when it doesn't connect. I guess that whats others pick up too.
    So what do you do with white noise? You tune it out!
    Instead we pick up details in our environments, like colours, textures and pressures. Feelings don't come into the picture. It's just not something that we consider, thats all.

    About the ISTP bullying, I agree, we're not the type, we don't really go for the whole influencing people, we just leave them alone. It's alot more likely he was trying to get you to notice him, but we're so hopeless with people that the only easy way to get you to react to us is to get a raise out of you. It works a charm. :wink:

  6. #46

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    Ha ha. It funny as my cousin who is an ISTP always get himself in trouble for arguing back with his mother so much. I think ISTP would make good lawyers if they were not so shy and would open up .

  7. #47

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    I agree with JD. I think. :wink: My ISTP brother like's to argue alot with people he knows really well, when it something he doesn't want to do.

  8. #48
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    Ha ha. It funny as my cousin who is an ISTP always get himself in trouble for arguing back with his mother so much. I think ISTP would make good lawyers if they were not so shy and would open up .
    I know several ISTp males and they all have the sarcastic wisecrack thing but in different ways. One seems more formal and polite but loves to banter. He comes off as arogant and knowledgable. He loves to show off his knowledge about just anything. I dont always believe him but listen with great enthusiasm. He is quite stubborn. He would rather die than give in to someone if his pride is on the line.
    The other ISTp is not so polite. He is down right rude and funny. He says the harshest things but everyone around him seems to accept it cause he wont change. He is very skilled with his hands and can do a great deal if you can motivate him. Recently he helped me paint my apartment. It came out great. I felt so much better about the project just having him there. Later we went on a camping trip with a bunch of friends and he just about took the lead in most of the activities. He is very outgoing when he is in his element. Even though he constantly insults me with his rough speach I for some reason just blow it off. I wonder about this. It seem to me he is never really talking about me but demonstrating his insecurities and fears. His actions and behavior seem to indicate that he really likes me a great deal but is embarrassed by it. (this is all very private stuff so dont chide me about it)
    ISTps share their feelings through actions and through their eyes. If they like you they seem to stand closer to you or sit next to you. They dont jerk away if you touch them. I think this is actually true of all Delta. When I look at them deeply I see that they are little boys and girls inside. Isnt that funny?


  9. #49


    As an ISTP I feel it is only possible to be with an ENFP.

    Ive tried to fight the shyness. Weed helps, but then the lazyness just goes into turbo mode. It catches up with you.

    Anyways, an ENFP is the only one I feel truly understands me.. Maybe its from personal experience. After chilling with my dual, I feel I can be with no other type.

    (Unfortunately at times I feel no other person! )

  10. #50


    Topaz... Very interesting statements... Sounds very accurate, love through actions not words (words can be misinterpreted). One thing we are also great at is gift giving should we see you as important enough to deserve it for a certain occasion. I am horrible at remembering birthdays though.

    All delta are children inside... Interesting.

    That thing you said about flinching... SOOO TRUE. "Dont fucking touch me mom" lol. I had an INFJ mother and was the hugging type. I always found it sort of pointless. I really didnt know that was the same for ENFPs...

    I had an INFJ mom and ESTJ Dad. I cant comment on the flinching if u touch them if they dont know u thing.

    Honestly Topaz, great observations for the ISTP though. I love the outdoors even in the winters here in Ontario.. . Its the stimulation

  11. #51

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    Am I the only ISTP who has morbid "realisations" when thinking about loved ones whos where abouts arn't apparent to me.

    For example:

    If my sisters late arriving from Leeds, my mind almost always starts giving me visions of her murdered,raped or in a train crash etc.

  12. #52
    Creepy-an ixtp (probably istp)


    Don't worry, it's a common thing; at least for me, major one of mental annoyance.

  13. #53

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    I have been reading through this site for the past week or so and found some of the discussions very interesting.

    I'm an ISTP female and thought I'd go through this thread and make some comments. There's no real order to anything, I'm just picking up things here and there I thought I would make come comments concerning how I act.

    About being unapproachable. I've been told in the past that I can seem intimidating or unapproachable. I don't intend to be this way and, really, I like people. I guess I just come off cold, but that's not necessarily how I'm feeling. I'm fairly shy. Though around close friends and family I can joke and banter and be myself. I'll also open up around those I'm very close to. BUT you have to prove that you're a trusted friend, this usually takes a while, a few months with regular contact and still I may not open up about EVERYTHING. You'd have to be in the "elite" to get to the core.

    How do you get into the "elite"? Like I said, you have to prove yourself. I have to be able to trust you and feel as though you're not going to trick or manipulate me. You'd have to put a lot of time and effort into trying to get to know me. Unfortuantely, I think most people don't even want to bother.

    Though once you've reached the "elite" you're in for good (unless you do something very unforgivable). I'm very loyal to those in the "elite" and put a lot of trust in them. If someone harms someone I care a lot about they'd better watch out because there may be death. Like I said, I'm very loyal and you don't mess with the people I care about. I will most definitely fight to protect them. (Is this common with other ISTP's? I remember it being mentioned somewhere that ISTP's have strong feelings for those they care about and on my end that is definitely true.)

    When I'm upset or angry I'll get cold and silent, answer with one word responses, and avoid eye contact. I rarely "blow up" but would rather people leave me alone until I'm over it. Having said that, I'm not all that easily angered. My tolerance level is fairly high and I usually don't stay angry for very long when I do get angry.

    As others have said, I'm not all that good at being able to tell if someone likes me. Sometimes I'll be suspicous, but never really know and feel like I have to analyze it to death and still never know for sure. As for me, when someone tells me that they like me, I'm straightforward and honest. I'll tell them if I'm not interested, if they don't get the hint then I'll be blunt. I once flat out told a guy he was freaking me out, it worked and he left me alone after that.

    Concerning how I act when I like someone, well, I think I'm weird. (Thank goodness I'm at a computer and not talking to someone face-to-face about this.) I'll make only necessary eye contact and probably only talk to the person if they talk to me first. Avoiding eye contact is probably a very bad thing to do, but I can't help it, I'm afraid of giving myself away. I'm always very aware of the person I like. I know where they're at and what they're doing when I'm in the same vicinity as they are. I'll hang around in their general area even if I don't talk to them. (Sounds a little like stalking doesn't it?) Though I'm always hoping they'll talk to me and when they do I *try* to be as friendly and talkative as possible. If I feel that I've made a least some sort of connection I *may* I repeat *may* talk to them. But seeing as though I'm a female, I'm hoping for the guy to initiate conversation, especially in the beginning.

    As for how I dress, I prefer a t-shirt and jeans. I'm not very picky about what I wear, but I do like what I wear to be at least a little flattering, not overboard. I don't wear jewelry or use accessories. Though I do carry a purse. I almost never wear anything in my hair. I wear very little make-up...just a little mascara because my eyelashes are light and eye shadow from time to time, but only when I'm going out. I definitely try to make my appearance look nice, but I do the bare minimum. I'm all about good personal hygiene. I can't stand to be dirty or sweaty.

    As for being messy...I'm not super messy, maybe cluttered. I can't stand dirt or grime. A little clutter doesn't bother me.

    Concerning bullying. I was never a bully. I would only pick on someone if they were picking on me first. Although I may tease someone if I knew them fairly well and knew that they could handle it, but I wouldn't really be mean, at least I never intended to be.

    Now as to how I am at chess, I can't exactly say. I never played much, just against my brother. He taught me how to play and I beat him, which made him mad because he thought he was pretty good. I would have called it beginners luck, but several months later he wanted me to play again I'd forgotten how and I beat him once more, he got mad again and I haven't played since.

    Ok...enough for now. Any questions or comments are welcome. I'd love to discuss this!

  14. #54

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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcadia
    I have been reading through this site for the past week or so and found some of the discussions very interesting.

    I'm an ISTP female and thought I'd go through this thread and make some comments. There's no real order to anything, I'm just picking up things here and there I thought I would make come comments concerning how I act.
    Welcome .

    Quote Originally Posted by Arcadia
    About being unapproachable. I've been told in the past that I can seem intimidating or unapproachable. I don't intend to be this way and, really, I like people. I guess I just come off cold, but that's not necessarily how I'm feeling.
    ^^ People have told me I look arrogant and cocky.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arcadia
    Though once you've reached the "elite" you're in for good (unless you do something very unforgivable). I'm very loyal to those in the "elite" and put a lot of trust in them. If someone harms someone I care a lot about they'd better watch out because there may be death. Like I said, I'm very loyal and you don't mess with the people I care about. I will most definitely fight to protect them. (Is this common with other ISTP's? I remember it being mentioned somewhere that ISTP's have strong feelings for those they care about and on my end that is definitely true.)
    Hmm... I can think of a couple of people I'd do that for.

    Quote Originally Posted by Acradia
    As for how I dress, I prefer a t-shirt and jeans. I'm not very picky about what I wear, but I do like what I wear to be at least a little flattering, not overboard.... I definitely try to make my appearance look nice, but I do the bare minimum. I'm all about good personal hygiene. I can't stand to be dirty or sweaty.

    As for being messy...I'm not super messy, maybe cluttered. I can't stand dirt or grime. A little clutter doesn't bother me.
    lol, I'm a guy and I dress the same way.

    It's amazing how much I relate to ISTPs....

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  15. #55

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Am I the only ISTP who has morbid "realisations" when thinking about loved ones whos where abouts arn't apparent to me.

    For example:

    If my sisters late arriving from Leeds, my mind almost always starts giving me visions of her murdered,raped or in a train crash etc.
    I used to do that when I was younger. I'm over that now.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  16. #56

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    Thanks for the welcome you guys.

    Quote Originally Posted by NFp-
    Something you wrote reminded me of an ISTp girl. What will make you distance yourself away from a friend?
    Betrayal. Serious betrayal and manipulation. In general, I'm very forgiving, but there are some places you just don't go. For instance, I was upset with a friend for a while because I had "opened up" to her and told her about a guy I liked. Right after I told her, she started going after the same guy, I guess she felt that she had one up on me since she knew I liked him. I felt so cheated and manipulated. I'm pretty sure this girl is an ESFJ. (I'm not all that great at typing others yet.) I will tell you one thing, lesson learned and I will be even more careful who I talk to about things like this in the future. If say anything at all. Although I will say that this girl and I are on good terms and I'm not angry with her anymore, I just won't "open up" to the extent I did previously, some trust has been lost and I don't know if I can say she's still in the "elite" though she's still a friend.

    Something else that might distance me from a friend is if I feel controlled. I won't necessarily be angered with the person, I'll just start to feel trapped, panic, and do what it takes to get away. If I feel that someone is starting to become clingy, I'll back off. If they monopolize my time, I'll back off. If I feel dominated, I'll back off. If I feel manipulated or taken advantage of, I'll back off. If you don't let me do what I want to do, I will back off. If you're forcing me to do something I don't want to do, I will back off. If you're not letting me have my independence, I will back off.

    I guess for the most part I won't hate someone forever if they've done me wrong. It depends on how serious the offense. Little things I get over quickly. Getting over feeling betrayed will take more time, but it's not unforgivable. At least not for me. Though I will not completely forget and I'll be so much more cautious with the person in the future. "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me."

  17. #57

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Am I the only ISTP who has morbid "realisations" when thinking about loved ones whos where abouts arn't apparent to me.

    For example:

    If my sisters late arriving from Leeds, my mind almost always starts giving me visions of her murdered,raped or in a train crash etc.
    I do this sometimes. Not just in a situation like that, but with potentially bad situations in general. I think I imagine the worst possible scenario just so I'm not surprised by anything. I guessing it's a way of self protection so you're not caught off guard.

  18. #58
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    Something else that might distance me from a friend is if I feel controlled. I won't necessarily be angered with the person, I'll just start to feel trapped, panic, and do what it takes to get away. If I feel that someone is starting to become clingy, I'll back off. If they monopolize my time, I'll back off. If I feel dominated, I'll back off. If I feel manipulated or taken advantage of, I'll back off. If you don't let me do what I want to do, I will back off. If you're forcing me to do something I don't want to do, I will back off. If you're not letting me have my independence, I will back off.
    This is exactly what Ive noticed with one ISTp. I think they are actually the most sensitive of all types. Without knowing it you can offend them and then they will back off and not ever communicate why. You just will never know. The worse part is that I found out from someone else what his hang up was and it was totally wacked and not true. When I approached him about what was the problem he was completely tight lipped. Funny thing is, he hovers around from time to time like he wants to be friends but if I ask him to do something he says no. I wonder if he is just trying to keep tabs on me. I keep asking myself why I care at all. I mean I have other friends. For some reason this whole thing keeps haunting me. I feel so stupid.
    Maybe ENFps are the most sensitive types Im almost too embarassed to submit this. But I will anyway.


  19. #59
    Creepy-an ixtp (probably istp)


    Most questions on any typing tests are not so good for finding strong . Because of them, I guess, it is difficult to recognize whether you have strong ISTp character on a test. It may be reason of that less people confindent they're ISTp include myself.

    I think N is a "living inside their head" inclination compared with S.
    I've heard someone on other forum said that every abused child is N type. So, if you suck your S child or younger brother/sister, you can batter it to get N one. I would rather advice to see a doctor.
    Still, it shows one possibility I can't ignore. Someone estranged from society may not be able to show their Sx (especially ) and tend to "live in their head" instead. I don't mean Rocky is doing that (I consider he's just too young to determine his type), but I suspect of myself.

    #CAUTION! CAUTION! An unhappy ISTp has escaped from its ghetto!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Topaz
    This is exactly what Ive noticed with one ISTp. I think they are actually the most sensitive of all types. Without knowing it you can offend them and then they will back off and not ever communicate why. You just will never know. The worse part is that I found out from someone else what his hang up was and it was totally wacked and not true. When I approached him about what was the problem he was completely tight lipped. Funny thing is, he hovers around from time to time like he wants to be friends but if I ask him to do something he says no. I wonder if he is just trying to keep tabs on me. I keep asking myself why I care at all. I mean I have other friends. For some reason this whole thing keeps haunting me. I feel so stupid.
    Hmmm. I wonder if he realized he was wrong but didn't want to admit it. I know I HATE to admit when I'm wrong. I'll usually avoid the topic completely and not bring it up again. Which I know is probably the worst thing to do because people should talk about problems to work them out. He was probably also embarrassed that you found out what was really wrong and confronted him about it. I feel invaded when someone confronts me about something, even if they're right.

    Don't feel stupid, I would still invite him to do things, especially if he's hovering around. He might need a little more time to get over things especially if this happened fairly recently. Give him his space and a little more time and see if he eventually comes around. I'm wondering if he feels bad about things but just doesn't want to admit he was wrong.

    A little over a month ago my ENFP best friend and I got into a little spat and we didn't talk for about a week. I was imagining ridiculous things about what she was doing behind my back to wreck me. She was doing no such thing. It was all in my head. It was driving her insane that I wouldn't talk to her and she was afraid to talk to me because I wasn't talking to her. Eventually I called her, we talked, and things are fine now. But I think some of us may make things up in our heads, and assume things that just aren't true. I did that in this situation and I've done it in the past. It freaks me out to think that I do that...assume things that are wrong. I have too much pride when it comes to needing to be right.

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    Default " from what Ive seen most ISTPs "

    an ixtp (probably istp) : from what Ive seen most ISTPs are sure they are ISTPs are fit the profile very well. If you are so unsure, you might be an INTP. It seems you are more interested in the functions. I dabbled in that but what really interested me in Socionics was the practicality, that it helped me understand people.

    Im not dismissing the possiblity, but you just seem more into the theory.

    I hated chemistry

    Take care.
    {♠x<º))))><¸.·´¯`·.¸IcEPiCk¸.·´¯`·.¸><((((º>x♠ }

  22. #62
    Creepy-an ixtp (probably istp)

    Default Re: " from what Ive seen most ISTPs "

    I think ISTp description is most accurat for me, but usually tested as INTx. I think of myself having less benefit from N function, though. So, I reached the thought above.

    Ok, ok, I must admit I have few chance to practical use of Socionics. I'm desperately bad at get along with people possibly bacause of lack of . I usually give an impression as awkwardly haughty or moron, so I don't have enough people around to observe real interaction of various characterized people. The idea came from here.

    I once suspected I looked too nerd to talk to, but it may not be right. I even got avoided on internet.

    Quote Originally Posted by IcEPiCk
    I hated chemistry
    Me too. It's one of reasons why I didn't choose to go medical school. And another thing is that above, less talkative doctors tend to be regarded as quack. Even if that don't became right, medical examinations can be suffering to each other.
    I couldn't answer Herzblut's question because there will be only mess when it comes to smalltalk, especially with Es and other sex.

  23. #63
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    I wonder if he realized he was wrong but didn't want to admit it. I know I HATE to admit when I'm wrong. I'll usually avoid the topic completely and not bring it up again. Which I know is probably the worst thing to do because people should talk about problems to work them out. He was probably also embarrassed that you found out what was really wrong and confronted him about it. I feel invaded when someone confronts me about something, even if they're right.
    Thanks for your response Arcadia. It helps me to be a little more undersanding but it also underscores my point about ISTps being super sensitve. It seems like where people are concerned they dont like any conflict or discussion about themselves or their behavior. My friend has a tremendous problem with pride and taking himself too serious. He has even walked out on more the a few jobs because he couldnt get his way or because he didnt like the way things were run. Im like, "Dude, lighten up, jeez." And yes, I have considered that he may be just and immature jerk.

    Im really begining to wonder if duality really is possible. I mean there is a big gaping hole in the ENFp/ISTp relationship that is difficult to bridge. If I cant manage a friendship how can I ever marry and ISTp. I know that not every relationship is the same but after hearing what other ISTp have said on this forum and compairing what other ENFps have said, I see the same problems cropping up over and over. ENFps need communication, reasurance, affection and togetherness, ISTps want space and independence and not to have to explain themselves or any kind of pressure. ENFps can be empathic but they still fall short of reading minds. I dont expect anyone on this forum to have an answer for me but at least I can see what I am up against. I guess the only real answer is to stay alive and see what happens.
    Tell me if Im overreacting.

    Topaz needs reasurance

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    nope you are just on the right way:

    DYAD: Iee (Huxley) - SLI (Gaben) (Iee, Huxley - ENFP SLI, Gaben - ISTP)

    Iee (Huxley)

    Iee (Huxley), because of good artistic advances, seems living and lungs by man. In reality this the personality creative, which is attempted to penetrate in the essence of the complex or concealed processes and phenomena, which is located in the search for the eternal truths. It acutely sees strange deficiencies and imperfection of the surrounding peace, it constantly analyzes its and strange feelings and relations. This is very penetrating person, who hates falsity and hypocrisy. Partner, who has sufficiently high moral qualities, is necessary to it, in order to for a long time preserve his respect and sympathy.

    It highly values happiness of human contact. It is very inquisitive, but does not love to expend time on the people, which do not carry to it new information. He is enraptured by the talented, uncommon and thoroughly erudite people. The people with the unexposed to the end talents uncertain of themselves draw it. willingly them helps and instils confidence in their forces and abilities, without being stingy to the compliments. Its partner must constantly approach further development of his advances, otherwise to him it will difficultly preserve interest Iee (Huxley) in himself.

    Iee (Huxley) loves variety, changes, journeys. Its agitated creative nature constantly needs new impressions, solution of interesting and complex problems. It should someone inspire, carry along by its ideas, but frequently to the very patience does not be sufficient to complete that begun. Therefore partner is necessary for it critical, serious, reliable and industrious.

    Problem Iee (Huxley) is the fact that it does not know how to distinguish the main thing from the secondary, because of what is overloaded itself by excess work or by contact with others. It does not know how to plan and rarely it manages to complete the matters to the period. SLI (Gaben) plans work, dividing it into the stages, it is occupied by routine operations, beret to itself the study of details. It in time will prompt, when, in what measure and sequence it is necessary to display initiative in the matters, that it is necessary to make first of all.

    Iee (Huxley) is difficult to hold in control promises, in time, to accurately and thoroughly carry out the tedious, uninteresting, but necessary work. SLI (Gaben) can render effective assistance in any work and even accept entire responsibility to itself. Iee (Huxley) needs process fixed, in the concern and nenavyazchivom management. Without duala Iee (Huxley) it can pass for man optional and frivolous, and that completely by carless worker. Together with dualom he feels itself protected and fears no difficulties.

    One additional problem Iee (Huxley) in the fact that it pleases itself to conquer love. Subjugating hearts, it is greater approached spiritual relations, than by intimate. This leads to many misunderstandings with its worshippers, to which it rapidly loses interest, if only they will not be succeeded in conquering its friendship. Only a few can become for it more necessary than the read book. Therefore the modest, meaningful and restrained person, who returns to it commands it initiative in the relations.

    SLI (Gaben)

    SLI (Gaben) - person, who combines features pragmatics and creative personality, the aim is perfection. It is mobile, loves sport and physical labor. It prefers everything to make with its hands, without relying on others. It does not know how to force people to make something against their will, it considers that this matter of their conscience and free election. It is obstinate with those, who attempt to impose their vision of things and methods of the solution of problems on it. It loves to be a guardian people those of less fitted out to the life.

    Being realist and skeptic, SLI (Gaben) does not frequently see output from the complex vital situations. In rutin its vital tone falls, apathy sets in, hands descend. But it rapidly will mobilize in the critical situations and develops outstanding fitness for work. It needs new impressions and moral support. For it is necessary man, which would free it from the sensation of ordinariness and lack of promise and introduced into the relations heat and to romantic.

    Inclined to melancholy SLI (Gaben) it is especially important so that its satellite would be in the optimistic mood, at least outwardly. It is over-anxious and fears unforeseen circumstances. Therefore its dual must constantly tell about what unexpected contingencies actually can happen and as for them be prepared or avoid them, and what fears are completely useless. SLI (Gaben) it is necessary to know that it awaits it in front how will end one or other matter or another. It is difficult to see prospects and to present to to it itself the possible course of events.

    Of it is characteristic uncertainty in itself and because of this a certain sluggishness in such cases which require the manifestation of its potential abilities. It always must be inspired and pushed slightly to the new matters, to which it in the soul is always disposed. The main thing for it - to believe in favor and success of the matter, and Iee (Huxley) knows how to convince. In this dyad it - strategist, and SLI (Gaben) - the tactician, who knows how to inject that planned methodically and persistently, carrying out work patiently and thoroughly. It constantly increases its qualification and by this is caused a constant admiration of its duala. Sharp criticism could force SLI (Gaben) to lower hands, since it will begin nothing to prove to those, who does not believe in it. Sincere praises Iee (Huxley) will mobilize partner and is given confidence in the fact that everything goes, how it is must.

    If partner disrupts the interior equilibrium SLI (Gaben), which is obtained to it with this labor and is simply necessary, then its offence can be then it is great, that it will begin to be moved away from this partner and it can generally leave it. To it is necessary man, which will try to scatter his doubts and to soften internal contradictions, but it will not begin to increase them.

    Conditions of the dualization

    1. Iee (Huxley) suffers from a deficiency in the will and concentration. Hot temper and superfluous persistence is now and then characteristic of it. It is frequently impatient, it does not adhere to established rules, graphs and orders, but to the observations it can stormily react. Its partner must be lenient and patient person, who respects the independence of other. He can act on Iee (Huxley) only by his own participation, skillfully coordinating the actions of partner and cooly receiving his emotional splashes. Softly and with the humor SLI (Gaben) it dissipates the emotional flashes of duala, leniently it relates to its deficiencies and much pardons because of its directness and diverse abilities, which greatly it values.

    2. SLI (Gaben) so we depend on our impressions and sensations, caused by the imperfection of the surrounding peace, that in order to find approach to it, it is necessary first to reveal and to remove those negative actions, which badly are reflected in its mood. Its dual is very responsive to the strange pain and knows how to understand and to calm down collocutor, his sincerity is located to the reciprocal confidence, and a constant readiness to go towards the new and that not known moves the faith in the success of joint enterprises. Iee (Huxley) rapidly removes skepticism and uncertainty in its partner.

    3. SLI (Gaben) enraptures Iee (Huxley) by its skill to solve any practical problems, by business keenness and by the skill to adapt everything all around for rational labor and valuable rest, to create conveniences, comfort, cosiness, to worry about the health of close people. Iee (Huxley) supplements partner with its resourcefulness, vision of prospects and new possibilities. It introduces into the life the elements of novelty and unpredictability, prompts output in any situations. Iee (Huxley) creates that climate of confidence and freedom, which so requires its dual.

    4. In the emotional plan this is the sufficiently contrasting pair: cold-blooded and nedemonstrativnyy, sufficiently reserved and unemotional SLI (Gaben) and ardent, direct and frank Iee (Huxley). This about them rehearses in the known song Of the a.Pugachevoy:

    "A 4 about everything in the light with you I forget,
    But 4 into the love as in the sea, I rush with the head.
    But you such cold - as iceberg in the ocean,
    And all your griefs under the amaurosis... ".

    Inconstant on his nature, that is been fascinated by new people Iee (Huxley) is necessary the interesting and mysterious partner, whom it is necessary to subjugate entire life. SLI (Gaben) - that fortress, which it is necessary to take by prolonged assault. Even when it loves, frequently hides feelings under the mask of coldness. It does not manifest jealousy, but it brings up its frivolous duala by its own example.

    Main associating for them vital value - this is accordion in all spheres of their life and relations. But since this task not of the light, in them is frequently inherent the feeling of dissatisfaction, which pushes them to the active search for means for an improvement in their attitude. This pair is most vulnerable in entire sotsione, are so great its requirements and a feeling of accordion is so thinly developed. The least discord in the relations with each other and surrounding is capable to plunge them into despondency.

    So heavily they transfer the routine, which reduces their vital tone. They both value their freedom and independence in the decision. Itself they feel well if and only if they have the capability to make creative decisions. Tendency toward the perfection and the accordion, toward a constant development of its abilities - here is their main vital stimulus. And if accordion are not achieved, they inclined painfully to react to the least negative nuances of interrelations with those surrounding and to other inconveniences of psychological and everyday plan.

    If the region of feelings and relations - prerogative Iee (Huxley), then in the sphere of sensations leading proves to be SLI (Gaben), which is well examined their nuances and which is attained perfection in the intimate life of this dyad. One-sided happiness of sex is unthinkable for it. The accordion of feelings and relations, which follows Iee (Huxley), and the sexual sensations, which grinds SLI (Gaben), is given the completeness of their love. But properly they are happy only if they are succeeded in dostich' also the accordion of thoughts, occupations, enthusiasm and aspirations - accordion in the life of material and spiritual. Only then their love and mutual interest becomes stronger. They could not exist in the atmosphere of quarrels or rutins. Their love feeds by mutual concern, by time, by responsiveness to the interests of each other, by constant mutual improvement and by new impressions in their life. By them very much is necessary for the happiness, but, if entire this it is possible to dostich', their love approaches an ideal.

    I don't see what's so important about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. It's just more people to declare war on.


  25. #65

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    I got one simple question for all ISTP. Please answer if could . What make you happy and if you know how have people made you happy?

  26. #66

    Default ISTP emotions

    nFP - you are right...

    I think it is partly cultural/circumstance upbringing that determines how emotionally open or closed of the ISTP wil be. Some will learn that it is healthier to share your feelings with others down the road to. It could also depend on if that ISTP has been scarred from previous bad experiences (opening up then being hurt in some way as a result or a percieved result of it).

    Either way, it is a case by case scenario.

  27. #67
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    My ISTp Uncle said he fell in love once...and that he'll never do it again.
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

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    I've been trying to figure what my reasons would be for acting the way she's acting. If I started to do what she's doing, I'd probably be distancing myself because I felt that the friendship was getting a little too close or familiar for how far I'd expected the friendship to go. She may be afraid that you'll eventually ask her to hang out outside of class which means that the friendship will be taken to another level. If you start hanging out outside of class then she'll be expected to get closer and it is really hard for an ISTP to get close to people. It takes a long long long time.

    She may be running right now because she doesn't know where she wants the friendship to go. It took me a while to get really comfortable with my ENFP best friend. I didn't seek out the friendship very quickly, she was the one who kept asking me to go places and do things. Eventually everything began to seem real and natural for us as friends. She's truly the best and closest friend I've ever had. It just took me a while to recognize it.

    I wouldn't give up on her just yet. Still continue to do what you're doing by being consistent in letting her know about assignments and that sort of thing. With consistency you'd start to earn my trust. Don't push too hard, but don't give up. Just earn her trust with consistency. I can't promise that she'll come around, but she may if you're willing to put in the time and effort and she can see that your faithful and trustworthy.

    I definitely see where ISTP's can seem sensitive or touchy. I believe it has a lot to do with the reluctancy to trust, we're so afraid of getting hurt. We have to make sure it's safe and that we won't be tricked, manipulated, or made the fool.

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    Like I said in my reply to NFp, I can definitely see where ISTP's can seem sensitive or touchy. When I think about it, I can see where we might really frighten other types with our coldness or distance. Plus, sometimes little things can seem to set us off, and or reactions can probably be very confusing. It's our front. But, really, I think if you take the time and get past our "front" you might find that some of us can be very warm and caring.

    I don't know if this is true for all ISTP's but I'm definitely affectionate, warm and caring toward my immediate family. Maybe it's because they've been that way toward me my entire life, or it's just the way my family is, I don't know. Though I will rarely ever hug my ENFP best friend...I guess I laid that boundary in the beginning of the friendship and she's never crossed it. It would be weird now if she did hug me. There are some friends I'll hug every once in a while, but normally I don't initiate it. I haven't dated much, but it does take me a little while to warm up to affection in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. It just takes time, so take it slow with ISTP's. I don't think it's impossible to find what you need in an ISTP, I think it just depends on the ISTP.

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcadia

    I don't think it's impossible to find what you need in an ISTP, I think it just depends on the ISTP.
    OK Arcadia, Ill not give up the search. I recently quit my job out of frustration and everythings seems somewhat negative so that might be influencing my mood.
    There are positve signs looming ahead so Im bouncing back


    :I love you but Ive chosen darkness.

  31. #71

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    Default ISTPs frustrating our other duals... What can ya do :P

    We seem to be the *&%$ disturbers of emotions. lol

    Oh well. I think if an ISTP has been hurt before its way way harder for them to love again, some will settle for pets as sad and tragic as that may sound. Most will adapt and learn to love again, though it may take years.

    I truly believe in duality and am always trying to refine my VI skills to assist me in that. The problem is one of the duals always is not attracted at first and it takes work. This can be harder for male ISTPs as they may not persist advances in the slightest sign of hesistation from the potential mate. I know this from first hand experience. After that I was always waiting for someone to approach me and because of social norms (male usually approaching the female) this was quite difficult and I realized I would still have to be the one making the advances. Quite frustrating for an ISTP but what can you do? Thank god I stumbled on socionics... I sometimes lose faith in the duality between ENFPs and ISTPs but Ive seen it work before, I know it just takes some mutual effort at first to light the fire. The problem is, whether or not one's one fire will ever be lit, or will the ISTP be destined to live in a cottage with a pet hunting elk all day going home and getting drunk because there is no one else in his or her life.

    I will make the assumption that most of us on this particular thread are relatively young with at least some time left to find someone.

    Although we all get pessimistic at what time or another the fact that there is plenty of duals out there shouldnt be give you some sort of hope. I know it does for me. Just work on you VI skills so it helps you find that special someone. Its even easier if you catch them looking at you first, thats usually a pretty good indicator of attraction, then if you know their type you can assess the probabilty of you hitting off quite instantly.

    once again, thank you socionics.

    I can see how damn frustrated ENFPs get though, we are definitely hard to get and close ourselves off, sometimes at stupid times. Remember an ISTP may do that just because they have been stressed at home or are tired lately as well.

    This post is long enough, Im out.

    {♠x<º))))><¸.·´¯`·.¸IcEPiCk¸.·´¯`·.¸><((((º>x♠ }

  32. #72

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    Fair enough. We are most realistic in our approach to love and not really idealists, that tends to help with our interaction with our duals I think.

    Because ENFPs are idealistic it makes me feel like I have to be in tip top shape if Im going to make an attempt if any though.

    {♠x<º))))><¸.·´¯`·.¸IcEPiCk¸.·´¯`·.¸><((((º>x♠ }

  33. #73

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    Quote Originally Posted by NFp-
    Very well then.

    Don't mean to be intrusive but do ISTps drink to drown their sorrow?
    No, we drink alcohol because it is a vital part of our bodily fluids and makes up %3 up our blood stream.

    Actually, it just feels good. (Or maybe I'm foolin' myself and it is drowning away sorrows).

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Um, YES.

    True story...

    #$%& that bitch, Im gonna get drunk and light one up!

    -friend of a friend of a friend

    Its part of the self destructive nature we possess...
    {♠x<º))))><¸.·´¯`·.¸IcEPiCk¸.·´¯`·.¸><((((º>x♠ }

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    Drinking your sorrows away is such a bad idea (it could become a habit). Plus drinking makes me feel sick or depressed, so I avoid it at all costs in sad situations.

  36. #76

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    yes its not good EVERYTIME some shit in your life that you dont like pops up. I think a lot of ISFPs and ISTPs are at least *POTENTIAL* alcoholics, and I mean more potentially then others.

    Some people cry, but when you are less attached to your emotions you tend to physically manifest what you have buried or supressed. So you feel hurt or helpless deep inside, you can stop thinking about it and completely disconnect the signal with a bit of booze. However, I started working out because of the stress I was dealing with... Most ISTPs find that workouts (almost every ISTP I know lifts weights, jogs, or their job is very physically demanding). The workout can be an outlet for anger and even help you forget certain feelings.

    If you drink and drink or smoke and smoke your brains away to forget... The moment you stop drinking or smoking that pain can come back.

    However, getting drunk because you are feeling down isnt horrible I would argue, you just have to know yourself, know your limits, and recognize when its a problem/habit.

    I dont find it practical to be drinking everyday... Kiss your sleep, workouts, and life good bye.. NO THANKS!

    Once in a while with friends or you are thinking about someone who screwed you over *every ISTP has or will have one... Its coo to let loose, just dont be stupid, dont drink and drive...
    {♠x<º))))><¸.·´¯`·.¸IcEPiCk¸.·´¯`·.¸><((((º>x♠ }

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by NFp-
    Don't mean to be intrusive but do ISTps drink to drown their sorrow?
    yep...but then, this one time, when I downed a 40ozer of Vokda to myself... I had an apparition...I saw a military uniform, and a gun, with my name and serial number on em...things started to make a lot more senes then!
    Yesterday I knew nothing, today I know that.

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by ISTP
    Quote Originally Posted by NFp-
    Don't mean to be intrusive but do ISTps drink to drown their sorrow?
    yep...but then, this one time, when I downed a 40ozer of Vokda to myself... I had an apparition...I saw a military uniform, and a gun, with my name and serial number on em...things started to make a lot more senes then!
    Hahahahhahaahhha ohhhh classic


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